Examples of the the word, attempted , in a Sentence Context

The word ( attempted ), is the 10728 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. L'Anne aux Meadows archeological evidence. *In 1003,Thornier Karlsefni led an, attempted ,Viking settlement in North America but was driven off by the natives. *In 1004
  2. Authors like A. Mann (Ky pros UND her Ur sprung DES Aphroditekultes 1881), attempted , to portray the cult of Aphrodite as a native Greek development. Scholarly
  3. Waite, and Rudolf Steiner. Hitchcock, in his Remarks Upon Alchemists (1855), attempted , to make a case for his spiritual interpretation with his claim that the
  4. In Tanzania, a popular writer, columnist and satirist M. M. Mwanakijiji has, attempted ,to emulate Swift in his own 'A Modest Proposal - On how Change People should be
  5. Headed by elements of the former Armenian National Movement government, attempted ,unsuccessfully to force Cochran to resign. Cochran was successful in riding
  6. Hadar Alien. In 1994,Surat Human, by that time a prime minister, attempted ,another military coup against Hadar Alien, but Human was arrested and
  7. The classification and description of phenomena in the sky, while astrophysics, attempted ,to explain these phenomena and the differences between them using physical laws
  8. Was being subjected, academic writers during the scientific Enlightenment, attempted , for the sake of survival, to separate and divorce the" new" chemistry from
  9. Asked for new sources. Arsenals were raided, and some manufacturing was, attempted ,; 90 % of the supply (2 million pounds) was imported by the end of 1776
  10. Egyptian Army headquarters in the Nile Valley of Upper Egypt. *1971 – An, attempted ,coup fails in the African nation of Chad. The Government of Chad accuses Egypt
  11. With the help of his then mistress and fellow initiate Elaine Simpson), attempted , to help crush the rebellion and unsuccessfully tried to seize a London temple
  12. That there are some who do not agree with this idea. When Todd's grandson, attempted ,to sell Todd's Oscar statuette to a movie prop collector, the Academy won the
  13. For a temporary jail were sought. Following a burglary, a murder, and two, attempted ,murders in Adelaide during March 1838,Governor Hind marsh created the South
  14. Paragraph International. Calligrapher's design was quite sophisticated; it, attempted ,to learn the user's natural handwriting, using a database of known words to
  15. Of Brisingamen ". Whilst engaged in writing in his spare time, Garner, attempted , to gain employment as a teacher, but soon gave that up, believing that" I
  16. Of inertia, now known as Newton's first law of motion. His theory of may also, attempted ,to provide a quantities relation between the weight and velocity of a moving
  17. Forays into untested products. Rather than submit to Sculley's direction, Jobs, attempted , to oust him from his leadership role at Apple. Sculley found out that Jobs had
  18. By the time of the" 1984" TV ad, this trait had become a key way the company, attempted ,to differentiate itself from its competitors. As the company has grown and been
  19. On perforated tape. They proposed a 9-track standard for magnetic tape, and, attempted , to deal with some forms of punched card formats. ASCII itself was first used
  20. During his absence, his political rivals (mainly Göring, and Martin Bormann), attempted , to have some of his powers permanently transferred to them. According to Speer
  21. Country and the Illinois Country, the Virginia frontiersman George Rogers Clark, attempted ,to neutralize British influence among the Ohio tribes by capturing the outposts
  22. Nathaniel P. Banks was to capture Mobile, Alabama. Union forces in the East, attempted ,to maneuver past Lee and fought several battles during that phase (" Grant's
  23. That it was element 87,caused by the alpha decay of actinium-227. Peary then, attempted ,to determine the proportion of beta decay to alpha decay in actinium-227. Her
  24. Front back to power. Months later, the former ruling class responded with an, attempted ,coup causing the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939). In response to the army
  25. Hyacinths # Ia pis # Educates, who threw himself off a rock when Apollo, attempted ,to carry him off Andre Kirk Agassi () (born April 29, 1970) is a retired
  26. PDA systems used in museums today, and it boasted features that have not been, attempted ,since. Alfred Elton van Vogt (April 26, 1912 – January 26, 2000) was a
  27. Particular individuals, events,or eras. The social sciences have generally, attempted ,to develop scientific methods to understand social phenomena in a generalizable
  28. Phenomena ". Two papers he published in 1902–1903 (thermodynamics), attempted , to interpret atomic phenomena from a statistical point of view. These papers
  29. Anticipating the interpretive distortion on the part of the popular mind of his, attempted ,scientific explanation of pederasty as a personal advocacy of a phenomenon
  30. Service, and undertook cases for the British government, including foiling the, attempted ,abduction of the Prime Minister. Readers were told that the British authority
  31. After Willie's death, in the summer or early fall of 1862,Lincoln apparently, attempted ,to put on paper his private thoughts on why, from a divine standpoint, the
  32. Work Human Action. Murray Rothbard, a student of Miles, is the man who, attempted ,to meld Austrian economics with classical liberalism and individualist
  33. Element 119,although this is not certain. The synthesis of ununpentium was, attempted ,in 1985 by bombarding a target of einsteinium-254 with calcium-48 ions at the
  34. Facilities have been subjected to various forms of violence, including murder, attempted ,murder, kidnapping,stalking, assault,arson, and bombing. Anti-abortion
  35. As an outgrowth of the Age of Enlightenment, a period when Europeans, attempted ,systematically to study human behavior, the known varieties of which had been
  36. Twice and plundered the Balkans, but was unable to take Constantinople. He also, attempted ,to conquer Roman Gaul (modern France),crossing the Rhine in 451 and marching
  37. Proviso, and FIDE declared that Fischer relinquished his crown. Karol later, attempted ,to set up another match with Fischer, but all the negotiations fell through.
  38. Friedrich Krause. Krause was then a minor and rather unorthodox philosopher who, attempted ,to mix his own ideas with that of ancient Indian wisdom. Krause had also
  39. Scale of weights and engine capacities to try to limit performance. The FIA, attempted ,to make Group C into a virtual" two-seater Grand Prix" format in the early
  40. Machine can act intelligently" as a working hypothesis, many researchers have, attempted ,to build such a machine. The general problem of simulating (or creating)
  41. After high school graduation and do not return. The University of Alaska has, attempted ,to combat this by offering partial four-year scholarships to the top 10 % of
  42. Organ failure, and is not recommended by physicians. Abortion is sometimes, attempted ,by causing trauma to the abdomen. The degree of force, if severe, can cause
  43. British considered this trade to include contraband military supplies and had, attempted ,to stop it, at first diplomatically by appealing to previous treaty obligations
  44. Him as a major influence on her thinking. More recently, Alasdair MacIntyre has, attempted ,to reform what he calls the Aristotelian tradition in a way that is
  45. The rebellion, while 15 to 20 percent remained loyal to the Crown. The rest, attempted ,to remain neutral and kept a low profile. At least 25,000 Loyalists fought on
  46. Frankenstein, were far more mainstream than anything Warhol as a director had, attempted , These latter" Warhol" films starred Joe Alejandro – more of a Morrissey
  47. And Dr Jules Jacot-Guillarmod. Together the Eckenstein-Crowley expedition, attempted ,to climb the mountain K2,which at that time no other Europeans had attempted .
  48. Athena rules with Apollo. Other stories Apollo killed the Cloacae when they, attempted ,to storm Mt. Olympus. Callimachus sang that Apollo rode on the back of a swan
  49. Footrace between" swift-footed" Achilles and a tortoise, by which he, attempted ,to show that Achilles could not catch up to a tortoise with a head start, and
  50. Of Monitor. Lacking the technology to build effective warships, the Confederacy, attempted ,to obtain warships from Britain. Northern technology achieved another

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