Examples of the the word, greedy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( greedy ), is the 10724 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Estonian resistance. The Christian kingdoms of Denmark and Sweden were also, greedy ,for conquests on the Eastern shores of the Baltic. While the Swedes made only
  2. Dry season when food was scarce; contemporary reports speak of the birds' ", greedy ," appetite. In captivity, with food readily available, the birds became overfed
  3. Lazy quantification The standard quantifiers in regular expressions are, greedy , meaning they match as much as they can. For example, to find the first
  4. Outlined above, does not guarantee a solution: like all hill climbing (i.e., greedy ,) procedures, it may get stuck on a local optimum (in which case the algorithm
  5. Reduces the exponential nature of many problems to polynomial complexity. * The, greedy ,method. A greedy algorithm is similar to a dynamic programming algorithm, but
  6. Into where you got it, but you have to have it. *lines 14.210-255 – The, greedy ,son will surpass his father as much as Achilles did Pele us. Instilling avarice
  7. Is a comically villainous dragon. He stands midway between Smug, evil and, greedy , and The Reluctant Dragon, comical and timid. Chrysophylax (Χρυσοφύλαξ) is
  8. Tempos ă | militia | eye | | data DE | were me | eye.:: (" I saw only Virgil, greedy ,Fate gave Bibulous no time for me. ") The Greeks and Romans also used a number
  9. Frec" desirous, greedy ,gluttonous, audacious " and Old High German free ", greedy ,". John Window interprets both Old Norse names as nominalized adjectives. Bruce
  10. Restaurant critic) is essentially comic and treats the small ambitions of the, greedy ,eater as though they were big and noble, spoofing the idea of the heroic while
  11. Raised money from his vassals made him quite unpopular; he was described as, greedy ,and ambitious and that is corroborated by records of the time. His regular
  12. Then constant space. Greedy approximation algorithm George Anti proposed a, greedy ,approximation algorithm to solve the unbounded knapsack problem. His version
  13. Norse mythology, Geri and Free (Old Norse, both meaning" the ravenous" or ", greedy ,one" ) are two wolves which are said to accompany the god Odin. They are
  14. Of item, if m is the maximum value of items that fit into the sack, then the, greedy ,algorithm is guaranteed to achieve at least a value of m/2. However, for the
  15. And they attributed it collectively, not to" the rule of heaven as to the, greedy ,and cruel policy of England. " He continued in the same article to write that
  16. Girs, Old Norse gear and Old High German Ger or girl, all of which mean ", greedy ,". The name Free can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic adjective *freak
  17. The names Germ and Free have been interpreted as meaning either" the, greedy ,one" or" the ravenous one ". The name Germ can be traced back to the
  18. Problems. But when it works, it will be the fastest method. The most popular, greedy ,algorithm is finding the minimal spanning tree as given by Huffman Tree
  19. Six facets of the financial canards: #All Jews are wealthy #Jews are stingy and, greedy ,#Powerful Jews control business world #Jewish religion emphasizes profit and
  20. Surname Large in the 1971 film. ) *George or Georgie: Effectively Alex's, greedy ,second-in-command. Georgie attempts to undermine Alex's status as leader of
  21. Or Belgium – France never achieved any such gain, but was made to look, greedy ,and untrustworthy. A suitable premise for war arose in 1870,when the German
  22. Roles apply the church's secular power, are both portrayed as deeply corrupt, greedy , and abusive. A pardoner in Chaucer's day was a person from whom one bought
  23. Give him an inch, and he'll take an ell" ( the person in question will become, greedy ,if shown generosity) *" Milestone" ( an event indicating significant
  24. Solutions to the subproblems do not have to be known at each stage; instead a ", greedy ," choice can be made of what looks best for the moment. The greedy method
  25. This pattern will actually return" ," because the * quantifier is, greedy ,— it will consume as many characters as possible from the input, and " January
  26. Network until all available bandwidth is consumed and packets are dropped. Such, greedy ,protocols tend to increase latency and packet loss for all users. Commercial
  27. In several languages) which suggest that Jews are stingy, or, greedy , or miserly, or aggressive bargainers. Krefeld suggests that during the
  28. Nature of many problems to polynomial complexity. * The greedy method. A, greedy ,algorithm is similar to a dynamic programming algorithm, but the difference is
  29. Randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP): successive constructions of a, greedy ,randomized solution and subsequent iterative improvements of it through a local
  30. Honor, as requesting gifts from friends for a near relative is seen as either, greedy ,or begging. Costume or fancy dress party At a masquerade ball, guests wear
  31. In New York, by Edward Martin, writing:" Kansas is apt to see in New York a, greedy ,city.... It inclines to think that the big apple gets a disproportionate share
  32. A given constant. The package-merge algorithm solves this problem with a simple, greedy ,approach very similar to that used by Huffman's algorithm. Its time complexity
  33. Could yield $25 million. The supporting cast featured Raymond Bailey as Jed's, greedy , unscrupulous banker Wilburn Drysdale; Harriet E. Mac Gibbon as Drysdale's
  34. The Spaniards, both men and women that are accustomed to the country are very, greedy ,of this Chocolate. They say they make diverse sorts of it, some hot, some cold
  35. The democratic system of his time, saying that workers, ruthlessly exploited by, greedy ,employers, lived in abject poverty and were too ignorant and apathetic to vote
  36. Avaricious ", Old Norse freer" greedy ", Old English free" desirous, greedy , gluttonous, audacious " and Old High German free" greedy ". John Window
  37. The South Park episode" The Ring" Mickey Mouse is depicted as the sadistic, greedy ,boss of The Walt Disney Company, only interested in money. In an episode of "
  38. To Bennett, good reductionist explain apparent design without skyhooks;, greedy ,reductionist try to explain it without cranes. Chapter 4 looks at the tree of
  39. Thereafter, he died of white arsenic poisoning, allegedly murdered by his, greedy ,sister. External links * Lymphedema (lymphedema in British English),also
  40. Of Tanzania and the Gujarat of Southern Senegal view hyenas as inedible and, greedy ,hermaphrodites. A mythical African tribe called the Gouda is reputed to house
  41. Hundingsbana I, verse 13,where it is related that they roam the field ", greedy ,for the corpses of those who have fallen in battle ". In the Prose Edda book
  42. Offspring programs. The important point is that our selection process is not, greedy , Individuals that are known to be inferior still have some chance of being
  43. Attested in Gothic faihu-friks" covetous, avaricious ", Old Norse freer ", greedy ,", Old English free" desirous, greedy ,gluttonous, audacious " and Old High
  44. 小 in this context means petty in mind and heart, narrowly self-interested, greedy , superficial, or materialistic. Rectification of names Confucius believed that
  45. At a certain point, the Kingdom of Darkness notices the World of Light, becomes, greedy , for it and attacks it. The Father of Greatness, in the first of three "
  46. Computer programs to play electronic music, was created by Max Mathews. New, greedy ,algorithms developed by Robert C. Prim and Joseph Crustal, revolutionized
  47. The theorized Proto-Germanic form of the term) is essentially an" image of a, greedy , restoring, female deity" and that" the higher we are allowed to penetrate
  48. Instead a" greedy " choice can be made of what looks best for the moment. The, greedy ,method extends the solution with the best possible decision (not all feasible
  49. Consider this theory obsolete, but another proposal from Germanic would be ", greedy ,men ". Teutonic, Deutsch Trying to identify a contemporary vernacular term and
  50. For seeking to make distinctions that aren't as universal as claimed (, greedy ,reductionism) *for serious bias in point of view (subject-object problem or

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