Examples of the the word, fuller , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fuller ), is the 11867 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Simplicity of the hydrogen molecule and the corresponding cation H₂+ allowed, fuller ,understanding of the nature of the chemical bond, which followed shortly after
  2. And dictionaries. Most noticeably, encyclopedia articles are longer, fuller ,and more thorough than entries in most general-purpose dictionaries. Thus
  3. However, it is now generally rejected, and the real author is still unknown. A, fuller ,discussion is in the article Authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews, and this
  4. In the Phased, Republic,and Times) of the soul as having a higher or, fuller ,kind of reality than inanimate objects possess. While Aristotle criticizes
  5. Cf. AJ X.267). He claims that interested persons have pressed him to give a, fuller ,account of the Jewish culture and constitution. Here, in expounding Jewish
  6. In doing so the flipper will float on towards the batsman and land on a, fuller ,length than he anticipated, often leaving him caught on the back foot when he
  7. In traffic, not less. " The Globe also asserted that their analysis provides a, fuller ,picture of the traffic situation than a state-commissioned study done two years
  8. Note the elisions in must (um) and ill (e) in the third line. For a, fuller ,discussion of the prosaic features of this passage, see Latin poetry: Dactylic
  9. Modes of beings: a privatize mode is present-at-hand, whereas beings in a, fuller ,sense are described as ready-to-hand. The one who asks of Being is
  10. Initiating all the subsequent action was already familiar to its audience; a, fuller ,version was told in the Cyprian, a lost work of the Epic Cycle, of which only
  11. Been perfected, the human race will forever progress towards a deeper and, fuller ,love of God, which equates with eternal happiness * hell, though often
  12. 1990s,his subsequent books have featured a new clean-shaven appearance with a, fuller ,head of hair. Koontz explained the change by claiming that he was tired of
  13. Of the blade; (6) the spine - the thickest section of the blade; (7),the, fuller , the groove added to lighten the blade; (8) the Picasso, the flat section of
  14. Wills realized he would have to add a drummer to balance things and create a, fuller ,sound. He hired the young," modern style musician" Smokey Lucas. By 1935
  15. And width. A low Cw figure indicates fine ends and a high Cw figure indicates, fuller ,ends. High Cw improves stability as well as handling behavior in rough
  16. Their belief that physical death is not the end, but the beginning of the, fuller ,realization of redemption. Orthodox Christians often use the euphemism fallen
  17. Color: ACM bar: Neville from: 1929 till: 1930 color: CMC text: Neville bar:, fuller ,from: 1928 till: 1930 color: ACM bar: fuller from: 1930 till: 1933 color: CMC
  18. A full mid-section and fine ends, a high or full CP indicates a boat with, fuller ,ends. Planing hulls and other high speed hulls tend towards a higher CP.
  19. Fuller and the top is placed on the work and struck with a hammer. The top, fuller ,is also used for finishing round corners and for stretching or spreading metal.
  20. And tuning are the same as a conventional guitar, although creating a much, fuller ,tone. They are used almost solely to play harmony and rhythm. They are
  21. Without it, Christology is incomplete since the figure of Mary contributes to a, fuller ,understanding of who Christ is and what he did. Certain Christian traditions of
  22. As the mid 50s. Here are the dates given in the modern NIV Study Bible (for a, fuller ,discussion see Augustinian hypothesis): Such early dates are not limited to
  23. Take then requires a correct form of interpretation. With 'gnosis' comes a, fuller ,insight that is considered to be more spiritual. Greater recognition of the
  24. With matters not found elsewhere. It also records many people and events in, fuller ,detail, as the list of David's heroes (1 CHR. 12:1–37),the removal of the
  25. Hendricks Stephan us and published in Paris in 1560. Julius Ur sinus compiled a, fuller ,collection of Altaic fragments, including a commentary, which was published at
  26. Point can move slightly away from the nail to the pad of the finger, allowing a, fuller ,vibrato. Vibrato is a small oscillation in the pitch of a note, usually
  27. To be measured, but has proved practical for the calculation of Epimenides: a, fuller ,definition that is consistent with general relativity has been proposed.
  28. In The Antichrist, published in 1895 and written several years earlier; a, fuller ,development of Nietzsche's argument can be found in a prior work, On the
  29. Wrote" A treacherous lioness butchered the governors who had been left to give, fuller ,voice and strength to the endeavors of Roman rule. " Cultural depictions
  30. Of Kabbalist exegesis. Classic mystical Bible commentaries are included in, fuller ,versions of the Migrant Geology (Main Commentators). Cordovan systematization
  31. Which, while they cannot be proven on the basis of experience, help us to live, fuller ,and better lives. Ideas and Mysticism Ideas is not a synonym for religious
  32. Correctly. Changes in the Anglican Ordinal since King Edward VI, and a, fuller ,appreciation of the pre-Reformation ordinals suggest that the correctness of
  33. Promised Messiah of the Jews who fulfilled all the Messianic predictions in a, fuller ,and a higher sense than had been given them by the Rabbis. When John the
  34. Heywood bar: Elliott bar: Biddle bar: Barnett bar: jejune bar: Neville bar:, fuller ,bar: Russell bar: Holcomb bar: Vanderbilt bar: cats bar: shepherd bar: pate
  35. The original light pink. In addition, the hybrids often produce flowers in a, fuller ,circle rather than a" side facing" habit like the" old-fashioned" pink. The
  36. Has a square shank which fits into the hardy hole in the anvil while the top, fuller ,has a handle. The work is placed on the bottom fuller and the top is placed on
  37. Of the righteous ", and that God blessed them both (XXXVII: 12). In a, fuller ,description, when angels came to Abraham to tell him of the future punishment
  38. In the West in the teachings of Tertullian (c. 160–225),and was given, fuller ,reflection and speculation soon after by Origin (c. 185–254). It was
  39. S tension and thus a proportional change in pitch - giving the impression of a, fuller ,tone. Both Hands/Other: *One and the same note (in terms of pitch),can be
  40. Is first attested in the 16th century and represents a Scottish variant of the, fuller ,All-Hallows-Even (" evening" ), that is, the night before All Hallows' Day.
  41. Of a double-edged fighting knife with a sharp point and central spine or, fuller , with two cutting edges sharpened for the full length of the blade, or nearly
  42. Used in making grooves or hollows. They are often used in pairs, the bottom, fuller ,has a square shank which fits into the hardy hole in the anvil while the top
  43. Where this occurs, the word is listed as if the gamma were in fact a nu. For a, fuller ,discussion of these matters, see the Greek alphabet. Note: the distinction
  44. Shown in poly tonic orthography, in other words showing the breathing and the, fuller ,range of accents, as used in Ancient Greek and in Modern Greek for those who do
  45. The anvil while the top fuller has a handle. The work is placed on the bottom, fuller ,and the top is placed on the work and struck with a hammer. The top fuller is
  46. Of Walpole's to Anne, Countess of Story, on 16 August 1776. The original, fuller ,version appeared in a letter to Sir Horace Mann on 31 December 1769:" I have
  47. Color: CMC text: Neville bar: fuller from: 1928 till: 1930 color: ACM bar:, fuller ,from: 1930 till: 1933 color: CMC text: Fuller bar: Russell from: 1933 till:
  48. Segment of the market. Additionally, although allowing for good performance and, fuller ,exploitation of system resources, it was also resource-intensive on limited
  49. On their spectroradiometer. The result is what would seem to be a smoother (", fuller ,spectrum" ) power distribution than the lamp actually has. Owing to their
  50. And better stick articulation (when using drum sticks). Thin cymbals have a, fuller ,sound, a lowered pitch, and faster response. The profile of the cymbal is the

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