Examples of the the word, graft , in a Sentence Context

The word ( graft ), is the 10798 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Lions Eye Bank also maintains a waitlist of patients who require corneal, graft ,operations. About 100 corneas are provided by the Bank for transplant each year
  2. The days of Ohio Republican Party boss Mark Hanna, Harding was involved with, graft ,and excessive patronage. Harding allegedly arranged free public transit passes
  3. Invasion. However, Chiang presided over purges, political authoritarianism, and, graft , during his tenure in mainland China, and ruled throughout a period of imposed
  4. Was appointed to the board, which became his first vehicle for large-scale, graft ,; Tweed and other supervisors forced vendors to pay a 15 % overcharge to their "
  5. A tough membrane covering the cerebellum and spinal cord, is enlarged with a, graft , Like altering a suit of clothing, this procedure expands the area around the
  6. Of the aortic or other valve, then surgery (possibly a composite aortic valve, graft ,CAVE or valve-sparing procedure) becomes necessary. Although aortic graft
  7. The U. S. three centuries later) and, out of American material, proposition, graft , ( bribery),bad-mouth, vacation,major, backpack,backtrack, intern,ticket (
  8. Taylor vulgar, uneducated,cruel and greedy, and the Whigs attacking Class for, graft ,and dishonesty. The division of the Democrats over slavery allowed Taylor to
  9. Was accused of corruption, he demanded a retraction, not for the charge of, graft , but for the claim he was born in Waukegan, Illinois. Michael" Honky Dink "
  10. Period, and as a result of his interest and support Blaine was charged with, graft ,and corruption in the awarding of railroad charters. The proof or falsity of
  11. For impeachment include culpable violation of the Constitution, bribery, graft , and corruption, and betrayal of public trust. These offenses are considered "
  12. With him went his personal fortune of more than $300 million amassed through, graft ,and payoffs. Critics accused Batista and his supporters of taking as much as
  13. Corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion,cronyism, nepotism,patronage, graft , and embezzlement. While corruption may facilitate criminal enterprise such as
  14. The verb to inoculate is from Middle English inoculated, which meant" to, graft ,a scion" ( a scion is a plant part to be graft ed onto another plant); which
  15. Entitled Rhinoplasty. On Grade modified the Italian method using a free skin, graft ,from the arm instead of the original delayed pedicle flap. The first American
  16. Elected officials. Although the minutes proved a direct link between Urban and, graft ,activity, an edict from the office of Mitterrand, himself listed as a recipient
  17. Signed a municipal bill that protected Republican Party patronage and, graft , In early 1903 Harding announced his campaign for Governor of Ohio, which was
  18. Mantle tissue from a donor shell is transplanted into a recipient shell. This, graft ,will form a pearl sac and the tissue will precipitate calcium carbonate into
  19. To a slightly increased angle, and lengthened by about a centimeter. The neck, graft ,allows the original scroll to be kept with a Baroque violin when bringing its
  20. And somewhat corrupt public sector that included recipients of, graft ,extracted from foreign and domestic investors, and to costly state-developed
  21. S Municipal Court released her testimony which outlined the schedule of, graft ,due to the aldermen in return for allowing operations to continue in the Levee
  22. An example is bypass surgery, where clogged blood vessels are bypassed with a, graft ,from another part of the body. Alternatively, graft s may be from other persons
  23. That contain organization funds in their own names. Despite this, very little, graft ,has been experienced, and notable cases have involved insubstantial amounts of
  24. DGF) due to ischemia. Perfusion devices, often called kidney pumps, can extend, graft ,survival to 36–48 hours post recovery for kidneys. Research and development is
  25. Its existence. Like Niggle, Tolkien came to abandon other projects or, graft ,them onto his" Tree," Middle-earth. Like Niggle, Tolkien faced many chores
  26. Producing cultured pearls: use freshwater or seawater shells, transplant the, graft ,into the mantle or into the gonad, add a spherical bead or do it non-beaded.
  27. Crataegosorbus ×Crataemespilus ×Malodorous ×Sorbocotoneaster ×Sorbopyrus and, graft ,hybrids: +Crataegomespilus +Procyonid (Procyonid) A recent classification
  28. Away.: Now, pure of this filth: That was soiling your city, : Friends, we must, graft ,Orange: Onto the tree of Liberty.: And you, in whom your people place their
  29. Which spent Teleco's profits on politically-motivated campaigns and outright, graft , The practice continued with the Aristides government. Telephones - mobile
  30. The commando unit was unable to kill Rachel; instead, one member was able to, graft ,a" death mark" on her back that would allow them to find her wherever she went
  31. Government departments. In 1876,his reputation was severely damaged by the, graft ,trials of the Whiskey Ring. In addition, his image as a war hero was tarnished
  32. Defended Babcock in an unprecedented 1876 deposition during the Whiskey Ring, graft ,trials. The result of Grant's deposition saved his friend Babcock with an
  33. The symbols and things they represent. Hans Morale comments: 'If we could, graft ,a robot to a reasoning program, we wouldn't need a person to provide the
  34. Of permanent seating, reflected genuine unease, not simply at political, graft ,but at the erosion of public morals that must arise from frequent and
  35. Politics; competition amongst these three groups has fuelled corruption and, graft , Because of the above issues,Nigeria's current political parties are
  36. Corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion,cronyism, nepotism,patronage, graft , and embezzlement. While corruption may facilitate criminal enterprise such as
  37. Graft CAVE or valve-sparing procedure) becomes necessary. Although aortic, graft ,surgery (or any vascular surgery) is a serious undertaking it is generally
  38. Attempted to purge corruption by dismissing members of the KMT accused of, graft , Some major figures in the previous mainland China government, such as H. H.
  39. On lower doses of immunosuppressive drugs. Since zero mismatches have such high, graft ,survival these recipients are afforded priority regardless of location and wait
  40. Stenotic arteries in peripheral vascular disease, if a suitable autologous vein, graft ,is not available. PTFE can be used to prevent insects climbing up surfaces
  41. Successfully applied to chemically inert materials like polymers or silicon to, graft ,various functional groups to the surface of the implant. Polyanhydrides are
  42. He introduced topical story lines about television, juvenile delinquency, graft , organized crime, and other developments in American life during the 1950s.
  43. At a garage sale and read to death. I seem to remember asking my parents what ", graft ," was. One of the joys of Mad for me at the time was that it was always
  44. Governor of the state of New York, cleaning up large amounts of Tammany Hall's, graft , It came as a tremendous shock when, on July 21,the Buffalo Evening Telegraph
  45. Emerged as the center a vast web of illegal activities, including embezzlement, graft , drug trafficking, as well as human rights violations committed during the war
  46. Be transplanted into mice that are immunocompromised (SCID mice) to avoid, graft ,rejection, and tissue can be harvested later when mature follicles have
  47. For the project before it was announced to the public, and also because of, graft ,investigations of the huge cost overruns on the project. Both investigations
  48. Senate investigation into the Justice Department, had authorized a system of, graft ,between aides Jess Smith and Howard Manning ton. Both Manning ton and Smith
  49. For moronic buffoonery, barbaric crime, triumphant hoodlumism, unchecked, graft , and a dejected citizenship. He nearly ruined the property and completely
  50. Can be regarded as cloning, since all the shoots and branches coming from the, graft ,are genetically a clone of a single individual, but this particular kind of

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