Examples of the the word, amplitude , in a Sentence Context

The word ( amplitude ), is the 11446 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Omega_c / (2\pi). \, The constants C\, and \phi_c\, represent the carrier, amplitude ,and initial phase, and are introduced for generality. For simplicity however
  2. International Telecommunication Union (ITU) designated the various types of, amplitude ,modulation as follows: Example: double-sideband AM A carrier wave is modeled as
  3. Passband width, which in this example is the 1dB-bandwidth. If the filter shows, amplitude ,ripple within the pass band, the x dB point refers to the point where the gain
  4. Projection of \psi\! Onto \phi\! ) is typically interpreted as the probability, amplitude ,for the state \psi\! To collapse into the state \phi. \! The advantage of the
  5. A continuous wave radio-frequency signal (a sinusoidal carrier wave) has its, amplitude ,modulated by an audio waveform before being transmitted. In the frequency
  6. Focal plane. An extended theory that allows the calculation of the point image, amplitude ,and intensity over a much larger volume in the focal region was recently
  7. Directly on redshift; this seems to be roughly true, but unfortunately the, amplitude ,does depend on cluster properties which do change substantially over cosmic
  8. Or partial. In general, each harmonic generator has its own customizable, amplitude ,envelope and instantaneous frequency function, creating a realistic, dynamic
  9. Density (in W/Hz or V2/Hz) is above half its maximum value (or the spectral, amplitude , in V or V/Hz, is more than 70.7 % of its maximum); that is, above −3 dB
  10. Has one of its properties modulated: amplitude modulation involves altering the, amplitude ,of a sinusoidal voltage waveform by the source information, frequency
  11. Few microhertz, the highest peak corresponding to 4.3 kHz (2.7 days) with an, amplitude ,of 60 ms−1,with a frequency separation of ~5 kHz. They suggested that the most
  12. Can think of it as a much more flexible algorithm, envelope (for frequency and, amplitude ,for each oscillator) and filter equalization DX7 style synth. In fact, one can
  13. Represents the angular frequency and the complex number z encodes the phase and, amplitude ,as explained above. In electrical engineering, the Fourier transform is used to
  14. The sound can be 'reshaped' – by alterations made to timbre or the overall, amplitude ,envelope, for example. A harmonic sound could be restructured to sound
  15. Oscillators inside the system, a user can make adjustments to the frequency and, amplitude ,of any set of partials. The sound can be 'reshaped' – by alterations made to
  16. Robert Brandenburg has commented on fine-tuning in another situation. The, amplitude ,of the primordial inhomogeneities produced in inflation is directly tied to the
  17. Range of frequencies where the amplitude gain is above 70.7 % of the maximum, amplitude ,gain, and above half the maximum power gain. This same" half power gain "
  18. By transmitting negative-going pulses; in a composite video signal of 1 volt, amplitude , these are approximately 0.3 V below the" black level ". The horizontal sync
  19. Spectrum) is very specific and has only two free parameters,the, amplitude ,of the spectrum and the spectral index which measures the slight deviation from
  20. Frac \franc, where M\, and A\, were introduced above. So if h 0.5,the carrier, amplitude ,varies by 50 % above and below its modulated level, and for h 1.0 it varies
  21. Attenuation is less than + 3dB. This is also the range of frequencies where the, amplitude ,gain is above 70.7 % of the maximum amplitude gain, and above half the maximum
  22. No information. Modulation index It can be defined as the measure of extent of, amplitude ,variation about an modulated maximum carrier. As with other modulation
  23. At discrete time n, : AKN = run cos (AKN): BKN = run sin (AKN): run is the, amplitude ,envelope of the kith harmonic at discrete time n, : AKN is the instantaneous
  24. In remote controls, in which the phase is varied) In the mid-1870s,a form of, amplitude ,modulation—initially called" adulatory currents"—was the first method to
  25. Of a given frequency, the absolute value | z | of the corresponding z is the, amplitude ,and the argument are (z) the phase. If Fourier analysis is employed to write
  26. Points in the frequency domain where the signal is \franc of the maximum signal, amplitude ,(half power). Antenna systems In the field of antennas, two different methods
  27. Lines in gas clouds at high redshift. This prediction also implies that the, amplitude ,of the Sundae–Del'dovish effect in clusters of galaxies does not depend on
  28. Sources of creation In communications * broadcasting, radio broadcasting using, amplitude ,modulation In geography In media In music * Adam Goldstein, better known as "
  29. Rate that will satisfy the sampling theorem. Because this range of non-zero, amplitude ,may be very broad or infinite, this definition is typically relaxed so that the
  30. Signal with percentage modulation are shown below. In each image, the maximum, amplitude ,is higher than in the previous image. Note that the scale changes from one
  31. Below. Gain The gain of an amplifier is the ratio of output to input power or, amplitude , and is usually measured in decibels. (When measured in decibels it is
  32. e. g., a sinusoidal carrier wave) has one of its properties modulated:, amplitude ,modulation involves altering the amplitude of a sinusoidal voltage waveform by
  33. That results in two side bands and a carrier is often called double-sideband, amplitude ,modulation (DSB-AM). Amplitude modulation is inefficient in terms of power
  34. Actually consists of two signals: the picture information is transmitted using, amplitude ,modulation on one frequency, and the sound is transmitted with frequency
  35. System the pulse is 4.7 is synchronization pulse at 0 V. This is lower than the, amplitude ,of any video signal (blacker than black) so it can be detected by the
  36. Recoil from a" light pulse" such that they recorded the light's phase and, amplitude , which was recovered by a second nearby condensate, by what they term "
  37. Conveyed by the broadcast signal is a function of deliberate variations in the, amplitude ,and/or frequency of the signal. All broadcast television systems preceding
  38. Often used to refer to the medium wave broadcast band (see AM radio). Forms of, amplitude ,modulation In radio communication, a continuous wave radio-frequency signal (a
  39. Expression \angle\phi|\psi\range is typically interpreted as the probability, amplitude ,for the state \psi\! To collapse into the state \phi. \! Bras and gets Usage in
  40. Its 'original' level. For AM, it relates to the variations in the carrier, amplitude ,and is defined as:: h \franc \franc, where M\, and A\, were introduced above. So
  41. Assumed that \omega’m \ll \omega_c\, and that \min m (t) = -M. \, Then, amplitude , modulation is created by forming the product:: A\, represents the carrier
  42. Conventional AM: the minimum video signal level corresponds to maximum carrier, amplitude , and vice versa. The carrier is never shut off altogether; this is to ensure
  43. Frequency output, set it to 128 kHz (inaudible) and then modulated the, amplitude ,of that. Another program that had good success on the ST platform was
  44. Of the sound using additive techniques. By calculating the frequency and, amplitude ,weighting of discrete partials in the frequency domain (typically using a fast
  45. Disturbances An important simplifying assumption for acoustic waves is that the, amplitude ,of the disturbance of the field quantities is small. This assumption leads to
  46. In angle notation, often used in electronics to represent a favor with, amplitude ,r and phase φ it is written as: z = r \ang \var phi. \, Multiplication,division
  47. Or double-sideband suppressed-carrier (DSBSC) signal. A suppressed-carrier, amplitude ,modulation scheme is three times more power-efficient than traditional DSB-AM.
  48. By an audio waveform before being transmitted. In the frequency domain, amplitude ,modulation produces a signal with power concentrated at the carrier frequency
  49. The emulation of a given tone or sound by giving control over the frequency and, amplitude ,of each individual harmonic or partial. In general, each harmonic generator has
  50. Modulation is created by forming the product:: A\, represents the carrier, amplitude ,which is a constant that we would choose to demonstrate the modulation index.

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