Examples of the the word, catheter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( catheter ), is the 11499 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In an urethral catheter is placed in the intraprostatic area of the urethra. The, catheter ,is connected to a control box outside the patient's body and is energized
  2. Sulfate, dilaudid, or baclofen are released into the cerebrospinal fluid via a, catheter ,stemming from the small electrical pump, requiring only about 1/100 to 1/300
  3. Carpal Tunnelplasty is a technique that uses a minimally invasive balloon, catheter ,director to access the carpal tunnel. The director protects the median nerve
  4. Polysulfate and medications that are placed directly into the bladder via a, catheter ,sometimes work to repair and rebuild this damaged/wounded lining, allowing for
  5. Inserted into the incision and opened to widen the opening, and then a suction, catheter ,is inserted into the opening. The brain is suctioned out, which causes the
  6. A vein in the neck or chest. Technical description Dependent on its use,the, catheter ,is monomial, biluminal or trigeminal, dependent on the actual number of
  7. A shortening of the refractory period. When administered via a central lumen, catheter , adenosine has been shown to initiate atrial fibrillation because of its effect
  8. And Grossing catheter s. Implanted port A port is similar to a tunneled, catheter ,but is left entirely under the skin. Medicines are injected through the skin
  9. Central line "," CVC "," central venous line" or" central venous access, catheter ,") is a catheter placed into a large vein in the neck (internal jugular vein
  10. One-dimensional figure that has no curvature. * line: a medical, catheter , particularly one used for intravenous treatment. * Line (text file),a row
  11. It may also be necessary to drain the spring, which can be accomplished using a, catheter , drainage tubes, and valves. This system is also known as a shunt. Shunts are
  12. Central catheter , or PICC line (pronounced" pick" ), is a central venous, catheter ,inserted into a vein in the arm rather than a vein in the neck or chest.
  13. Such as a fish bone, toothpick or glass shard),perforation by an endoscope or, catheter , and anastomotic leakage. The latter occurrence is particularly difficult to
  14. Be accessed using a needle, if venous access is required on a frequent basis a, catheter ,having external access is more commonly used. PICC line A peripherally inserted
  15. Less visible than if they were to directly protrude from the neck. Passing the, catheter ,under the skin helps to prevent infection and provides stability. Commonly used
  16. Into the bloodstream. An implanted port is less obvious than a tunneled, catheter ,and requires very little daily care. It has less impact on a person's
  17. Mitral valve.::; Mitral valvuloplasty: Repair of the valve by using a balloon, catheter ,to force it open.; Pulmonary valve: Disorders of the pulmonary valve that
  18. See implantable insulin pump) or external. The latter use a subcutaneous, catheter , *Insulin reaction – Too low a level of blood glucose (i.e.,'sugar' ) in
  19. Catheters such as external collection devices, may significantly reduce, catheter ,associated urinary tract infection (CACTI). Others A predisposition for
  20. Under the skin from the insertion site to a separate exit site, where the, catheter ,and its attachments emerge from underneath the skin. The exit site is typically
  21. Ports are placed below the clavicle (supraclavicular fossa),with the, catheter ,threaded into the right atrium through large vein. Once implanted, the port is
  22. Performed by entry through the female reproductive tract. These generally use a, catheter ,to place a substance into the Fallopian tubes that eventually causes blockage
  23. Through the injection of a sterile, gel-like material called viscoelastic. The, catheter ,is then removed, and a suture is placed within the canal and tightened. By
  24. Commonly with a glue-like substance introduced by a radiographically guided, catheter , Arms are more common in males than females, although in females pregnancy may
  25. Nobel Prize in Medicine, Stanley B. Prisoner,1997) *First to develop, catheter ,ablation therapy for tachycardia, which cures" racing" hearts without surgery
  26. Aortic valve.::; Aortic valvuloplasty: Repair of the valve by using a balloon, catheter ,to force it open.; Mitral valve: Disorders and treatments of the mitral valve
  27. Canceled in May 2010. In medicine, a central venous, catheter ,(" central line "," CVC "," central venous line" or" central venous access
  28. CVC "," central venous line" or" central venous access catheter " ) is a, catheter ,placed into a large vein in the neck (internal jugular vein or external
  29. Have been implicated include common problems such as urinary tract infections, catheter ,infections, middle-ear infections, formation of dental plaque, and less common
  30. Of tissue per minute. Post surgery care often involves placement of a Foley, catheter ,or a temporary prostatic stent to permit healing and allow urine to drain from
  31. All the devices is that a microwave antenna that resides in an urethral, catheter ,is placed in the intraprostatic area of the urethra. The catheter is connected
  32. Left entirely under the skin. Medicines are injected through the skin into the, catheter , Some implanted ports contain a small reservoir that can be refilled in the
  33. Transvenous pacing was first demonstrated by Furman et al. in which the, catheter ,electrode was inserted via the patient's basilica vein. In February 1960,an
  34. Line develops signs of infection, blood cultures are taken from both the, catheter ,and from a vein elsewhere in the body. If the culture from the central line
  35. It has less impact on a person's activities than a PICC line or a tunneled, catheter , Surgically implanted infusion ports are placed below the clavicle (
  36. Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE): Echocardiogram of the heart through a, catheter ,placed in the esophagus.; Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR):
  37. The" best" are transferred to the patient's uterus through a thin, plastic, catheter , which goes through her vagina and cervix. Several embryos may be passed into
  38. Or per venous, procedure involved incision of a vein into which was inserted the, catheter ,electrode lead under fluoroscopic guidance, until it was lodged within the
  39. Be removed. In the case of bacteremia from Staphylococcus aureus, removing the, catheter ,without administering antibiotics is not adequate as 38 % of such patients may
  40. Access is more commonly used. PICC line A peripherally inserted central, catheter , or PICC line (pronounced" pick" ), is a central venous catheter inserted
  41. Radiography, for example, CT angiography avoids the invasive insertion of a, catheter , CT Iconography (also known as Virtual Colonoscopy or VC for short) may be
  42. Is not widely available. Generally, antibiotics are used, and occasionally the, catheter ,will have to be removed. In the case of bacteremia from Staphylococcus aureus
  43. The metal harmonica),Franklin stove, bifocal glasses and the flexible urinary, catheter , Franklin never patented his inventions; in his autobiography he wrote," ...
  44. Study is the end all of electrophysiologist tests of the heart. It involves a, catheter ,with electrodes probing the endocardium, the inside of the heart, and testing
  45. An empty and collapsed balloon on a guide wire, known as a balloon, catheter , is passed into the narrowed locations and then inflated to a fixed size using
  46. Non-tunneled catheter s are fixed in place at the site of insertion, with the, catheter ,and attachments protruding directly. Commonly used non-tunneled catheter s
  47. A side effect. Videos are available demonstrating placement of a central venous, catheter ,without and with ultrasound guidance. Complications Central line insertion may
  48. To measure variations of time intervals between heart beats * Vessel cannula or, catheter ,pressure measurement—pulmonary wedge pressure or in older animal experiments.
  49. Some catheter s have 4 or 5 lumens, depending on the reason for their use. The, catheter ,is usually held in place by a suture or staple and an occlusive dressing.
  50. Technique for insertion, and maintaining unobstructed closed drainage of the, catheter , Infections can also be reduced by reducing the number of medically unnecessary

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