What is CELTA?


CELTA is an acronym for Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults. It is an internationally recognized certificate awarded by Cambridge English Language Assessment, a department of the University of Cambridge.

"So what's different about CELTA?"

There are a few key things that make CELTA stand out from other TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificates. Firstly, it is one of the most widely recognized qualifications in the field, so it can open up doors to teaching jobs all over the world. Secondly, the approach to language teaching is based on the 'communicative' methodology, which emphasizes using real-life situations to help learners use English for communication. Finally, the training is very practical, with a focus on giving teachers the skills and confidence to start teaching right away.

What are the different approaches to teaching language?

There are various different approaches to teaching language, with each having their own benefits and drawbacks. One of the most popular methods is the PPP approach, which stands for presentation, practice, and production. This method focuses on introducing a new language through presentations, before giving students the opportunity to practice it through exercises, and finally using it in a real-world context. Another popular approach is TBL or task-based learning. This approach emphasizes completing tasks as a way of learning language, rather than focusing on grammar and vocabulary.

What is PPP?

This is a question that is often asked by CELTA candidates. PPP is an acronym for Presentation, Practice, and Production. It is a popular teaching approach that is used in many language classrooms.

"What is TBL?"

TBL stands for Task-Based Learning. This is another popular teaching approach that is used in many language classrooms. It is based on the idea that learners learn best when they are given tasks to complete.

What is TBL?

"TBL stands for Task-Based Learning, a method that emphasizes the use of tasks in order to promote language learning. Tasks are activities that learners do in order to achieve a specific goal or goal. In TBL classes, tasks are usually assigned to small groups and students are given time to complete them. The teacher then provides feedback on their work."

Many teachers find that using task-based learning helps to keep their classes interesting and engaging. There are a few different approaches to teaching language with a focus on tasks, but one of the most popular is PPP to TBL. PPP stands for Presentation, Practice, Production, and this approach typically starts with giving a presentation on the new language, followed by practice activities, and finally, students produce their own pieces of language. Switching to a TBL approach can be a great way to move your class from a more traditional style to one that is more focused on student interaction and communication.

Different approaches to teaching language

There are many different approaches to teaching language, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. The two most common approaches are the PPP model and the TBL model.

The PPP model is based on the idea that learners need to be exposed to language in a variety of contexts in order to understand it and use it effectively. It focuses on grammar and vocabulary instruction, with practice in using the language for communication happening gradually throughout the course.

The TBL model, on the other hand, emphasizes the use of communicative tasks as the main vehicle for learning. It relies on input and interaction from classmates and teachers, with less focus on explicit grammar instruction.

Both approaches have their merits, and it ultimately comes down to what works best for each individual teacher and class.

Different approaches to teaching language

There are a variety of different approaches to teaching language, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. The two most common approaches are the PPP model and TBL model.

The PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production) model is a more traditional approach that focuses on grammar and vocabulary. The teacher presents new information, students practice it in exercises, and then they produce it in a real-world context. This approach is very structured and can be quite boring for some students.

The TBL (Task-Based Learning) model is a more modern approach that focuses on communication and practical use of language. Students are given tasks to complete, and they work together to complete them. This approach is more flexible and can be more fun for students, but it can also be less organized.

Different methods of teaching language

There are many different methods of teaching language, with the most popular ones being the Grammar-Translation Method, the Audio-Lingual Method and the Communicative Language Teaching Method. However, there is a newer method that is becoming more popular, which is known as Task-Based Learning.

How to present language in a lesson

is a question that all CELTA candidates face during their course. There are many different approaches to teaching language and each teacher has their own preference. One popular approach is the PPP model - Presentation, Practice, Production. However, there is also the TBL model - Task-Based Learning. In this blog post, we will explore the two methods and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each.

What are the different components of a language lesson?

This is a question that can be asked by both new and experienced teachers. There are many different approaches to teaching language, but one of the most popular is the PPP to TBL approach. This stands for presentation, practice, and production. In the presentation stage, the teacher introduces new material. In the practice stage, students work on the material in pairs or groups. In the production stage, they use the material to communicate with others.

Different approaches to language presentation (PPP, TTT, TBL)

There are a variety of different approaches to teaching language that can be used in a CELTA classroom. One popular approach is Presentation-Practice-Production (PPP), which involves introducing new language through presentations, drilling it with students to ensure they understand it, and then having them use it in practice activities. Another approach is Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), which focuses on using tasks as the main way of teaching language. Tasks can be anything from problem-solving challenges to role-plays. Both PPP and TBLT have their own benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to decide which approach will work best for your class.

The three ways to present language: linear, interactive, and task-based learning

There are three main ways to present language in a classroom: linear, interactive, and task-based learning. The first approach, linear teaching, involves presenting language in strictly chronological order. This method is often used in grammar-focused classes, where students are taught rules and then given exercises to practice these new concepts. Interactive teaching, as the name suggests, encourages students to interact with each other and the teacher as they learn. This approach is often used in communicative classes, where the emphasis is on using language for real-world communication. Task-based learning, the third approach, focuses on completing tasks or activities that require the use of language. This method is often used in CLIL (content and language integrated learning) classes, where the focus is on teaching academic content through a foreign language.

How to present language in a fun and interesting way

There are different ways to approach teaching language, but one popular method is the PPP to TBL model. This stands for Presentation, Practice, and Production phases, followed by Task-Based Learning. In this model, the teacher first presents new language in a controlled environment, then gives students the opportunity to practice it through tasks, and finally evaluates their production of the language. This approach is effective because it helps students learn a language in a fun and interesting way.