Examples of the the word, attribution , in a Sentence Context
The word ( attribution ), is the 11856 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Humans as well. Yellow 6,used in sausages, gelatin,and candy can lead to the, attribution ,of gland and kidney tumors and contains carcinogens, but in minimal amounts.
- Largely to sulfate aerosol cooling. Detection vs. attribution Detection and, attribution ,of climate signals, as well as its common-sense meaning, has a more precise
- The publication of the Third Assessment Report (TAR) in 2001," detection and, attribution ," of climate change has remained an active area of research. Some important
- Of observed changes in the climate (see effects of global warming). However, attribution ,was found to be more difficult when assessing changes over smaller regions (
- Of forcing. Detection does not imply attribution , and is easier to show than, attribution , Unequivocal attribution would require controlled experiments with multiple
- Be cited as the composer of the tune. * Dr. Henry Carey: Sc holes refutes this, attribution , firstly, on the grounds that Carey himself never made such a claim. Secondly
- As they all express a subset relationship. *Predication (property and relation, attribution ,):" It hurts to be blue. "" Will that house be big enough? "" The hen is
- Islands of Malta and Goo. Pottery uncovered in these structures allowed the, attribution ,of the monuments to the Marxian cemetery culture of the Early Bronze Age. This
- Area of research. Some important results include: * A review of detection and, attribution ,studies by the International Ad Hoc Detection and Attribution Group found that
- Colombia, now Panama) during the War of Jenkins' Ear. Sc holes recommends the, attribution ," traditional" or" traditional; earliest known version by John Bull (
- Internally in legislative elections. Fetish may refer to: * Fetishism,the, attribution ,of religious or mystical qualities to inanimate objects * Sexual fetishism
- The most widely copied Old English poem, and appears in 45 manuscripts, but its, attribution ,to Bede is not absolutely certain—not all manuscripts name Bede as the author
- In favor of Decides Hilarious Hilarious, proconsul of Africa in 377. With this, attribution ,Alexander Outer agrees. There is scarcely anything to be said for the
- This projection, according to the argument, is manifested in the form of, attribution ,of undesirable characteristics of the self to the conspirators. Richard
- On the vernal equinox and autumnal equinox respectively (again, the seasonal, attribution ,is that of the Northern Hemisphere). *First point (or cusp) of Aries and
- To 1960s can be attributed largely to sulfate aerosol cooling. Detection vs., attribution ,Detection and attribution of climate signals, as well as its common-sense
- Averaging reduces natural variability of the climate, making detection and, attribution ,easier. Solar activity The role of the sun in recent climate change has been
- S works include: *Capella Spade, San Geronimo Della Carina (uncertain, attribution ,) *Palazzo Barbering (upper-level windows and oval staircase) *Saint Peter's
- Particularly the images formed in plane and spherical concave mirrors. The, attribution ,to Euclid is doubtful. Its author may have been Then of Alexandria. *
- New physical mechanisms to explain the observed warming. Difficulties in, attribution ,At the time of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, attribution was possible for
- Change of global climate, thereby contributing also to the understanding and, attribution ,of climate change. To date, and with support from Europe's National
- Were we to move from the observation that there is thinking occurring to the, attribution ,of this thinking to a particular agent, we would simply assume what we set out
- In 1657,though scholars and critics have almost unanimously rejected the, attribution , Poetry * Translation of Book One of Lucan's Phrasal (date unknown) * "
- As the Italian Renaissance philologist Piero Vector first recognized. This, attribution ,has, however,been disputed by some scholars. The http://books.google.com/books
- The idea of dharma. The idea of RTA laid the cornerstone of dharma's implicit, attribution ,to the" ultimate reality" of the surrounding universe, in classical Vedic
- Suggested that the" is" of existence is reducible to the" is" of property, attribution ,or class membership; to be, Aristotle held, is to be something. Of course, the
- Brave heart" refers in Scottish history to that of Robert the Bruce, and an, attribution ,by William Edmondson Anton, in his poem Heart of Bruce, to Sir James the
- On Joseph F. Smith's authorship of the editorial, which was published without, attribution ,and seems to have contradicted contemporary views published elsewhere by Joseph
- Many modern historians believe it to be of much more recent origin. Both the, attribution ,of Shaolin boxing to Bodhidharma and the authenticity of the Yi Jin Jing itself
- That could allow FGM to continue. Asia Saki Mustafa argues that the common, attribution ,of the procedure to Islam is unfair because it is a much older phenomenon.
- Soon and Richard Linden say that there is insufficient proof for anthropogenic, attribution , Generally this position requires new physical mechanisms to explain the
- To changes in solar irradiance. According to the US EPA (2009),this, attribution ,was not supported by the bulk of the scientific literature. Citing the work of
- The Learned, a larger-than-life 12th century Icelandic priest. While this, attribution ,is rejected by modern scholars, the name Sunday Edda is still sometimes
- Weapon" should have been invented by a" tribe of women ", but he accepts the, attribution ,out of respect for his authority, Johannes Aventine. Ariosto's Orlando
- Does not imply attribution , and is easier to show than attribution . Unequivocal, attribution ,would require controlled experiments with multiple copies of the climate system
- Objects are perceived and pushes attribution s of reality into their role as an, attribution ,about the things we perceive (or an assumption underlying how we perceive
- It has been studied recently by Wilbur Knorr, who suggested that the, attribution ,to Hero is incorrect, and that the true author is Diaphanous. Influence
- He never deals with my ideas as such, but proceeds by hint, innuendo,false, attribution , and error. " Gould was also a harsh critic of Dennett's idea of the "
- Probabilities greater than 90 %,95 %, and 99 %, respectively. The IPCC's, attribution ,of recent global warming to human activities is a view shared by most
- The author retains copyright solely to disclaim warranty and require proper, attribution ,of modified works, and permits redistribution and any modification, even closed
- Gambling-related websites have retold the 'parity hedge' story without, attribution , Dice setting or dice control Another approach is to" set" the dice in a
- With motivations that are brought on by consequences or punishments. A form of, attribution ,theory developed by Bernard Water describes how students' beliefs about the
- Difficulties in attribution At the time of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, attribution ,was possible for a number of observed changes in the climate (see effects of
- With lightning. And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true. " The, attribution ,is disputed. Plot Part 1: Pre-Civil War America The film follows two juxtaposed
- Storm Cloud on Dena ", which is inconsistent with other sources. Unsigned;, attribution ,per Ellis, Evans,& Lewis p. 262. * Frederik Poll (1964). " Ode to a Skylark
- The English Hymnal (musical editor Ralph Vaughan Williams) gives no, attribution , stating merely" 17th or 18th cent. " Use in Britain" God Save the Queen" is
- Elements of the given combination of forcing. Detection does not imply, attribution , and is easier to show than attribution . Unequivocal attribution would require
- Only much later in the second half of the 19th century did the Boers adopt this, attribution , too. The Khoi and mixed-race groups became collectively referred to as
- With multiple copies of the climate system, which is not possible. Therefore, attribution , as described above, can only be done within some margin of error. For example
- The first sound that children makes. According to Plutarch's natural order of, attribution ,of the vowels to the planets, alpha was connected with the Moon. Alpha and
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