Examples of the the word, bullet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bullet ), is the 4720 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As operating surgeon when President Garfield was fatally wounded by the, bullet ,of an assassin in 1881. He was the author of several works, the most important
  2. Intentions. * Hugh Pious Glamour (17). Shot through his right elbow,the, bullet ,then entering his chest as he ran from the paratroopers on Roseville Street.
  3. To his right leg and that he did not feel the wound to his leg as a result. The, bullet ,had in fact clipped his popliteal artery and his boot was filling up with blood
  4. Detector in 1881. The device was quickly put together in an attempt to find the, bullet ,in the body of US President James Garfield. The metal detector worked
  5. To the uncovering of the state-supported GAL. * Trio en la Camera (2008) (A, bullet ,in the head),about the life of an ETA member the day he will kill two Spanish
  6. And seems to be in a catatonic state, having been apparently lobotomized by a, bullet , When Jeffrey tries to leave, he sees the Well-Dressed Man coming up the stairs
  7. The rules of dueling, Dickinson had to remain still as Jackson took aim. The, bullet ,that struck Jackson was so close to his heart that it could never be safely
  8. Incredible; I believe a speck of dust would have caused him more pain than a, bullet ,wound. Yet this quaint dandified little man who, I was sorry to see, now limped
  9. Throughout the foreign areas and railway station, and Beatty was injured by a, bullet ,in the left arm and wrist. He was discharged from the field hospital after a
  10. Opened fire upon the national guard, and the archbishop fell, struck by a stray, bullet , He was removed to his palace, where he died on 27 June. Next day the National
  11. Practically the same as auto-targeting, These work by either modifying a, bullet ,'s in-flight path, or automatically moving the player's crosshair onto an
  12. Caused by the shells spread to the GPO. Connolly had been incapacitated by a, bullet ,wound to the ankle and has passed command on to Pairs. The O'Ra hilly was
  13. Appearance before she attacks him. In the end, Alucard kills her with only one, bullet , in a matter of one second. *In Glass Mask (episode 29 of the anime and volume
  14. Think of the atoms as impenetrable steel discs and the impinging particle as a, bullet ,of negligible diameter, this ratio is the probability that the bullet will
  15. Minnie Wade (also widely known as Jennie),20 years old, was hit by a stray, bullet ,that passed through her kitchen in town while she was making bread. Nearly
  16. Cockpit doors on most commercial airlines have been strengthened and are now, bullet ,resistant. In the United Kingdom, United States, Canada,Australia and France
  17. Designer Milton Glaser to design a new logo. Popularly referred to as the" DC, bullet ,", this logo premiered on the February 1977 titles. Although it varied in size
  18. FN P90,the 5.7 × 28 mm, for example, fires a 2.0 g (31 grain) armor-piercing, bullet ,at velocities of around 700 m/s (2300 ft/s). The H&K MP7 fires an even
  19. Alternatively, although Bell had detected a slight sound on his first test,the, bullet ,may have been lodged too deeply to be detected by the crude apparatus. The
  20. Rotation is not to be confused with the rapid gyroscopic rotation of a rifle, bullet , If the fletching is not arranged to induce rotation, it will still improve
  21. Nucleus to recoil, the effect acts much like the 'kick' of a rifle butt when a, bullet ,goes in the opposite direction. This gives a significant amount of energy to
  22. Soldiers, since it fired small bolts that were often dipped in poison. A, bullet ,crossbow is a type of handheld crossbow which rather than arrows or bolts
  23. Significant disadvantages in velocity, and the high residual pressure when the, bullet ,exits the barrel results in substantially greater s are common solutions to
  24. And without saying a word to him, I took it out of my overalls and I fired a, bullet ,into the back of his head. He never knew what struck him. " The Chicago Daily
  25. About 2:30 p. m., while leading one of those charges, he was wounded, taking a, bullet ,behind his right knee. He did not think the wound serious at the time, and sent
  26. Chest while standing in the Place de la Concorde; she survived, although the, bullet ,remained lodged in her vertebrae until her death in 1932. The ensuing scandal
  27. Records entitled" Picture Me ", which reached Billboard at number 2 with a, bullet , After the Monkees went off the air, the group disbanded. However, Jones
  28. Can easily readjust their rifle scope by measuring the distance in inches the, bullet ,hole is from the desired impact point, and adjusting the scope that many MOAS in
  29. Crossbow bolts, if still used, would seldom penetrate good plate, nor would any, bullet ,unless fired from close range. In effect, rather than making plate armor
  30. Kevlar's armor, as a light weapon with sufficient energy to push a large caliber, bullet ,through the armor would have prohibitive recoil. The small bullet s are
  31. S orders that Booth should be taken alive. Booth was struck in the neck by the, bullet , His spinal cord was severed, and he died a little more than three hours later.
  32. Of on-screen text summarizing the position of the interviewer or speaker and ", bullet ,points" when a host was giving commentary. Fox News also created the" Fox
  33. As a bullet of negligible diameter, this ratio is the probability that the, bullet ,will strike a steel disc, i. e., that the atomic projectile will be stopped by
  34. Each extreme. If backers of relatively extreme candidates are insincere and ", bullet ,vote" for that first choice, they can help that candidate defeat a compromise
  35. Would effectively stop the bullet from penetrating the body, although the, bullet ,'s kinetic energy would likely cause broken bones and internal bleeding. In
  36. Identifying" Don Christopher Columbus" and containing bone fragments and a, bullet ,was discovered at Santo Domingo in 1877. To lay to rest claims that the wrong
  37. And takes out Napier's henchmen. Napier fires at Batman, who deflects the, bullet ,off his steel gauntlet and sends it ricocheting back into Napier's face.
  38. A hole in an enemy aircraft rather than relying on kinetic energy from a solid, bullet ,striking a critical subsystem (fuel line, hydraulics,control cable, pilot
  39. Stab-proof and bullet proof clothing. The nanotubes would effectively stop the, bullet ,from penetrating the body, although the bullet 's kinetic energy would likely
  40. Bunker in which he had taken shelter and finds the captain, with multiple, bullet ,wounds and bleeding from the mouth, watching the U-boat sink at the dock. The
  41. Citizens were executed during the Great Terror of 1937-38,almost all by a, bullet ,to the back of the head. Mao Zedong publicly stated that" 800,000" people had
  42. Of the shells on the ground. Projectiles The projectile is the munition or ", bullet ," fired downrange. This may or may not be an explosive device. Traditionally
  43. By bacteria or parasites) or other foreign materials (e.g., splinters, bullet , wounds,or injecting needles). It is a defensive reaction of the tissue to
  44. Chess, with a time control of three to fifteen minutes for each player, and, bullet , chess (under three minutes). In tournament play, time is controlled using a
  45. Batman shoots Daresay in the chest with a bullet made of Radio (the same, bullet ,used to kill Orion),just as Daresay unleashes his Omega Sanction, or the "
  46. Owned Andy Warhol's Mao which he shot one evening in a fit of paranoia, the 2, bullet , holes possibly adding to the print's value. The print sold at Christie's, New
  47. Black metal artists often appear dressed in black with combat boots, bullet ,belts, spiked wristbands, This could have been meant as a reaction against
  48. The metal detector worked flawlessly in tests but did not find the assassin's, bullet ,partly because the metal bed frame on which the President was lying disturbed
  49. A major" Final Crisis" plot point, as it is revealed that Batman kept the, bullet ,used to kill Orion in his utility belt. The Batman's apparent death occurs in
  50. A sidearm made by Apologies, Batman shoots Daresay in the chest with a, bullet ,made of Radio (the same bullet used to kill Orion),just as Daresay

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