Examples of the the word, stellar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stellar ), is the 11302 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or 100 times) brighter than our galaxy. Stars and galaxies (M) In, stellar ,and galactic astronomy, the standard distance is 10 parsecs (about 32.616
  2. Setting circles sped measurements James Bradley first tried to measure, stellar ,parallaxes in 1729. The stellar movement proved too insignificant for his
  3. That the most plausible explanation for the variability of Arcturus is, stellar ,oscillations. It is believed that the surface of the star oscillates slightly
  4. e., before star formation, as determined by studying matter supposedly free of, stellar ,nucleosynthesis products) should have more helium than deuterium or more
  5. Is also often used to describe parallax, due to very small parallax angles for, stellar ,parallax, and tiny angular diameters (e.g., Venus varies between 10′′ and
  6. Monoxide, AlO, has been detected in the gas phase after explosion and in, stellar ,absorption spectra. More thoroughly investigated are compounds of the formula
  7. Angle and this relationship is referred to as the phase curve. To convert a, stellar ,or galactic absolute magnitude into a planetary one, subtract 31.57. Apparent
  8. Of methods. For diurnal migrants, the sun is used to navigate by day, and a, stellar ,compass is used at night. Birds that use the sun compensate for the changing
  9. Undiscovered resonance in the carbon-12 nucleus facilitating its synthesis in, stellar ,interiors via the triple-alpha process. He then calculated the energy of this
  10. Is a solar-like main sequence star with a similar yellowish-white color, whose, stellar , classification is spectral type G2 V. which gives it a slightly faster
  11. Then) the ages of the oldest stars, both as measured by applying the theory of, stellar ,evolution to globular clusters and through radiometric dating of individual
  12. MUD (star) present a symbol of stars alongside planetary and other, stellar ,references to indicate deified objects which reside in the heavens. The word
  13. In, astrometry is also fundamental for fields like celestial mechanics, stellar ,dynamics and galactic astronomy. In observational astronomy, astrometric
  14. His stellar models, he sought to overturn current thinking about the sources of, stellar ,energy. Jeans and others defended the Kelvin–Helmholtz mechanism, which was
  15. Research in 1725,there consequently prevailed much uncertainty whether, stellar ,parallaxes had been observed or not; and it was with the intention of
  16. Accepted physics. James Jeans contributed the important suggestion that, stellar ,matter would certainly be ionized, but that was the end of any collaboration
  17. It is also worth noting that part of the original motivation of the search for, stellar ,parallax was to test the Copernican theory that the Earth revolves around the
  18. Amounted to the rank from 10 to the 18 in floating point, which calculated, stellar ,as well as infinitesimal amounts with absolute precision, meant that no round
  19. The two models. Hoyle later helped considerably in the effort to understand, stellar ,nucleosynthesis, the nuclear pathway for building certain heavier elements from
  20. With Corner at the helm, until 1966. However, by that time its originally, stellar ,line-up and crowd of followers had mostly left to start their own bands. "
  21. Type, age and probable stability of the orbits, it has been suggested that this, stellar ,system could hold one of the best possibilities for harboring extraterrestrial
  22. Notable for its high proper motion, larger than any first magnitude star in the, stellar ,neighborhood other than α Centauri. It is moving rapidly () relative to the
  23. Astronomy. In observational astronomy, astrometric techniques help identify, stellar ,objects by their unique motions. It is instrumental for keeping time, in that
  24. Pairs, as ordinary matter gains tremendous energy while falling into a, stellar ,remnant. Antimatter may exist in relatively large amounts in far-away galaxies
  25. As a powerful tool for further investigation, particularly in issues of, stellar ,evolution. The confirmation of his estimated stellar diameters by Michelson in
  26. S work in astrophysics in the late 1920s and the 1930s continued his work in, stellar ,structure, and precipitated further clashes with Jeans and Edward Arthur Milne.
  27. Are about 4.5: 1: 2. Studies of Algol led to the Algol paradox in the theory of, stellar ,evolution: although components of a binary star form at the same time, and
  28. P. A.) are in continuous change throughout the projected orbit. Observed, stellar ,positions in 2010 are separated by 6.74 arc sec through the P. A. of 245.7°
  29. James Bradley first tried to measure stellar parallaxes in 1729. The, stellar ,movement proved too insignificant for his telescope, but he instead discovered
  30. Stars Sirius and Arcturus. Over the centuries, this causes the apparent, stellar ,positions to slowly change. Such motions define the high proper motion stars.
  31. Currents cause carbon and hydrogen in the nebulae's core to get caught in, stellar ,winds, and radiate outward. As they cool, the atoms supposedly bond to each
  32. Giants and dwarfs, behaved as ideal gases. In the process of developing his, stellar ,models, he sought to overturn current thinking about the sources of stellar
  33. Motions, positions,magnitudes and other characteristics for over one billion, stellar ,objects. During the past 50 years,7,435 Schmidt camera plates were used to
  34. Is error correction. Various factors introduce errors into the measurement of, stellar ,positions, including atmospheric conditions, imperfections in the instruments
  35. The most common argon isotope, being the preferred argon isotope produced by, stellar ,nucleosynthesis in supernovas. The name" argon" is derived from the Greek
  36. To slowly change. Such motions define the high proper motion stars. These, stellar ,motions were unknown to ancient astronomers. Most assumed that all stars were
  37. Probably also reside in some huge Oort Cloud located to the outer regions of, stellar ,systems, when they are influenced gravitationally by either the giant gas
  38. The chemical symbol B. Boron is a metalloid. Because boron is not produced by, stellar ,nucleosynthesis, it is a low-abundance element in both the solar system and the
  39. Lacking firm foundations for understanding opacity and energy generation in the, stellar ,interior. However, his results allowed for calculation of temperature, density
  40. Interior of stars through theory, and developed the first true understanding of, stellar ,processes. He began this in 1916 with investigations of possible physical
  41. Bessel, the father of modern asymmetry. He made the first measurement of, stellar ,parallax: 0.3 arc sec for the binary star 61 CGI. Being very difficult to
  42. Of the star to vary. This particular effect is known as annual aberration or, stellar ,aberration, because it causes the apparent position of a star to vary
  43. And the mathematical investigations of Kepler and Newton. Search for, stellar ,parallax As early as 1573,Thomas Digger had suggested that this theory should
  44. In the early eighteenth century. Aberration should not be confused with, stellar ,parallax, although it was an initially fruitless search for parallax that first
  45. More precise calculation involves taking into account the slight changes in the, stellar ,distance by the star's own motion. Also, the orbital period of Alpha Centauri
  46. Necessitate a parallactic shifting of the stars, and,consequently, if such, stellar ,parallaxes existed, then the Copernican theory would receive additional
  47. Particularly in issues of stellar evolution. The confirmation of his estimated, stellar ,diameters by Michelson in 1920 proved crucial in convincing astronomers unused
  48. For the binary star 61 CGI. Being very difficult to measure, only about 60, stellar , parallaxes had been obtained by the end of the 19th century, mostly by use of
  49. Due to launch in 2012),which will be applying asymmetric techniques in its, stellar ,census. Asymmetric measurements are used by astrophysicists to constrain
  50. Game The aberration of light (also referred to as astronomical aberration or, stellar ,aberration) is an astronomical phenomenon which produces an apparent motion of

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