Examples of the the word, rainy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rainy ), is the 10182 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The temperature reaches an average of in March, the hottest month in the, rainy ,season (called kamikaze, December to April),and an average low of in the
  2. Springfield, Massachusetts,USA, was trying to keep his gym class active on a, rainy ,day. He sought a vigorous indoor game to keep his students occupied and at
  3. Where thunderstorms occur sparsely once or twice a month. Winters are cool and, rainy , with a January average of; in NEA Filadelfeia and in Wellington; Snowstorms
  4. A front called the" intertropical convergence zone ". At the height of the, rainy ,season, the front may reach as far as Kane Prefecture. By the middle of the
  5. From the far north, most regions are characterized by a cycle of alternating, rainy ,and dry seasons. In any given year, the duration of each season is determined
  6. From 9,800 square kilometers in the dry season to 25,500 at the end of the, rainy ,season. Lake Chad also changes greatly in size from one year to another. In
  7. To subarctic. Much of the state has a Mediterranean climate, with cool, rainy ,winters and dry summers. The cool California Current offshore often creates
  8. Is tropical equatorial with two seasons. Dry season is extremely hot (. Wet or, rainy ,season is generally warm and wet (). Most of the country is a flat coastal
  9. Trees similar to those of the Gerardo and is partly submerged during the, rainy ,season. Brazil, which is named after reddish dye wood (pay Brazil),has long
  10. Which crosses the North Pacific Ocean, coastal British Columbia has a mild, rainy ,oceanic climate. Due to the blocking presence of successive mountain ranges
  11. And in the summer. It has two seasons; dry season (May to October) and hot, rainy ,season (November to April). Economy Angola has a rich subsoil heritage, from
  12. The south and west coasts enjoy a typical Mediterranean climate, with mild, rainy ,winters, and warm dry summers. The Black Sea and Marmara coasts have temperate
  13. In the dry season, the harmattan – a hot dry wind from the Sahara – blows. The, rainy ,season lasts approximately four months, May/June to September, and is shorter
  14. Aversive event (e.g., opening and raising an umbrella over your head on a, rainy ,day is reinforced by the cessation of rain falling on you). Both types of
  15. Rivers, most of Botswana's rivers cease to flow during the dry and early, rainy ,seasons. Natural hazards Botswana is affected by periodic droughts, and
  16. 24-hour period causing severe flooding. Because of this irregularity, only 37, rainy , days are observed on average per year, and the annual number of sunshine hours
  17. Mountains (see Alaska boundary dispute). The region is noted for its mild, rainy ,climate and beautiful scenery. Geography Southeast Alaska is the northern
  18. Vietnamese forces invaded Cambodia, advancing about before the arrival of the, rainy ,season. The reasons for Chinese support of the CPK was to prevent a
  19. Dry," usually occurs in late July or August, after the initial onset of the, rainy ,season. Hurricanes have played key—and devastating—roles in Belizean history.
  20. The worst effects of the region's tropical storms and hurricanes during the, rainy ,season. The far eastern location in the Atlantic Ocean puts the country just
  21. Of tropical or subtropical grasses and woodlands. The growth is lush during the, rainy ,season but turns brown and dormant during the five-month dry season between
  22. Zone between the desert and the southern Jordanian zone is divided into a, rainy ,season (from June to early September) and a dry period (from October to May
  23. Atlantic Ocean to the southwest and a much drier continental mass. During the, rainy ,season, winds from the southwest push the moister maritime system north over
  24. Hot (desert); too cold (Arctic); too rocky; too mountainous; too salty; too, rainy ,; too snowy; too polluted; or too nutrient poor. Clouds may block the sunlight
  25. Only the soil of Whom capital and neither the king nor the country. The, rainy ,season was fast approaching and so Mir Lumley II halted there and made necessary
  26. Scattered oases. Outside these settlements, nomads tend their flocks during the, rainy ,season, moving southward as forage and surface water disappear with the onset
  27. In the dry season, the harmattan – a hot dry wind from the Sahara – blows. The, rainy ,season lasts approximately four months, May/June to September, and is shorter
  28. The first quarter to take the margin out to 15 and 21 points respectively. At a, rainy ,Sardinia Park two weeks later, the Lions failed to score a goal in the first
  29. Principal rainy season is from April to late July, with a shorter less intense, rainy ,period from late September to November. The main dry season is from December to
  30. Of water released by the Amazon to the Atlantic Ocean is enormous: up to in the, rainy ,season, with an average of from 1973 to 1990. The Amazon is responsible for
  31. Pressure and humidity decrease in higher elevations. The southern section is, rainy ,and cool, the central Andes are dry. The northern Andes are typically rainy and
  32. Loamy soil, using pieces of mature root planted at the start of the, rainy ,season. Name "/IN"> EB"/> Growers harvest aback fields every three to eight
  33. Is rainy and cool, the central Andes are dry. The northern Andes are typically, rainy ,and warm, with an average temperature of in Colombia. The climate is known to
  34. Of the Chart and Logon rivers, much of which are inundated during the, rainy ,season. Farther south, the basin floor slopes upward, forming a series of low
  35. Such as BR-319 (Manaus-Porto Hello),are derelict and impassable in the, rainy ,season. Small towns and villages are scattered across the forest and because
  36. Extensions designed by John Smith of Aberdeen. The latter trip was extremely, rainy , which led Sir James Clark, the Queen's physician, to recommend Dee side for
  37. Rainfall in the coastal area averages 1300 mm or about 51 inches. Benin has two, rainy ,and two dry seasons per year. The principal rainy season is from April to late
  38. And 110 days, producing one to five cubs (most often two or three) during the, rainy ,season, when termites are active. The first six to eight weeks
  39. In the summer are rare. Summer is a mixture of southwestern mild, windy and, rainy ,low-pressure systems, and periods of stable high pressures. In summer
  40. Fast has a primarily tropical climate with two very distinct seasons. In the, rainy ,season, the country receives between 600 and 900 millimeters (23.6 and 35.4 in
  41. Oriental, Moyen-Chari, and southern Salazar. Between April and October,the, rainy ,season brings between of precipitation. Temperatures are high throughout the
  42. In the south, normally only lasting from February to April. A shorter, less, rainy , period,known locally as the" little dry," usually occurs in late July or
  43. Fast has a primarily tropical climate with two very distinct seasons. In the, rainy ,season, the country receives between of rainfall; in the dry season, the
  44. 51 inches. Benin has two rainy and two dry seasons per year. The principal, rainy ,season is from April to late July, with a shorter less intense rainy period
  45. Sandy clay soil. The most important of these streams is the Bath, which in the, rainy ,season carries water west from the Saddam Highlands and the Guerra Massif to
  46. Compared with a mean of at Cherrapunji, in Meghalaya, India. The two distinct, rainy ,seasons of the equatorial zone, where the sun is vertical at half-yearly
  47. Sunset around 25 May, traditionally the date of transition from the dry to the, rainy ,season Stonehenge Many astronomical alignments have been claimed for Stonehenge
  48. Thirty kilometers through a large delta and into Lake Chad. At the end of the, rainy ,season in the fall, the river overflows its banks and creates a huge floodplain
  49. S climate shows Mediterranean (CSA) characteristics, namely mild, variably, rainy , winters and hot summers that, at times, can be very humid; January and February
  50. Regions regularly cause deaths and considerable damage to property during the, rainy ,seasons. Rainfall intensities vary with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation which

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