Examples of the the word, insanity , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Become the first one on his block with a confirmed kill. He witnesses Pyle's, insanity ,in boot camp, but nevertheless becomes a" squared away" Marine. He later
  2. Susie ', but in different capacities each time, Morris paints a picture of, insanity ,with sober and reasonable clarity. *Michael Alexander St. John: A parody of
  3. Formal declaration of incapacity to rule, usually on such medical grounds as, insanity ,or coma, may either result in suspension (see below) or termination of the
  4. Two of mankind's the most frightful enemies—the heritage of consumption and, insanity , " Christian Munch’s military pay was very low, and his attempts at developing
  5. To the archetypal character of someone whose prophetic insight is obscured by, insanity , turning their revelations into riddles or disjointed statements that are not
  6. Disorder, this 'type of behavior disorder in the past was called" moral, insanity ," or" moral imbecility" '. Causes (etiology) Evolutionary theories Some
  7. Rage by my silence, rather than any new things written to provoke daily the, insanity ,of the envious. " But the http://www.bible-researcher.com/trent1.html Canon of
  8. Of Sweden. His major subjects were death, illness,faith, betrayal,and, insanity , Bergman was active for more than six decades. In 1976 his career was seriously
  9. Collaborated with experimental psychologist Alfred Benet to create plays about, insanity , one of the theater's frequently recurring themes. Camille Choosy served as
  10. From God" to kill him, was later acquitted of attempted murder on grounds of, insanity , but was detained for treatment in a secure hospital. He was released in 2002
  11. Whom he drove from Thrace, and was driven mad by the god. In his fit of, insanity ,he killed his son, whom he mistook for a stock of mature ivy, and Ambrosia, who
  12. And an additional count of false imprisonment, amid Hunt's withdrawal of his, insanity ,plea. District Attorney Kamala Harris said," Crimes motivated by hate are
  13. Mania and depression, which he termed folio à double form (‘ dual-form, insanity ,’). Two weeks later, on February 14, 1854,Jean-Pierre Fleet presented a
  14. Roams the steppe with the animals. It is also possible that a reference to the, insanity ,of Nebuchadnezzar is to be found in the cuneiform text: BM 34113. Historicity
  15. Is a form of major self-injury usually as a result of major mental illness. *, insanity ,or social deviancy - (Cannibalism is not mentioned in the formal index of
  16. Army, he endears himself to Wallace with his humor, which may or may not be, insanity , and his knowledge of guerrilla warfare. He professes to be the most wanted man
  17. Flight-control computers crashes, or is damaged in combat, or suffers from ", insanity ," caused by electromagnetic pulses, the others overrule the faulty one (or
  18. Would dominate the following century, sorting most of the recognized forms of, insanity ,into two major categories: dementia praetor and manic-depressive illness.
  19. With Religion in 1834. Sickles are acquitted in the first use of the temporary, insanity ,defense. Two of Key's religious poems used as Christian hymns include" Before
  20. Typically, experts are relied on for opinions on severity of injury, degree of, insanity , cause of failure in a machine or other device, loss of earnings, care costs
  21. Bringing these characters to life ... the TV cast really captures the inherent, insanity ,of the roles. " Variety magazine stated on their review that" the intense
  22. That widespread application of Diabetics would result in" A world without, insanity , without criminals and without war. " According to the Scientology journal The
  23. His life, he became reclusive and produced frightening and obscure paintings of, insanity , madness, and fantasy, while the style of the Black Paintings prefigure the
  24. Germany has now become a negative symbol—of wasting money, bureaucracy and the, insanity ,of the Brussels institutions ". The Green party has also noted the
  25. That obscured her vision. Her mother's obsession with rooting out any of the, insanity ,of which she accused Lord Byron was one of the reasons that Lovelace was taught
  26. And recovery. Some argued that existing diagnoses such as" delusional, insanity ," or" adolescent insanity " were better or more clearly defined. In France a
  27. The later sources of Suetonius and Cassius Did provide additional tales of, insanity , They accuse Caligula of incest with his sisters, Agrippina the Younger
  28. Reasons such as having a chronic contagious disease, criminal background, or, insanity , Ellis Island was sometimes known as" The Island of Tears" or" Heartbreak
  29. And the United States would remove it during the 19th century to" cure ", insanity , masturbation, and nymphomania. The first reported clitoridectomy in the West
  30. By human opponents, and so horrific that direct knowledge of them meant, insanity ,for the victim. When dealing with such beings, Lovecraft needed a way to
  31. Managed to wean him off alcohol, and he no longer showed signs of agitation or, insanity , But recurring depression was added to by the death of his second son, Stanwix
  32. Permitted maternal inheritance with no precedence for female rule; (2) the, insanity ,of Charles's mother, Joanna of Castile; and (3) the insistence by his
  33. Various scenes feature her suffering from anorexia, insomnia and self-described, insanity , An often censored scene features her losing her will to live and contemplating
  34. Caligula had Tiberius' will nullify in regard to Generous on grounds of, insanity , but otherwise carried out Tiberius' wishes. Caligula accepted the powers of
  35. Bloody climaxes. These plays often explored the altered states, like, insanity , hypnosis, panic,under which uncontrolled horror could happen. Some of the
  36. Of Laborious (4QPrNab,sometimes given as 4QOrNab) seem to parallel the, insanity ,suffered by Nebuchadnezzar as described in Daniel Chapter 4. The fragments
  37. Down egregiously impious wrongdoers with their hounds' noses and drove them to, insanity , Genealogy Other stories Athens tells a story of how Agamemnon mourned the
  38. Unfulfilled love for him so abruptly terminated and drifts into the oblivion of, insanity , In 1937,Tyrone Guthrie directed Laurence Olivier in a Jones-inspired Hamlet
  39. Was essentially the same disorder, and designated folio circular (‘ circular, insanity ,’) by him. (Seller 1983) The two bitterly disputed as to who had been the
  40. Corvus switches the false tome for his real one, curing Porcelain’s, insanity ,and ending the plague. Howard Carter (9 May 18742 March 1939) was an English
  41. The play was famous for its ghost and vivid dramatization of melancholy and, insanity , leading to a procession of mad courtiers and ladies in Jacobean and Caroline
  42. Sickles, a New York Congressman, is acquitted of murder on grounds of temporary, insanity , This is the 1st time this defense is successfully used in the United States.
  43. Cycle. Folklore Full Moons are traditionally associated with temporal insomnia, insanity ,(hence the terms lunacy and lunatic) and various" magical phenomena" such
  44. Bastard ", and stated that William Wentworth exhibited a" hereditary streak of, insanity ,". The ALP had been out of office since the Chile Government's defeat in
  45. Never fully understand, and the cognitive dissonance caused by this leads to, insanity , Lovecraft's viewpoint made no allowance for religious belief which could not
  46. The Targaryen were displaced from power in a civil war brought about by the, insanity ,and cruelty of King Aeries II (called" the Mad King" ). Lyanna Stark
  47. Of this is that prolonged exposure causes hallucinations, and in some cases, insanity , Square, who has been driven mad with grief over his father's death and the
  48. Paintings with intense, haunting themes, reflective of the artist's fear of, insanity , and his outlook on humanity. Several of these, including Saturn Devouring His
  49. Reveal Erichthonius, in the form (or embrace) of a serpent. The serpent, or, insanity , induced by the sight, drives Here and Assaults to throw themselves off the
  50. Argued that existing diagnoses such as" delusional insanity " or" adolescent, insanity ," were better or more clearly defined. In France a psychiatric tradition

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