Examples of the the word, localization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( localization ), is the 11879 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ran GTP gradient. This gradient arises from the exclusive nuclear, localization ,of Ranges, proteins that exchange GDP to GTP on Ran molecules. Thus, there is
  2. Toward the beetle's fungal antagonist, combined with the prevalence and, localization ,of its bacterial source, indicates an insect-microbe association that is both
  3. Cytoplasm to the nucleus contain short amino acid sequences known as nuclear, localization ,signals, which are bound by importing, while those transported from the nucleus
  4. Laid to rest in Przemyśl, where some historians place Bruno's diocese; such, localization ,of the Bruno's burial place is hardly probable because Przemyśl then belonged
  5. Formula in equivalent cohomology, which was a consequence of well-known, localization ,theorems. Aliyah showed that the moment map was closely related to geometric
  6. Typically based on lanthanide elements like neodymium or samarium. Molecular, localization ,Of course the above picture is a generalization as it pertains to materials
  7. Lord Rayleigh developed the Duplex (combination of two) Theory of human sound, localization ,using two binaural cues, interaural time delay (IT) and interaural level
  8. Functions were localized in specific areas of the cerebral cortex. The, localization ,of function hypothesis was supported by observations of epileptic patients
  9. Are: * high-throughput and high-fidelity quantification and subcellular, localization ,(high-content screening, cytohistopathology, Bioimage informatics) *
  10. The bonding becomes entirely localized into a regular covalent bond. The, localization ,is so complete that the (more familiar) H₂ gas results. A similar argument
  11. The patient. Gamma imaging will then reveal any areas of ongoing white cell, localization ,such as new and developing areas of infection. Precautions and health issues
  12. Molecular orbital is localized on the two terminal atoms. This represents a, localization ,of charge which is facilitated by the high electronegativity of fluorine. The
  13. Danish, Dutch,Swedish, Finnish,Norwegian, and Vietnamese. The extent of, localization ,varies from full translation of the product to documentation only. The AutoCAD
  14. Tomography," PET" scan and indium-111 labelled leukocyte scans. However,the, localization ,of gallium in the body has some properties which make it unique in some
  15. Described as a two-axis scheme having the cause on one axis and the extent of, localization ,within the brain on the other. Since 1997,the IAE have been working on a new
  16. Modification of a lysine residue. Such modifications can also determine the, localization ,of the protein, e. g., the addition of long hydrophobic groups can cause a
  17. Analysis of transcription, RNA processing patterns, and the expression and, localization ,of the protein product (s) is usually necessary, using methods including
  18. That made serious attempts at implementing Internationalization and, localization ,and TCP/IP networking. It also allows the user to extend the functionality of
  19. Under the Moscow Declaration of October 1943 have no particular geographical, localization , The Three Governments reaffirm their intention to bring these criminals to
  20. One of the possible strategies towards this objective is the rational, localization ,of bioactive phytochemicals. Plants have an almost limitless ability to
  21. Species of ions passing through those gates, the number of gates (pores) and, localization ,of proteins. Further heterogeneity of ion channels arises when channels with
  22. And support each other. Besides making efforts in the internationalization and, localization , a major aim is to foster the creation and adaptation of KDE applications to
  23. From then on, two major complementary lines of evidence have been investigated:, localization ,and further characterization of the N-methyltransferase enzyme, and analytical
  24. Determine if the problem exists in the nervous system and the clinical, localization , Localization of the pathology is the key process by which neurologists develop
  25. FFT by Go and Burris (1996) takes sparse inputs/outputs (time/frequency, localization ,) into account more efficiently than is possible with an exact FFT. Another
  26. 3' UTC also may affect translational efficiency or mRNA stability. Cytoplasmic, localization ,of mRNA is thought to be a function of the 3' UTC. Proteins that are needed in
  27. Started discouraging excessively long names. The words Internationalization and, localization ,are abbreviated" i18n" and" l10n ", respectively,the embedded number
  28. Been attributed to the untranslated regions, including mRNA stability, mRNA, localization , and translational efficiency. The ability of a UTC to perform these functions
  29. Frequently. * Tracking experiments, which seek to gain information about the, localization ,and interaction of the desired protein. One way to do this is to replace the
  30. Amnesia and partial retrograde amnesia provided the first evidence for the, localization ,of memory function, and further clarified the differences between declarative
  31. Rubber and Locomotive BASIC cartridge. This resulted in reduced hardware, localization ,cost (only some select key caps and case labels had to be localized) with the
  32. Of the demand for anime in its original form. This" light touch" approach to, localization ,has favored viewers formerly unfamiliar with anime. Robotic and Star Blazers
  33. Energy 117 kJ·mol−1 in pyridine vs. 150 kJ·mol−1 in benzene). The electron, localization ,in pyridine is also reflected in the shorter C-N ring bond (137 pm for the C-N
  34. To the local lipid raft. (Compare this to the effect of palmitoylation on GPCR, localization ,discussed above) Because Go also has slow GTP→GDP hydrolysis capability, the
  35. At specific user groups, for example through language internationalization and, localization , or through inclusion of much music production or scientific computing packages
  36. As Wernicke's area. Discoveries of both men contributed to the concept of, localization ,which states that specific brain functions are all localized to a specific area
  37. This region is responsible for binding the p53 co-repressor LMO3. # nuclear, localization ,signaling domain, residues 316-325. # homo-oligomerisation domain (OD):
  38. A particular phenotype of interest, such as in positional cloning. In practice, localization ,of the gene to a chromosome or genomic region does not necessarily enable one
  39. Secretion of the dense-granule content takes place after parasite invasion and, localization ,within the parasitophorous vacuole and persists for several minutes Other
  40. Lattice rather than a molecular structure. Molecular structure can also lead to, localization ,of electrons. Although there are usually energetic reasons why a molecular
  41. Lauterbur's insight of using magnetic field gradients to determine spatial, localization , a discovery that allowed rapid acquisition of 2D images. Mansfield was
  42. Why they are foreign and we're not. Television ELF may be:; Science * Electron, localization ,function, a concept in quantum mechanics * Extremely low frequency, the band of
  43. Of several important RFCs, many in the general area of Internationalization and, localization , He was born in Names, Norway,received his education from Bergen
  44. The translocation mechanism: Import of proteins Any cargo with a nuclear, localization ,signal (NLS) exposed will be destined for quick and efficient transport
  45. Their product for the overseas market with additional features during the, localization ,process. These features are later added back to the native market in a
  46. The Penrose phosphate pathway, glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. The, localization ,of pathways can be different in other organisms, for instance fatty acid
  47. Only. The AutoCAD command set is localized as a part of the software, localization , AutoCAD was derived from a program called Interact, which was written
  48. Composition were developed for improving the quality of predicting subcellular, localization ,of apoptosis proteins based on their sequence information alone. Anal sex (or
  49. Can be used with floor plan instead of maps for indoor robots, combined with, localization ,wireless hardware. Lagoon Mahfouz (/ and foreign films. Early life and
  50. They have been found to often associate with discrete domains defined by dense, localization ,of the transcription factor PTF, which promotes transcription of sRNA. PML

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