Examples of the the word, accelerated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accelerated ), is the 10421 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Potentially decisive advantage in a naval engagement. The introduction of steam, accelerated ,the growth in size of battleships. France and the United Kingdom were the only
  2. Years old and thus reaching the end of their normal lifespan, the drought, accelerated ,their demise by shrinking the trees' roots. However, the problem is being
  3. Precision. Another approach, used by modern hardware graphics adapters with, accelerated ,geometry, can convert exactly all Bézier and conic curves (or surfaces) into
  4. Human influence on climate change is thought to be a contributing factor of an, accelerated ,trend in sea level rise which threatens coastal habitat. Pollution can occur
  5. While a theory which from the outset prefers no state of motion (even, accelerated ,ones) should appear more satisfactory. So in 1908 he published an article on
  6. The objective of economics to be maximization of economic growth through, accelerated ,consumption and production of goods and services. Neoliberal ideology promoted
  7. Parts and originally at rest with respect to a surrounding ring was itself, accelerated ,to a certain angular velocity with respect to the ring, and another situation
  8. Ireland were covered with forest and swamp. Clearing began around 6000 BC and, accelerated ,in medieval times. Despite this, Britain retained its primeval forests longer
  9. Modern development of computer programming. Development of computer programming, accelerated ,through the Industrial Revolution. In the late 1880s,Herman Hollerith invented
  10. Spurring Apple to release the Apple IIC Plus; the built-in 3½-inch drive and, accelerated ,processor were features Laser had pioneered. The Laser 128 also had a Lifestyle
  11. Behavior with non-economic concerns. Interest in business ethics, accelerated ,dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s,both within major corporations and
  12. Initial buzz that is now associated with carbon nanotubes. Nanotube research, accelerated ,greatly following the independent discoveries by Bethune at IBM and Minima at
  13. Positrons are produced in gamma-ray flashes created by electrons which are, accelerated ,by strong electric fields in the clouds. Antiprotons have also been found to
  14. Longer-ranged Spartan. Sprint was a very fast missile (some sources claimed it, accelerated ,to 8,000 mph (13 000 km/h) within 4 seconds of flight—an average acceleration
  15. Constructed, is still in operation. The focus of conservation development then, accelerated ,in Britain and America, and it was in Britain that the first International
  16. Of 47 days. Another possibility is that a fully ionized atom undergoes greatly, accelerated ,β decay, as observed for 187Re by Bosch et al., also at Darmstadt. Neutral
  17. Then part of the Spanish Empire). This new infusion of West Indians has both, accelerated ,social and political change, and diversified Bermuda's culture. West Indian
  18. Marrow to regenerate CD4+ cells. In the case of HIV,CD4+ lymphocytes die at an, accelerated ,rate through uncontrolled apoptosis, when stimulated. Treatments
  19. Of a new breed of low-cost airlines beginning at the turn of the century has, accelerated ,the demand that full service carriers control costs. Many of these low cost
  20. By huge eddy currents into a stable, self-confined toroidal plasmoid and was, accelerated ,to 100 km/s. Sakharov later suggested replacing the copper coil in MK
  21. Elements: irradiation of the lighter elements with either neutrons or, accelerated ,charged particles. The first method is most important for applications, as only
  22. Most famous among early explorers. After Columbus, European exploration rapidly, accelerated , and many new trade routes were established. As a result, the Atlantic became
  23. Are only a very small fraction of the speed of light. Assuming that the ion is, accelerated ,during a very short interval, the ion can be assumed to be travelling at
  24. Business and consumer notebooks equipped with the latest versions of AMD Apes –, accelerated ,processing units. AMD will power HP's Intel-based business notebooks as well.
  25. 1918,Berg served in the Austrian Army and during a period of leave in 1917 he, accelerated ,work on his first opera, Wozzeck. After the end of World War I, he settled
  26. Of the villages of Li dice and Leaky. In 1943 the German war effort was, accelerated , Under the authority of Karl Hermann Frank, German minister of state for
  27. The truncated myostatin is unable to function in this capacity, resulting in, accelerated ,lean muscle growth, due primarily to hyperplasia rather than hypertrophy. The
  28. External hard point at the aircraft's chin near the forward bomb bay. Following, accelerated ,testing, the Sniper pod was fielded in summer 2008. Future precision munitions
  29. Be extracted from it, a scenario known as heat death. Modern observations of, accelerated ,expansion imply that more and more of the currently visible Universe will pass
  30. Catholic and Protestant missions. The rhythm of this expansion was considerably, accelerated ,during the late colonial period,1961–1974,so that by the end of the colonial
  31. Undergoing constant proper acceleration are actually feeling themselves being, accelerated , so that, for example, a car's forward acceleration would result in the driver
  32. Receiver. This was a more costly process, but the use of machined receivers, accelerated ,production as tooling and labor for the earlier Mosin-Nagant rifle's machined
  33. Anode and cathode, resulting in an ionization of the fill gas. The gas ions are, accelerated ,towards the cathode and, upon impact on the cathode, sputter cathode material
  34. The affective consciousness. Thus, it is found that the action of the heart is, accelerated ,by pleasant, and retarded by unpleasant, stimuli; again, changes of weight and
  35. TV viewers' fatigue with the film industry's long awards season. But such an, accelerated ,schedule would dramatically decrease the voting period for its members, to the
  36. Shift, the Rectification of Brussels, is rooted in the 18th century and, accelerated ,after Belgium became independent and Brussels expanded past its original
  37. In South-East Asia occupied by Japan, which damaged British prestige and, accelerated ,the decline of the empire, despite the eventual victory of Britain and its
  38. Pyridine with sodium. The development of the chemistry of alkaloids was, accelerated ,by the emergence of spectroscopic and chromatographic methods in the 20th
  39. The lowest power of the base first. The European acceptance of the numerals was, accelerated ,by the invention of the printing press, and they became widely known during the
  40. Aid: A Factor of Evolution. Theories of apparently altruistic behavior were, accelerated ,by the need to produce theories compatible with evolutionary origins. Two
  41. The material itself, or ionized from the gas, the ions that are evaporated are, accelerated ,by electrostatic force, acquiring most of their energy within a few tip-radii
  42. It deflagrates instead of detonating, as with high explosives. The shell is, accelerated ,to a high velocity in a very short time by the rapid generation of gas from the
  43. Of the ultimate fate of the universe. In the current cosmological epoch,the, accelerated ,expansion due to dark energy is preventing structures larger than super clusters
  44. In the era of discrete transistor mainframes and minicomputers and has rapidly, accelerated ,with the popularization of the integrated circuit (IC). The IC has allowed
  45. And its video release that caused the demise of second-run movie theaters; the, accelerated ,acquisition of pre-existing, pre-sold properties for film adaptation that can
  46. And remained on the market for many years, both in its original form and in, accelerated ,versions that ran faster than. Although it was not 100 % compatible with the
  47. Charge, it launches a kinetic projectile. The George W. Bush administration, accelerated ,development and deployment of a system proposed in 1998 by the Clinton
  48. Limited relationships and sensitivity to the communities in which they operate, accelerated ,the development of formal ethics regimes. History Business ethical norms
  49. They lacked the desired range, and recommended that the AESA design studies be, accelerated , In June 1970,North American Rockwell's design was selected and was awarded a
  50. Entities only reluctantly support national-level institutions. Banking reform, accelerated ,in 2001 as all the Communist-era payments bureaus were shut down; foreign banks

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