Examples of the the word, equivalency , in a Sentence Context

The word ( equivalency ), is the 10716 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Out of a circle such as the circle of fifths,to represent octave, equivalency , Jimmy Young (November 14, 1948 – February 20, 2005) was a fast highly
  2. Mats of the fifty ton weight class, the latter indicated at about 400 mm RNA, equivalency , the higher level at the same time protecting against shaped charges.
  3. Cell function by altering the transcription of genes. The concept of toxic, equivalency ,factors (TEF) is based on the ability of a PCB to activate AHR. However, not
  4. Agreement for academic engineering degrees, recognizing the substantial, equivalency ,in the standards set by many major national engineering bodies. In the United
  5. Of osteopathy on May 10, 1892. While the state of Missouri, recognizing the, equivalency ,of the curriculum, was willing to grant him a charter for awarding the MD
  6. F-clef on the third line, to which it is exactly equivalent. Because of this, equivalency , it was rarely used in the past; the baritone F-clef was used instead.
  7. Turing machines are equivalent with deterministic Turing machines. This, equivalency ,refers to what can be computed, as opposed to how quickly. NTFS effectively
  8. Such as the Degrees and Diplomas Act 1962 granted retrospective recognition and, equivalency ,of degrees and diploma granted by predecessor institutions. Vice-Chancellors
  9. Face value by international actors and observers reflected the prism of 'moral, equivalency ,' through which the conflict in Bosnia was viewed by too many for too long. UN
  10. Equivalent nature of the six carbon-carbon bonds all bond order ~1.5. This, equivalency ,is well explained by resonance forms. The electrons are visualized as floating
  11. Ranked higher than commander, the chaplain is subordinate. Although this, equivalency ,exists, RAN chaplains who are Division 1,2 and 3 do not actually wear the rank
  12. Ketones into symmetrical and unsymmetrical derivatives, depending on the, equivalency ,of the two organic substituent attached to the carbonyl center. Acetone and
  13. 46 % of adults over 25 years of age have completed high school (including, equivalency , ) 7.6 % hold Associate Degrees; 11 %, Bachelor; 2.9 %, Master; 0.4 %
  14. The creation of the Puerto Rican provincial peso in 1895 giving both coins the, equivalency ,of 5 pesetas. The new monetary standard finally established the Peso as 25
  15. Males. Some 81.3 % of the population had completed high school or earned an, equivalency ,diploma. There were 40,709 households in 2000,out of which 22.0 % had children
  16. Of the system of twelve-tone equal temperament, where octave and enharmonic, equivalency ,occurs (that is, pitches in a 1∶2 or 2∶1 ratio are equivalent, and C-sharp is
  17. For clinical depression. Comparative clinical studies demonstrated the, equivalency ,of bupropion and sertraline (Zoloft),fluoxetine (Prozac),paroxetine (
  18. Of equality too obvious to warrant explicit mention.: This article is about, equivalency ,in mathematics; for equivalency in music see equivalence class (music). In
  19. As well as part-whole relationships (meronymy and homonyms). *The, equivalency ,relationship is used primarily to connect synonyms and near-synonyms. Use (USE
  20. With different root notes, are not perceived as being the same; transpositional, equivalency ,and especially inversion equivalency are not considered applicable. A
  21. Of the certificate if it chooses. Many jurisdictions award honors-level, equivalency ,diplomas to students meeting certain criteria higher than those for a standard
  22. Becomes the wage rate. The point of optimization (point A) reflects the, equivalency ,between the wage rate and the marginal rate of substitution, leisure for income
  23. Explicit mention.: This article is about equivalency in mathematics; for, equivalency ,in music see equivalence class (music). In mathematics, given a set X and an
  24. Ratio, and whose pitches are considered equivalent to each other as with octave, equivalency , When used as a basis for an equal temperament, the pseudo-octave may also be
  25. PCBs are almost invariably found in complex mixtures, the concept of toxic, equivalency ,factors (Tens) has been developed to facilitate risk assessment and
  26. As being the same; transpositional equivalency and especially inversion, equivalency ,are not considered applicable. A successful tonal piece of music, or a
  27. Notation—the name of a note an octave above A is also A. This is called octave, equivalency , the assumption that pitches one or more octaves apart are musically equivalent
  28. Revenue from tourism rose to a record $224.6 million (or a 5,267 full-time-job, equivalency ,) despite a 1.4 % statewide tourism slowdown. Kenosha's tourism activity and
  29. Policy). Some commentators compared the Major Government's policy to 'amoral, equivalency ,' because it appeared to judge the Bosnian Government and the Bosnian Serbs
  30. With MySQL, ensuring a" drop-in" replacement capability with library binary, equivalency ,and exacting matching with MySQL APIs and commands. It includes the Trade
  31. The profits in Ruthless Records. He later received a high-school general, equivalency ,diploma (GED). In 1986,at the age of 23,Wright had allegedly earned as much
  32. Known as the ringer approximated loading number (RAN). Explanation A ringer, equivalency ,number of 1 represents the loading effect of a single" traditional" telephone
  33. Northern Dynasties Henning (1948) also exorcised the perpetual debate about, equivalency ,of the numerous Chinese phonetic renditions of the word Hun and the Huns known
  34. To their respective abilities to economize on transaction costs). The, equivalency ,result also underlies Coase's (1937) proposition that the boundaries of the
  35. Are perceived the same way as if they were played in one octave, or octave, equivalency , Tonal music also assumes that scales have harmonic implication or diatonic
  36. Music, pitches are named with integers because of octave and enharmonic, equivalency ,(for example, in a serial system, C and D are considered the same pitch, while
  37. Flexibility to better serve these clients. Uniform adoption of the substantial, equivalency ,provision included in the Uniform Accountancy Act (the model bill for CPA
  38. Islamic jurisprudence was" surplus value without counterpart ", or " to ensure, equivalency ,in real value ", and that" numerical value was immaterial. " Applying interest
  39. Of the reasons I think this happened is because people were engaged in moral, equivalency ,in not understanding the difference between liberal democracies like the United
  40. Places in a chord will be heard differently, thus there is no enharmonic, equivalency , In tonal music, chords which are moved to different keys, or played with
  41. Of the library's collection, and he also helps a number of prisoners earn, equivalency ,diplomas, preparing them for life after parole. The warden of Shaw shank, Norton
  42. Sung one or a multiple of an octave apart are almost in unison, due to octave, equivalency , When there are two or more voices singing different notes, this is called "
  43. Was a key goal of the osteopathic medical profession in its effort to establish, equivalency ,with its MD counterparts. During the World War I, the AOA protested the fact
  44. Some states that have non-ABA-approved schools or state-accredited schools have, equivalency ,requirements that usually equal 90 credits toward a bachelor's degree.
  45. The octave),inherently include octave circularity. Monkeys experience octave, equivalency , and its biological basis apparently is an octave mapping of neurons in the
  46. Masters or doctoral degree in music therapy. Many MTA approved programs offer, equivalency ,and certificate degrees in music therapy for students that have completed a
  47. Protection level of different T-72 models in rolled homogeneous armor, equivalency , I.e. The composite armor of the turret of a T-72B offers as much protection
  48. Of intermediate literates who only have fourth to eighth grade literacy, equivalency ,(but are high school graduates) and who have not obtained a functional or
  49. Terms. These relationships can be divided into three types: hierarchical, equivalency ,or associative. *Hierarchical relationships are used to indicate terms which
  50. Had some college or an associate's degree,21.6 % had a high school diploma or, equivalency , 6.8 % had between a 9th and 12th grade level of education, and 3.6 % had an

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