Examples of the the word, multidisciplinary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( multidisciplinary ), is the 11312 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the largest science and technology institutions in the world, and conducts, multidisciplinary ,research in fields such as national security, space exploration, renewable
  2. The name of the village, giving an explanation in the final chapter: In 2004,a, multidisciplinary ,team of academics from Computers University, led by Francisco Parr Luna
  3. SAE competition, which involves designing and building a single-seater car in a, multidisciplinary ,team, and racing it at the competition. This also develops other soft skills
  4. Art practices within the context of post-war Lebanon. The Home Works Forum is a, multidisciplinary ,platform that takes place in Beirut, Lebanon about every other year. It has
  5. The World Justice Project. The World Justice Project works to lead a global, multidisciplinary ,effort to strengthen the Rule of Law for the development of communities of
  6. Possible designs, often finding better, innovative solutions to difficult, multidisciplinary ,design problems. Subdisciplines The field of mechanical engineering can be
  7. Chemists, engineers,and computational scientists working together in, multidisciplinary ,teams. Historically, the Berkeley and Livermore laboratories have had very
  8. Institute for Development Economics Research (Helsinki, Finland ) undertakes, multidisciplinary ,research and policy analysis on structural changes affecting the living
  9. Being treated for cancer in the head and neck region. These are treated in a, multidisciplinary ,team approach with other hospital based dental specialities orthodontics and
  10. Influence at Harvard was probably the aesthetics Professor David Pall, whose, multidisciplinary , outlook on the arts Bernstein shared for the rest of his life. One of his
  11. 2006) is aimed at bachelor students who are interested in introducing a, multidisciplinary ,component into their program. Honors Horizon is intended to" expand students '
  12. Climate studies. This group, under the direction of Alvin Weinberg, pioneered, multidisciplinary , climate studies, including a strong biology group. Also, during the 1970s,Dyson
  13. The sculptor Paramaribo remains a remarkable figure in contemporary art. The, multidisciplinary ,artist Jan Fare and the painter Luc Humans are other internationally renowned
  14. Honors Horizon is intended to" expand students' horizon ", by offering, multidisciplinary ,honors classes, research activities and other activities that encourage
  15. And a person's ability to tend to his own needs reduces, carefully managed, multidisciplinary ,caregiving becomes increasingly necessary. Other drugs that help to reduce
  16. A resource for education and research breakthroughs and advances in the broad, multidisciplinary ,field of nanophotonics * Digital Signal Processing (DSP) - center for
  17. Related to chemical aspects of toxicology. Research in this area is strongly, multidisciplinary , spanning computational chemistry and synthetic chemistry, proteomics and
  18. Research The systematic search for possible life outside of Earth is a valid, multidisciplinary ,scientific endeavor. The University of Glamorgan, UK,started just such a
  19. The World Justice Project. The World Justice Project works to lead a global, multidisciplinary ,effort to strengthen the Rule of Law for the development of communities of
  20. It also houses the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (the" d. school" ),a, multidisciplinary ,design school that integrates product design, engineering,and business
  21. Chronic Pain Occupational therapists often work within interdisciplinary or, multidisciplinary ,teams (aka, professionals such as nurses, Doctors,etc.) to help individuals
  22. It may be unnecessary and/or impractical to expect a designer with a broad, multidisciplinary ,knowledge required for such designs to also have a detailed specialized
  23. Engineering: Mechatronic engineering, like Systems engineering, is a, multidisciplinary ,field of engineering that uses dynamical systems modeling to express tangible
  24. The Evolution of Language (now known as" Evolving" ), promoting a scientific, multidisciplinary ,approach to the issue, and interest from major academic publishers (e.g., the
  25. ANC has also been criticized for its subsequent abolition of the Scorpions,the, multidisciplinary ,agency that investigated and prosecuted organized crime and corruption, and was
  26. January 24 – The University of Calcutta is established in Kolkata as the first, multidisciplinary ,modern university in South Asia. The University of Bombay and one other are
  27. Purdue University established the Discovery Park to bring innovation through, multidisciplinary ,action. In all the eleven centers of Discovery Park, ranging from
  28. These usually take the form of cross-department projects, which makes them, multidisciplinary ,efforts. Some examples include:; Robot football: In 2010 Recruited, the
  29. Designed and built the Mark I packet-switched network to meet the needs of the, multidisciplinary ,laboratory and prove the technology under operational conditions. By 1976 12
  30. Bringing together local and national expertise to develop, multidisciplinary ,research that informs the development and implementation of best practices and
  31. Development in a Diverse World ", sponsored by the European Union, integrates, multidisciplinary , capacities and interprets cultural diversity as a key element of a new strategy
  32. Hospitals, residential care centers, and long-term care facilities and in, multidisciplinary ,collaboration and team treatment. They are trained and equipped to modify
  33. And define the discipline. Second, public administration is a relatively new, multidisciplinary ,field. Woodrow Wilson's The Study of Administration is frequently cited as the
  34. Authorities to endorse the usefulness of the rehabilitation professions. A, multidisciplinary ,approach may be important to limit disability. The families of individuals, who
  35. And theology. Penn was one of the first academic institutions to follow a, multidisciplinary ,model pioneered by several European universities, concentrating multiple "
  36. Challenge, a $4.3 billion fundraising campaign focusing on three components:, multidisciplinary ,research initiatives, initiatives to improve education, and core support. In
  37. Engineering begins to merge with other disciplines, as seen in mechatronics, multidisciplinary ,design optimization (DO) is being used with other CAE programs to automate
  38. Party politics and good bureaucracy, which has also been a lasting theme. The, multidisciplinary ,nature of public administration is related to a third defining feature:
  39. Which is central to the definition of information entropy. But, at a, multidisciplinary ,level, connections can be made between thermodynamic and informational entropy
  40. Institute seeks to integrate research, education and community outreach in a, multidisciplinary ,approach to women’s health. Named for Bush's mother, the Jenna Welch Women’s
  41. In the British Manchester School of the 1950s. Agricultural science is a broad, multidisciplinary ,field that encompasses the parts of exact, natural,economic and social
  42. Scale. Typically, micro means one of the following features: It is a, multidisciplinary ,field intersecting engineering, physics,chemistry, microtechnology and
  43. Rigorous academic program on the fundamental causes of conflict through a, multidisciplinary , multicultural-oriented approach. The Secretary-General of the United Nations
  44. In September 2010) is complementary to the Horizon program; where Horizon is, multidisciplinary , Star is aimed at providing more depth within the program of the student's own
  45. Also located on the Parnassus campus is the UCSF Fetal Treatment Center, multidisciplinary ,care center dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment,and long-term follow-up of
  46. Academy of Fine Arts),painter * Robin Marcus Cloning (B. F. A. 1993), multidisciplinary , artist * Denise Karelia, ( M. F. A) performance artist, dancer * John
  47. And technology. The Laboratory also applies its special expertise and, multidisciplinary ,capabilities to preventing the, basic science and economic competitiveness.
  48. By industry and knowledge institutes, which minor students must solve in, multidisciplinary ,teams. In addition, students must come up with an innovative plan and develop a
  49. As a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation medical research organization. A, multidisciplinary ,group of neuroscientists, molecular biologists, informaticists, engineers
  50. The Indus Tradition: A preliminary report. In Harappa Excavations,1986-1990: A, multidisciplinary ,approach to Second Millennium urbanism, edited by Richard H. Meadow: 29-59.

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