Examples of the the word, geographically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( geographically ), is the 11309 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are also substantial producers. Untapped chromite deposits are plentiful, but, geographically , concentrated in Kazakhstan and Southern Africa. Although rare, deposits of
  2. Nascence (Basque) with a fine of 30 sols. History and classification Though, geographically ,surrounded by Indo-European Romance languages, Basque is classified as a
  3. Fish species, including the brook trout in some lakes, streams,and creeks in, geographically ,sensitive areas, such as the Adirondack Mountains of the United States. However
  4. Do not form part of the Arab world, but instead comprise what is the, geographically ,larger, and more diverse, Muslim World. Arabic, the main unifying feature among
  5. In America; and have, historically,been more influential, interculturally, geographically , and economically, than other American vernacular traditions. African Americans
  6. And La Nova Pizzeria. Buffalo's pizza is unique. Perhaps because Buffalo is, geographically ,located halfway between New York City and Chicago, Illinois,the pizza made is
  7. Including the towns of Transport and Windsor even further to the east, but, geographically , speaking they are part of the Avon River valley. The steep face of basaltic
  8. With the Republic of China, how would we not do it with a country that is, geographically ,and culturally much nearer to Costa Rica? " Arias also announced that both
  9. Release, which ran on a Linux virtual partition. Biomes are climatically and, geographically ,defined as similar climatic conditions on the Earth, such as communities of
  10. Brahe used measurements of the comet's position taken by himself and other, geographically ,separated, observers to determine that the comet had no measurable parallax.
  11. There is nearly always a dialect transition zone of some size between pairs of, geographically ,identified dialects. Armenian can be subdivided in two major dialectal blocks
  12. Geographic distribution and membership Church congregations are organized, geographically , Members are generally expected to attend the congregation with their assigned
  13. Have effectively altered occurrences of Århus to Aarhus. Furthermore, certain, geographically , affiliated names have been updated to reflect the name of the city. An example
  14. In laboratory guinea pigs. The concentration gradient of UVB light increases, geographically ,closer to the Earth's equator. It is possible, though currently researched
  15. The constituent databases are interconnected via computer network, and may be, geographically ,decentralized. Sometimes the term multi-database is used as a synonym to
  16. Foundations for European integration, with the Council of Europe being the, geographically ,wider circle. The European Union could be seen as the smaller circle with a
  17. During the war. The other states of the west, though, geographically , isolated from the battles to the east, saw numerous small-scale military
  18. With the Republic of China, how would we not do it with a country that is, geographically ,and culturally much nearer to Costa Rica? " Arias also announced both countries
  19. Called in many Eastern Christian churches. Dioceses vary considerably in size, geographically ,and population-wise. Some dioceses around the Mediterranean Sea which were
  20. Speech, press,worship, movement,and association. Although The Bahamas is not, geographically ,located in the Caribbean, it is a member of the Caribbean Community. The
  21. Data from the same subject, though from 2001,is also grouped more, geographically ,by Statistics Canada as follows: Percentages are calculated as a proportion of
  22. And the high plains of Granada and Almería-with a considerably lesser and more, geographically ,focused cultivation of barley and oats. Using irrigation, maize,cotton and
  23. Band Du Geyser, a former island in the Comoros Archipelago, now submerged, is, geographically , located in the Miles Parses, but was annexed by Madagascar in 1976 as an
  24. Group itself is replicated (mirrored). In many cases such mirroring is done, geographically ,remotely, in a different storage array, to handle also recovery from disasters
  25. Such as the Book of Enoch. ** The Ethiopian Orthodox Church, who have been, geographically ,isolated since the early centuries of the Christian era, also show other
  26. Tended to fluctuate between about 5 and 10 per cent of the population and was, geographically ,concentrated around the wealthy dense CBD and inner-suburban neighborhoods of
  27. Members elected by the eligible voting populace in secret ballot to represent, geographically ,defined constituencies. Elections must be called at no more than five-year
  28. As a collection of communities, due to their diversity. * A neighborhood is a, geographically ,localized community, often within a larger city or suburb. * A planned
  29. Line. The borders to Western Europe and Eastern Europe are, geographically ,less defined and for this reason the cultural and historical boundaries migrate
  30. No set meaning. Geographical variations Wolves show a great deal of dimorphism, geographically , though they can interbreed. The Zoological Gardens of London for example once
  31. Kushiel's Mercy by Jacqueline Carey, Carthage is a conquering nation that is, geographically ,and culturally based on the historical Carthage. The Purple Quest by Frank G.
  32. With significant establishments in the metropolitan area. These tend to be, geographically ,clustered: * Located at the east end of North Terrace: IVs; Hanson Institute;
  33. In anthropology, which were based on a tribal paradigm. Being politically and, geographically ,inclusive and leaving at the same time space for diversity, this historical
  34. Cluster sampling. Clusters consist of geographical areas. Because a, geographically ,dispersed population can be expensive to survey, greater economy than simple
  35. The War on Terror, it is thought that al-Qaeda's leadership has" become, geographically ,isolated ", leading to the" emergence of decentralized leadership" of
  36. Bohemia (Germanic latinized boio-hemum = home of the Bear tribe). Bavaria is, geographically ,the same region as the Boomer Wald (forested hill slopes). With the arrival
  37. Eastern bloc countries. The most successful of the new democracies were those, geographically ,and culturally closest to Western Europe, and they are now members or candidate
  38. By the Founding Fathers, under the constitution. President Lincoln rejected two, geographically ,limited emancipation attempts by Major General John C. Fremont in August 1861
  39. Disputed island. *North Pole. Denmark is trying to prove that the North Pole is, geographically ,connected to Greenland. If such proof is established, Denmark will claim the
  40. To be the best way of organizing large groups of people in a country that is, geographically ,difficult, and in a society that, from a materialistic point of view, has an
  41. To be centered in Brazil's southeast region near Rio de Janeiro. Brasília's, geographically ,central location fostered a more regionally neutral federal capital. The idea
  42. Equally outside the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Bishop of London. They, geographically ,fall within the boundaries and liberties of the City, but can be thought of as
  43. Is a historical anomaly: the City of Westminster and the City of London are, geographically ,small but historically significant parts of the Greater London conurbation that
  44. With a revitalized language and culture. The Basque language is expanding, geographically ,led by large increases in the major urban centers of Pamplona, Bilbao,and
  45. Late 2032,seven years after the Second Great Kant Earthquake has split Tokyo, geographically ,and culturally in two. During the first episode, disparities in wealth are
  46. One of the best teams in the CFL at the time, were chosen because they were, geographically ,close to one another (less than 65 miles apart). It was thought that beating
  47. Unlike the other teams, the Browns/Orioles moved eastward instead of westward, geographically , In December 1954,the Orioles further distanced themselves from their Browns
  48. Because there is nearly always a transition zone of some size between pairs of, geographically ,separated dialects (except for dialects specific to an island). The main
  49. Submarine features called Choir Bank, Silver Bank, and Naiad Bank, are, geographically , a continuation of The Bahamas, but not part of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
  50. Project, and the developments along East 4th Street. Cleveland's residents, geographically ,define themselves in terms of whether they live on the east or west side of the

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