Examples of the the word, bullshit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bullshit ), is the 10868 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That before the match Brody told him" I'm not putting up with any of his, bullshit ," and that Brody was upset that Luger wouldn't sell for him Personal life
  2. Artists can produce then British art is lost. It is cold mechanical, conceptual, bullshit , Kim Howells. P. S. The attempts at conceptualization are particularly pathetic
  3. Either accidentally or deliberately. While some writers do deliberately produce, bullshit , a person can also aim at sense and produce nonsense by mistake; or a person
  4. Love" worked hard on these songs, instead of just babbling a bunch of druggy, bullshit ,and assuming people would buy it, the way she did on her 2004 flop,America's
  5. Of Alan Sokal's" Transgressing the Boundaries" as a piece of deliberate, bullshit , Sokal's aim in creating it, however,was to point out that the "
  6. Or has no interest in their factual accuracy one way or the other. " Talking, bullshit ," is thus a lesser form of lying, and is likely to elicit a correspondingly
  7. Is to raise the possibility, hey,you know, some of this stuff might be, bullshit , " The prevalence of kinky sex in the story reflects the hippy ideal of" free
  8. Types of thinking games exist, including 21,beer checkers, bizz buzz, buffalo, bullshit , Tourette, matchboxes,never have I ever,Roman numerals, fuzzy duck, pennying
  9. With an actor exclaiming:" Bullshit! Carter, Reagan and Anderson,it's all, bullshit , " NBC refused to run the advertisement because of its use of the expletive
  10. At sense and produce nonsense by mistake; or a person deceived by a piece of, bullshit ,can repeat it innocently, without intent to deceive others. Cohen gives the
  11. Tribute" )" I don't give a fuck about that album. It was just a bunch of, bullshit ,Sabbath covers. " In 1982,Osbourne appeared as lead vocalist on the Was (Not
  12. And power" reading, Harrington stated," My opinion is that’s just pure, bullshit , That’s a critical interpretation that has nothing to do with the original
  13. In 2005),philosopher Harry Frankfurt of Princeton University characterizes, bullshit ,as a form of falsehood distinct from lying. The liar, Frankfurt holds, knows
  14. Majesty and power" reading, Harrington states" My opinion is that’s just pure, bullshit , That’s a critical interpretation that has nothing to do with the original
  15. That they're the band that Pant era stole their sound from. That's total, bullshit , There are minor similarities in guitar style, and on occasion, vocalist Kyle
  16. Be inaccurate. " The article was flatly wrong and the worst kind of patronizing, bullshit , You would scarcely know from it that the United States had been at war with
  17. Minister Kim Howells made a scathing criticism of the exhibits as" conceptual, bullshit ,". Prince Charles wrote to him:" It's good to hear your refreshing common
  18. In my life, I felt like a DAME. Then it hit me: He'd been giving me all this, bullshit ,about his wife and his two kids in London, when in fact he was gay, and he was
  19. And associates. “ The great Jewish vice is glibness, fluency…also possibly just, bullshit , as in Marx, Freud,Marcuse” …. Or,“ Chaplin is a horse’s ass. He’s a Jeeves
  20. Unusual views without commitment. He fixes the blame for the prevalence of ", bullshit ," in modern society upon anti-realism and upon the growing frequency of
  21. Actually means something. In his essay on the subject, William G. Perry called, bullshit ," relevance, however relevant, without data" and gave a definition of the
  22. He explained that Ono was only trying to obtain money for her" avant-garde, bullshit ,". In May 1968,while his wife was on holiday in Greece, Lennon invited Ono to
  23. Usages. In philosophy, Harry Frankfurt, among others, analyzed the concept of, bullshit ,as related to but distinct from lying. Etymology" Bull ", meaning nonsense
  24. B. S. In British English," bollocks" is a comparable expletive, although, bullshit , is commonly used in British English. As with many expletives, it can be used as
  25. Bull ", meaning nonsense, dates from the 17th century, while the term ", bullshit ," has been used as early as 1915 in American slang, and came into popular usage
  26. When they appeased Hitler in the sunup to World War II. Biden stated:" This is, bullshit , This is malarkey. This is outrageous. Outrageous for the president of the
  27. Tour and business manager during this era, specializing in what he called" no, bullshit ,C. O. D. ", preferring to take cash before performing or delivering records. In
  28. Cancer cells. That's what he told me, Ruby did. I said you don't believe that, bullshit , He said,'I damn sure do! ' Then one day when I started to leave, Ruby shook
  29. Are in control, the same people are running everything,it's the whole, bullshit ,bourgeois scene. " In London, Lennon and Ono staged a" Britain Murdered
  30. we'd take the name before anyone else claimed it. We wanted to get rid of the, bullshit , strip it down to rock 'n' roll. We wanted the fun and liveliness back. " In
  31. Kerr phoned Whitley regarding the Ellicott opinion, and asked," It's all, bullshit , isn't it? " Whitley agreed with Kerr's view. Kerr then requested that the
  32. The truth and is only seeking to impress: Frankfurt connects this analysis of, bullshit ,with Ludwig Wittgenstein's disdain of" nonsense" talk, and with the popular
  33. A protest song is a song that's so specific that you cannot mistake it for, bullshit ,". An 18th-century example of topical song intended as a feminist protest song
  34. Same meaning, crap for example, are not used in such locutions. Shortening of, bullshit ,The expression no shit? (a contraction of no bullshit ?) is used in response
  35. To invite me. If you have a problem with me, why not say it! " The word, bullshit ,also denotes false or insincere discourse. (Horseshit is roughly equivalent
  36. However relevant, without data" and gave a definition of the verb" to, bullshit ," as follows: The bullshit ter generally either knows the statements are likely
  37. Matter. Gerald Cohen, in " Deeper into Bullshit ", contrasted the kind of ", bullshit ," Frankfurt describes with a different sort: nonsense discourse presented as
  38. Pink Floyd song" Money" contains the line" Don't give me that do goody good, bullshit ," and has frequently been broadcast unedited on US radio. An engineer is a
  39. Curse. Excretion The abbreviation BS, or the word bull, often replaces the word, bullshit ,in polite society. (The term bullshit itself generally means lies or nonsense
  40. Have to be a complete fabrication; with only basic knowledge about a topic, bullshit ,is often used to make the audience believe that one knows far more about the
  41. Mono and stereo mixes, was sent to radio stations. The mono side had the word ", bullshit ," removed from the song—leaving" bull" in its place—however, the stereo side
  42. Nowhere. By 1973,I knew that what was needed was some pure, stripped down, no, bullshit , rock 'n' roll. " John Colostrum, founding editor of Punk magazine, recalls
  43. Nonsense from sense, and thereby by implication that their field was ", bullshit ,". The pigeon pea (International Feed Number,5-03-716),also known as
  44. Of the problems facing America, and he told his audience to cut through the ", bullshit ," of the world and" enjoy the carnival. " Carlin had been working on the new
  45. The word bull, often replaces the word bullshit in polite society. (The term, bullshit ,itself generally means lies or nonsense, and not the literal" shit of a bull "
  46. Sort: nonsense discourse presented as sense. Cohen points out that this sort of, bullshit ,can be produced either accidentally or deliberately. While some writers do
  47. Locutions. Shortening of bullshit The expression no shit? (a contraction of no, bullshit , ) is used in response to a statement that is extraordinary or hard to believe.
  48. But once on the air, he launches back into a rant claiming that life is ", bullshit ,". Beale's outburst causes the newscast's ratings to spike, and much to
  49. Otherwise generally considered, and intentionally used as, a contraction of ", bullshit ,". Uses Assertions of fact Bullshit is commonly used to describe statements
  50. For" Best New Artist" for her song Sleep to Dream, Apple said: 'This world is, bullshit , and you shouldn't model your life on what we think is cool, and what we're

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