Examples of the the word, craving , in a Sentence Context

The word ( craving ), is the 10866 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Marbleize has given anyone anything). In the aftermath of the crisis, Luthor, craving ,the power of the orange light, recovers and operates on several Black Lanterns
  2. So. In early 1537,Jane became pregnant. During her pregnancy, she developed a, craving ,for quail, which Henry ordered for her from Calais and Flanders. She went into
  3. Some extent. There is a psychological hypothesis, which is centered around the, craving ,ideas, reported by clay eaters. The researchers' attention was directed mainly
  4. Of craving s that the ego-mind keeps on incarnating itself. When all forms of, craving ,disappear, the impressions which create and enliven the ego-mind disappear.
  5. Self-knowledge) which does not fit into nature's design. The human, craving ,for justification on matters such as life and death cannot be satisfied, hence
  6. The results. As compared to placebo, modafinil did not reduce cocaine, craving ,or self-reported cocaine use, and the physicians ratings were only
  7. Of decay, death,and sorrow is indirectly dependent on the cessation of, craving , Asserted a direct connection between, even identity of, dependent origination
  8. Smiling, singing in their great innocence, at the presence of some visitors, craving ,for something beautiful. " On June 16, 2010,members of the U. S. -Vietnam
  9. Suffering, since what is craved is transitory, changing,and perishing. The, craving ,for impermanent things causes disappointment and sorrow. There is a tendency to
  10. Suffering is an ingrained part of existence; that the origin of suffering is, craving ,for sensuality, acquisition of identity, and annihilation; that suffering can
  11. Intercourse as to allow the two halves get the satisfaction they were so, craving ,without causing deaths. And that is the story of love that Aristophanes spoke
  12. Pilocarpine. After recovering from this they were said to have lost the acute, craving ,to the drug to which they were addicted. Currently, scopolamine is being
  13. Forever through life after life (samsara). Samsara is caused principally by, craving ,and ignorance (see dependent origination). A person can attain Nirvana
  14. Runny nose, yawning,dysphoria, sweating and in some cases a strong drug, craving , Severe headache, restlessness,irritability, loss of appetite, body aches
  15. That need. Lewis points out that earthly experience does not satisfy the human, craving ,for" joy" and that only God could fit the bill; humans cannot know to yearn
  16. The confessions of a self-justifying megalomaniac ", fuelled by" Lacan's, craving ,for recognition — his almost demonic hunger" — if they reveal" a narcissistic
  17. I would add a graphic detail of presentation which in order to satisfy my, craving ,for alliterations, would be called 'ready made aided. '" One such example of
  18. Lust, seeking delight here and there, that is, craving for sensual pleasures, craving ,for existence, craving for extermination. " Relation to the Noble Eightfold
  19. Accompanied by delight and lust, seeking delight here and there, that is, craving ,for sensual pleasures, craving for existence, craving for extermination. "
  20. Body, is deeply linked to the philosophy of celibacy. It is said that the, craving ,for sex and impure thoughts are the reason for the whole trouble in the
  21. While gods or deities are still subject to anger, jealousy,hatred, vengeance, craving , greed, delusion,and death. It is believed that some people who practice with
  22. Shines the spirit of an intensely affectionate nature, highly sensitive, and, craving , for tenderness and sympathy. He is a man with faults, but stamped with reality
  23. Here and there, that is, craving for sensual pleasures, craving for existence, craving ,for extermination. " Relation to the Noble Eightfold Path In the version of the
  24. The cause of human existence and suffering (Gurkha) is identified as, craving ,(Tanya),which carries with it the defilement (kineses). Those defilement
  25. And Isolde is the real opus metaphysical of all art... insatiable and sweet, craving ,for the secrets of night and death... it is overpowering in its simple grandeur
  26. As a concept in the late 16th century, a time when civil wars had created a, craving ,for stronger central authority, when monarchs had begun to gather power into
  27. Medicine at Perugia. 1534,transfer to the Capuchin's At the age of 38,perhaps, craving ,a stricter governance, Ochino transferred himself in 1534 to the newly-founded
  28. Briefly stated, the third Noble Truth implies that elimination of the cause (, craving ,) eliminates the result (suffering). This is inferred in the scriptural quote
  29. M. D. writes on behalf of AA that" Alcoholics suffer from a" ( physical), craving , beyond mental control ". Jellinek's definition restricted the use of the word
  30. A full bottle of 100 pills, and instructed him to take one whenever he felt a, craving ,for alcohol (but not more than 3 per day). The police determined there were
  31. Cited, they are: * Stage I: Six to fourteen hours after last dose: Drug, craving , anxiety, irratability, perspiration,and mild to moderate dysphoria. * Stage
  32. Pain, nausea and vomiting, tremors,and even stronger and more intense drug, craving ,appear as the syndrome progresses. Severe depression and vomiting are very
  33. Acting as an MDA antagonist may be one mechanism by which methadone decreases, craving ,for opioids and tolerance, and has been proposed as a possible mechanism for
  34. Described Nirvana as the perfect peace of the state of mind that is free from, craving , anger, and other afflicting states (kineses). This peace is achieved when
  35. Role in the advertisements is to appear with Pepsi to thirsty people or people, craving ,soda. Pepsi man happens to appear at just the right time with the product. After
  36. Drug is one which has small likelihood of causing physical addiction, craving , major physiological disturbances, delirium,disorientation, or amnesia
  37. Had dwelt on more serious wrongdoing, vice in Earnest is represented by Algy's, craving ,for cucumber sandwiches. Wilde told Robert Ross that the play's theme was "
  38. For the production of new ones eradicated. In Nirvana the deeply set roots of, craving ,(Pale: Tanya, raga,lob ha) and aversion (Pale: dose)—dispositions of the
  39. Measure of behavior in a" civilized" Victorian culture, so acting upon a, craving ,for dirt was considered uncivilized because it was seen as having a lack of
  40. Writers, and during the Carolingian renaissance (770-850),there was a, craving ,for Greek and Roman knowledge. William of Motorbike (1215-1286) undertook a
  41. 2. intense or unbridled sexual desire: lasciviousness 3. A: intense longing:, craving ,b: enthusiasm, eagerness . See
  42. To existing alcohol pharmacotherapeutic options. Topiramate effectively reduces, craving ,and alcohol withdrawal severity as well as improving quality-of-life-ratings.
  43. Saturday):" This is the noble truth of the origin of suffering: it is this, craving ,which leads to renewed existence, accompanied by delight and lust, seeking
  44. Art and aesthetics For Schopenhauer, human desiring," willing," and, craving ,cause suffering or pain. A temporary way to escape this pain is through
  45. The population – combined with a young and increasingly urban population and a, craving ,for international brands, is rapidly changing the ways Moroccans spend their
  46. Only hours off of it, Kathy finds herself unable to function and violently, craving ,JJ-180 again. She is visited by 'Stamen who claim the Reefs invented JJ-180 as
  47. For dwelling at home is incompatible with the state of one who has severed all, craving , " Influences According to the linguist Zacharias P. Thinly the word "
  48. Bear a representational birthmark (Maltese: Luisa, literally " desire" or ", craving ,"). Maltese and Sicilian women also share certain traditions that are believed
  49. Free from all the fermentation of defilement. Their ignorance, craving ,and attachments have ended. Much of the material in the Canon is not
  50. P < 0.05). No differences between groups were found in depression, anxiety, craving , for heroin, or their understanding of the meaning of their lives. It was

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