Examples of the the word, episcopal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( episcopal ), is the 11859 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of early councils and the protests of St Bernard and others, adopted the, episcopal ,insignia of mite, ring,gloves and sandals. It has been maintained that the
  2. The former Roman province of Galatia in Asia Minor, suffragan of Boadicea. Its, episcopal ,list is given in Game," Series epic. Eccl. Cath. "; also that of another
  3. Relied for its unity and identity on its own history, its traditional legal and, episcopal ,structure and its status as an established church of the state. As such
  4. The shared ecclesial structure of the component churches, manifested in an, episcopal ,polity maintained through the apostolic succession of bishops and synovial
  5. From the Pope in the 16th century, the Church of England retained the, episcopal ,polity and apostolic succession inherent in the Catholic Church. At first the
  6. Precedence of the archbishop of Cologne. Abbots more and more assumed almost, episcopal ,state, and in defiance of the prohibition of early councils and the protests of
  7. Bishops almost exclusively for their respective countries causing other, episcopal ,lineages to die off. Roman Catholics recognize the validity of the apostolic
  8. Titular bishop, and he is to be appointed as a vicar general or at least as an, episcopal ,vicar of the diocese in which he serves.; Coadjutor bishop: A coadjutor bishop
  9. Namely, that the Christian Churches should be identical with authoritarian, episcopal ,institutions rather than simply indicating the worldwide community of
  10. From Old Catholic and Independent Catholic churches, adopted a strict, episcopal ,polity, and all of its clergy have been ordained (or re-ordained) into the
  11. Bishops of disparate churches could manifest the unity of the church in their, episcopal ,collegiality despite the absence of universal legal ties. Some bishops were
  12. Which is one of the Oriental Orthodox churches, recognizes Roman Catholic, episcopal ,consecrations without qualification. Apostolic Founders The Patriarchate of
  13. S sermons, owes more to him than to any writer except Paul. Ambrose's intense, episcopal ,consciousness furthered the growing doctrine of the Church and its sacerdotal
  14. Over his opponents were his great popularity and the reverence paid to the, episcopal ,character at that period. But it must also be noted that he used several
  15. Churches in Amsterdam have been constructed since the restoration of the, episcopal ,hierarchy in 1853. One of the principal architects behind the city's Catholic
  16. Oversight. The first case recorded of the partial exemption of an abbot from, episcopal ,control is that of Faustus, abbot of Series, at the council of Axles, AD 456;
  17. Hold to the priesthood of all believers, they reject the need for a special, episcopal ,class to administer the sacraments. Yet such arguments may not be persuasive to
  18. Lib. i. tit. iii. De EP. leg. XL. ) expressly subordinates the abbot to, episcopal ,oversight. The first case recorded of the partial exemption of an abbot from
  19. Early Byzantine period (4th to 6th centuries AD) Heracles was an important, episcopal ,center. Some of its bishops were mentioned in the acts of the Church Councils
  20. And a number of bishops were deposed. By 1073 there were only two Englishmen in, episcopal ,sees, and by the time of William's death in 1089,there was only one, Wulfstan
  21. A power usually reserved to bishops. Abbots were originally subject to, episcopal ,jurisdiction, and continued generally so, in fact, in the West till the 11th
  22. The term" Reformed Episcopal Church "; and it remains the case that the word ", episcopal ," is preferred in the title of the Episcopal Church (the province of the
  23. That their jurisdiction was limited to their own house. The adoption of certain, episcopal ,insignia (pontifical) by abbots was followed by an encroachment on
  24. Some Lutheran Churches do not specifically teach this but exclusively practice, episcopal ,ordination. These churches generally hold that Jesus Christ founded a community
  25. State. As such Anglicanism was, from the outset, a movement with an explicitly, episcopal ,polity, a characteristic which has been vital in maintaining the unity of the
  26. Church of England; and each church has its own legislative process and overall, episcopal ,polity, under the leadership of a local primate. The Archbishop of Canterbury
  27. This act of homage. It seems certain that many sees maintained an uninterrupted, episcopal ,succession through the turmoil of the invasion and the following years. The
  28. Protestants dismiss the claims made by Catholics and by Orthodox that their, episcopal ,institutions, in their current forms, date directly back to Christ and are in
  29. Then taken, when Palladium and his associate Secundianus were deposed from the, episcopal ,office. Nevertheless, the increasing strength of the Arians proved a formidable
  30. Despite its far larger population size, the Catholic clergy chose to place its, episcopal ,see of the city in the nearby provincial town of Haarlem. In recent times
  31. And escaped from Prague, despite the Pope's call for him to return to his, episcopal ,see. Trachomas was eventually appointed to be his successor. However, when he
  32. Roman Catholics to inspect the register in the presence of six of his own, episcopal ,colleagues, the details of which inspection were preserved. It was agreed by
  33. 1027. In 1046, he was named to the Bishopric of Worcester. Alfred, besides his, episcopal ,duties, served Edward the Confessor, the King of England, as a diplomat and as
  34. In the first half of the 17th century the Church of England and associated, episcopal ,churches in Ireland and in England's American colonies were presented by some
  35. Invalid, the Catholic Church takes account of the involvement, in some Anglican, episcopal ,ordinations, of bishops of the Old Catholic Church of the Union of Utrecht who
  36. Insignia (pontifical) by abbots was followed by an encroachment on, episcopal ,functions, which had to be specially but ineffectually guarded against by the
  37. Priests, deacons and other bishops. Apostolic succession is transmitted during, episcopal ,consecrations (the ordination of bishops) by the laying on of hands of
  38. Century, the practice of exempting religious houses partly or altogether from, episcopal ,control, and making them responsible to the pope alone, received an impulse
  39. But the exorbitant claims and exactions of bishops, to which this repugnance to, episcopal ,control is to be traced, far more than to the arrogance of abbots, rendered it
  40. The Bishop of Ebbs fleet and the Bishop of Rich borough, are provincial, episcopal ,visitors for the whole Province of Canterbury, licensed by the archbishop as "
  41. He left his monastery, but continued to lead a monastic life in the, episcopal ,residence. He left a regular his monastery that has led him to be designated the
  42. To be preferred; as it distinguished these churches from others that claimed an, episcopal ,polity; although some churches, in particular the Scottish Episcopal Church
  43. His baptism likely took place at Canterbury. Augustine established his, episcopal ,see at Canterbury. The historian R. A. Markus discusses the various theories of
  44. Unlike the Retain bishopric of Char, established 451) and Basel, which was an, episcopal ,seat from 740,and which continued the line of Bishops of Augusta Africa, see
  45. Anglican church, but the title is not usually associated with a particular, episcopal ,see like the title of a primate.; Major archbishop: Major archbishops are the
  46. Applied to retired bishops who are given a general license to minister as, episcopal ,pastors under a diocesan's oversight. The titles, in this meaning, are not
  47. Emperor Basil II recaptured Monastery in 1015. The town is mentioned as an, episcopal ,center in 1019 in a record by Basil II. Two important uprisings against
  48. This without incurring the penalty of the Præmunire Act. In light of Wesley's, episcopal ,consecration, the Methodist Church can lay a claim on apostolic succession, as
  49. A key role of these present-day apostles. Those who hold to the importance of, episcopal ,apostolic succession would counter the above by appealing to the New Testament
  50. Appointed Governor-General of Australia. Though Hollingsworth gave up his, episcopal ,position to accept the appointment, it still attracted considerable opposition

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