Examples of the the word, thatcher , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thatcher ), is the 10860 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A polar aged about 67,was accused of black magic and driving two people (a, thatcher ,'s wife and a farmer) insane. He was immersed in the Grimmer and floated three
  2. Straw. The lifespan of a thatched roof is also dependent on the skill of the, thatcher , but other factors need to be taken into account, such as climate, quality of
  3. Quits *Oct p593-595: Organized poaching gangs visit at night *Nov p656-658: A, thatcher ,refuses to take no for an answer 1974 * Jan p10-12: How Grey moved in one
  4. But before he can investigate further he is called to the house of the old, thatcher ,Tom. Tom fell and was fatally injured but asked for MRI having remembered
  5. Contemporary, composed a somewhat sarcastic elegy on Gwilym's father Began,a, thatcher ,who died after falling off a roof. Gwilym's works were edited in 1992 by A.
  6. Ann had fallen in love not with the wealthy Paddocks, but with the poet and, thatcher , Will Open (William Hopkins) and when discovered were forbidden to see each
  7. Each day. They were no more" itinerant" than a modern day dry stone Waller or, thatcher , High Wycombe lathe High-Wycombe lathe became a commonly used generic term to
  8. Roof beams, after which they are pegged in place with wooden or steel rods. The, thatcher ,adds the layers on top of each other, finishing with a layer to secure the
  9. Are sometimes purely for decoration, but can be the signature of a particular, thatcher , Animal shapes (birds, foxes etc.) are the most common. In days gone by
  10. Live) – 4:40 #" Low" ( live) – 4:59 Variant of the name Thatcher. A, thatcher ,is a person who thatches buildings,i.e. roofs them with reeds or straw.
  11. Its geography and topography — the quality of material and the expertise of the, thatcher , Thatch has some natural properties that are advantageous to its performance.
  12. The houses were from the peat fires. We learned that there is still a local, thatcher ,that works on the roofs. From the blacksmith's forge to fishermen's cottages
  13. Of artillery, and other weapons. The weekly market takes place on Saturdays. A, thatcher ,is a person who thatches buildings,i.e. roofs them with reeds or straw.
  14. Thatching straw can last for more than 45–50 years when applied by a skilled, thatcher , Traditionally, a new layer of straw was simply applied over the weathered

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