Examples of the the word, chalk , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Years ago; previous upper and middle chalk above slightly previous lower, chalk ,and finally impermeable Fault Clay. A sandy stratum, glauconitic marl (Portia
  2. Being unable to understand the abstraction necessary to imagine that a, chalk ,dot on the blackboard represented a mathematical point, or that an imperfectly
  3. And it is not uncommon to see people bouldering with just climbing shoes,a, chalk ,bag, and a crash mat. Bouldering equipment may include: * Close-fitting rubber
  4. And difficult to apply. ) Many players prefer a slick pool glove over hand, chalk ,or talc because of the messiness of these powders; buildup of particles on the
  5. Area was submerged. The Cretaceous is justly famous for its chalk ; indeed, more, chalk , formed in the Cretaceous than in any other period in the Phanerozoic. Mid-ocean
  6. Was placed behind a reinforced concrete seawall, on condition of placing the, chalk ,in an enclosed lagoon to avoid wide dispersal of chalk fines. Owing to limited
  7. That a tunnel route could be bored through a chalk marl stratum. The, chalk ,marl was conducive to tunneling, with impermeability, ease of excavation and
  8. Chalk may be used as a hand drying agent while climbing. Alternatively, liquid, chalk , is sometimes used. * A mattress-like object called a crash pad. These are
  9. Most bathed in the Nile and used a pasty soap made from animal fat and, chalk , Men shaved their entire bodies for cleanliness, and aromatic perfumes and
  10. The ferrule, to make final contact with balls. The tip, in conjunction with, chalk , can be used to impart spin to the cue ball when it is not hit in its center.
  11. Side. To avoid confusion, microfossil assemblages were used to classify the, chalk ,marl. On the French side, particularly near the coast, the chalk was harder
  12. A layer of chalk marl (French: Craig blue) in the lower third of the lower, chalk ,appeared to present the best tunneling medium. The chalk has a clay content of
  13. S present land area was submerged. The Cretaceous is justly famous for its, chalk ,; indeed, more chalk formed in the Cretaceous than in any other period in the
  14. Era," arsenic" (" white arsenic" trioxide) was mixed with vinegar and, chalk ,and eaten by women to improve the complexion of their faces, making their skin
  15. The Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras. In many languages this period is known as ", chalk ,period ". The Cretaceous was a period with a relatively warm climate and high
  16. And in watercolors. The Muse Rodin holds 7,000 of his drawings and prints, in, chalk , and charcoal, and thirteen vigorous dry points. He also produced a single
  17. Climbing shoes, for better traction and edging capabilities. * Loose, powdered, chalk , may be used as a hand drying agent while climbing. Alternatively, liquid chalk
  18. Condition of placing the chalk in an enclosed lagoon to avoid wide dispersal of, chalk ,fines. Owing to limited space, the precast lining factory was on the Isle of
  19. Geology is highly complex, though there are large numbers of limestone and, chalk ,rocks that formed in the Permian and Triassic periods. The west coasts of
  20. Impermeability, ease of excavation and strength. While on the English side the, chalk ,marl ran along the entire length of the tunnel, on the French side a length of
  21. Attributed to professional pool player Hal" Spitty-Smitty" Smith. Cue tip, chalk ,(invented in its modern form by straight rail billiard pro William A. Spines
  22. And the French side of the Channel, eleven tunnel boring machines cut through, chalk ,marl to construct two rail tunnels and a service tunnel. The vehicle shuttle
  23. More-frequent cloth cleaning. Some players find it useful to moisten the, chalk ,with saliva thereby creating a chalk y paste which performs as a lubricant on
  24. Marl (Portia),is in between the chalk marl and fault clay * A layer of, chalk ,marl (French: Craig blue) in the lower third of the lower chalk appeared to
  25. Of Western Europe. The name Cretaceous was derived from Latin Crete, meaning, chalk , The name of the island Crete has the same origin. Stratigraphic subdivisions
  26. Confirmed earlier speculations that a tunnel route could be bored through a, chalk ,marl stratum. The chalk marl was conducive to tunneling, with impermeability
  27. Minimal support. Ideally the tunnel would be bored in the bottom of the, chalk ,marl, allowing water inflow from fractures and joints to be minimized, but
  28. Where he was well-received and produced numerous drawings in silver point, chalk ,and charcoal. In addition to going to the coronation, he made excursions to
  29. Creta" ( chalk ),usually abbreviated K for its German translation Trade (, chalk ,), is a geologic period and system from circa to a million years (Ma) ago. In
  30. Was covered by warm shallow seas. The Cretaceous was named for the extensive, chalk ,deposits of this age in Europe, but in many parts of the world, the Cretaceous
  31. When one has" touched" the jack on its way. " Touches" are marked with, chalk ,and remain alive in play even though they are in the ditch. Similarly, if the
  32. Cliff, and the New Austrian Tunneling method (NATO) was first applied in the, chalk ,marl here. On the English side, the land tunnels were driven from Shakespeare
  33. Minute from a distance of about ten feet, with the actor carefully following, chalk ,marks on the ground to avoid being hit. (Some arrows missed him by an
  34. Cue and bridge hand during shooting, for a smoother stroke. Some brands of hand, chalk ,actually are made of compressed talc. (Tip chalk is not used for this purpose
  35. Fault Clay. A sandy stratum, glauconitic marl (Portia),is in between the, chalk ,marl and fault clay * A layer of chalk marl (French: Craig blue) in the
  36. Paints - acrylic is very useful in mixed media, allowing use of pastel (oil &, chalk ,), charcoal,pen, etc. on top of the dried acrylic painted surface. Mixing
  37. Graphite deposits at Mohriwali. There are some reservoirs of low-grade coal, chalk , bauxite, and zircon. Local household industries produce carved wooden objects
  38. Classify the chalk marl. On the French side, particularly near the coast,the, chalk ,was harder, and more brittle, and more fractured than on the English side. This
  39. Third of the lower chalk appeared to present the best tunneling medium. The, chalk ,has a clay content of 30–40 % providing impermeability to groundwater yet
  40. Stroke. Some brands of hand chalk actually are made of compressed talc. (Tip, chalk ,is not used for this purpose because it is abrasive, hand-staining and
  41. Control legislation. The Cretaceous (), derived from the Latin" Crete" (, chalk ,), usually abbreviated K for its German translation Trade ( chalk ),is a
  42. A type of algae that prospered in the Cretaceous seas. In northwestern Europe, chalk ,deposits from the Upper Cretaceous are characteristic for the Chalk Group
  43. Limb of the Wealden-Boulonnais dome. Characteristics include: * Continuous, chalk ,on the cliffs on either side of the Channel containing no major faulting, as
  44. Of paints. *Calcium sulfate (CaSO4·2H2O) is used as common blackboard, chalk , as well as, in its hemihydrate form better known as Plaster of Paris. *Calcium
  45. Roughing the tube surface to be patched),and sometimes even a block of French, chalk , ), wrenches,hex keys, screwdrivers,and a chain tool. There are also cycling
  46. The ground conditions. There was plenty of experience with tunneling through, chalk ,in the mining industry. The undersea crossover caverns were a complex
  47. Marine sediments laid down 90–100 million years ago; previous upper and middle, chalk ,above slightly previous lower chalk and finally impermeable Fault Clay. A sandy
  48. In 1822,using strata in the Paris Basin and named for the extensive beds of, chalk ,(calcium carbonate deposited by the shells of marine invertebrates
  49. S" electromyography" loud-speaking telephone, which used a wetted rotating, chalk ,cylinder in contact with a stationary contact. The friction between cylinder
  50. Called Traditional, which involved writing slogans on campus buildings in, chalk , singing songs to the all-women's residence (who would then sing back to them

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