Examples of the the word, methodological , in a Sentence Context

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  1. For bipolar II, and 2.4 % for subthreshold symptoms. There are conceptual and, methodological ,limitations and variations in the findings. Prevalence studies of bipolar
  2. All versions of the Copenhagen interpretation include at least a formal or, methodological ,version of wave function collapse, in which unobserved eigenvalues are removed
  3. Aspect associated with Alhazen's optical research is related to systemic and, methodological ,reliance on experimentation (i'Tiber) and controlled testing in his
  4. Been conducted, but their results often disagree, and they are typically of low, methodological ,quality. A 2010 report found that manual therapies commonly used by
  5. Suggesting that some form of treatment is preferable to no treatment,the, methodological ,quality of systematic reviews of these studies has generally been poor, their
  6. Effectiveness of homeopathic remedies against diluted mustard gas burns. The, methodological ,quality of the research base is generally low, with such problems as weaknesses
  7. Perspective and an“ empiricist” one.:“ Empirical research must be based on, methodological ,agnosticism with regard to religious and philosophical ‘ first principles ’
  8. Freedom, and studies suggest this is true. Continuous debates among scholars on, methodological ,issues in empirical studies of the connection between economic freedom and
  9. School of economics is a heterodox school of economic thought that advocates, methodological ,individualism in interpreting economic developments and emphasizes the
  10. Or" placebo ". The World Health Organization Scientific disagreement over, methodological ,aspects of research into acupuncture is not uncommon. Over the last decade
  11. Beliefs about their own cultural superiority. This point provides the, methodological ,foundation for Boas' cultural relativism: elements of a culture are meaningful
  12. Serve as little more than a 'reassurance fetish' ( Koch 1992) for mainstream, methodological ,practice. " Dividing lines Despite caveats in the introduction to the DSM, it
  13. Which did take into account subjective motives and intentional actions, methodological ,individualism). The first part of the book thus contains an extensive look at
  14. The subject investigated is strongly influenced by the researcher's, methodological ,approach. Economic geography examines relationships between human
  15. Publication of Grassmann's law in 1862,it was Karl Lerner who in 1875 made a, methodological ,breakthrough when he identified a pattern now known as Verner's law, the first
  16. Of Historicism in German Economics and launched the infamous Methodenstreit, or, methodological , debate,between the Historical School and the Austrian School. During this time
  17. The concept of a programming language, a tool for the precise expression of, methodological ,information at various levels of abstraction. * In cryptography, breaking the
  18. After the war, enough British and American anthropologists borrowed ideas and, methodological ,approaches from one another that some began to speak of them collectively as
  19. And socially situated action, Holzkamp launched a devastating and original, methodological ,attack on behaviorism (which he termed S–R (stimulus–response) psychology)
  20. But the findings have to be interpreted with caution due to the generally low, methodological ,quality of the included studies (as, amongst others, data for
  21. However, epiphenomenalism flourished primarily as it found a niche among, methodological ,or scientific behaviorism. In the early 1900s scientific behaviorists such as
  22. Has an effect over placebo. The evidence, however,is not convincing because of, methodological ,shortcomings and inconsistencies. " Jay Shelton, author of a book on homeopathy
  23. Queries must not modify the instance. This is not a language rule but a, methodological ,principle. So in good Eiffel style, one does not find" get" functions that
  24. Other published dolphin-assisted therapy (DAT) studies have found important, methodological ,flaws and have concluded that there is no compelling scientific evidence that
  25. Personality (1950). This book has been heavily criticized on theoretical and, methodological ,grounds, but some of its findings have been confirmed by further empirical
  26. Depends upon God, or better, all is a gift from God. While supporting the, methodological ,naturalism inherent in modern science, the proponents of theistic evolution
  27. Psychology and other social sciences. There is also a history of significant, methodological ,innovation by educational psychologists, and psychologists investigating
  28. Tested: Creationism posits supernatural causes which lie outside the realm of, methodological ,naturalism and scientific experiment. Science can only test empirical, natural
  29. All anthropologists today accept Boas' commitment to empiricism and his, methodological ,cultural relativism. Moreover, virtually all cultural anthropologists today
  30. Out of reach of introspection. At the moment we must content ourselves, as the, methodological ,behaviorist insists, with a person's genetic and environment histories. What
  31. Origins of the universe, Earth,and life are rooted in a priori presumptions of, methodological ,naturalism and uniformitarianism, each of which is disputed. In some areas of
  32. A close reading of Lovecraft's fiction. Historical materialism is a, methodological ,approach to the study of society, economics,and history, first articulated by
  33. Finance and debt figure for Greece following an excessive deficit procedure, methodological ,mission in Athens, and put Greece's 2009 government deficit at 15.4 % of GDP
  34. Work published in journals such as Consciousness and Cognition, and, methodological , work published in journals such as the Journal of Consciousness Studies, along
  35. Argument. Because" Hume's plan is to extend to philosophy in general the, methodological ,limitations of Newtonian physics ", Hume is characterized as an empiricist.
  36. Postulating a continuity between Cauchy's rigor and Weierstrass rigor is a, methodological ,error; again see Klein's comment on the two strands. To Cauchy, rigor meant
  37. I am) is also commonly associated with Descartes' theory, because in his own, methodological ,doubt, doubting everything he previously knew in order to start from a blank
  38. And sociocultural history) is connected to broader historiographical and, methodological ,interests which deal with the relation between history and other disciplines:
  39. Research results to produce a quantitative literature review, is another, methodological ,innovation with a close association to educational psychology. In a
  40. Researchers, as a method of collecting data, and * cultural relativism as a, methodological ,tool while conducting fieldwork, and as heuristic tool while analyzing data.
  41. That man must use his capacities for knowledge correctly and carefully through, methodological ,doubt. The phrase" Bonito ergo sum" ( I think, therefore I am) is also
  42. For Murphy, a theology of the cross requires that Christians accept a, methodological ,naturalism, meaning that one cannot invoke God to explain natural phenomena
  43. Of casuistry is somewhat rehabilitated. A good reference, analyzing the, methodological ,structure of casuistic argument, is The Abuse of Casuistry: A History of Moral
  44. By the mid 19th Century, environmental determinism was under attack for lacking, methodological ,rigor associated with modern science, and later than serving to justify racism
  45. A method. Rather, he claimed that if one is keen to have a universally valid, methodological ,rule, epistemological anarchism or anything goes would be the only candidate.
  46. From flatness at large redshifts. According to Allan Bandage, There were, methodological ,problems with Hubble's survey technique that showed a deviation from flatness
  47. And semantic purity. Reynolds's" idealized" Algol also made a convincing, methodological ,argument regarding the suitability of" local" effects in the context of
  48. Functioning and vulnerability. This has been described as" an ethical and, methodological ,issue ", as it means no one can be considered as being recovered (only" in
  49. Catabolic versatility of microorganisms to degrade/convert such compounds. New, methodological ,breakthroughs in sequencing, genomics,proteomics, bioinformatics and imaging
  50. Attempt to prescribe a rationally unavoidable method for science. Sophisticated, methodological ,falsification, on the other hand, is a prescription of a way in which

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