Personality traits English pronunciation?


Perhaps one person around you has a very beautiful English pronunciation and is at a level that makes you think, "It's like a native speaker!"
Certainly, it would be cool if you could speak English fluently and with pronunciation like a native English speaker, and communication would be smooth.
This time, I would like to focus on people who are good at pronouncing English, and list some typical ones as their characteristics. This is a must-see for anyone interested in correcting English pronunciation. Please read it to the end!

Three characteristics of people who are good at English pronunciation

Even if you train your English pronunciation in the right way, there are still individual differences in the speed of improvement. Here, I will explain three characteristics that are common to people who are particularly good at English pronunciation.
If you try to change your daily life by referring to these three characteristics, your progress may be much faster!

Features (1) Interested in people

It is very important to increase the amount of output. If you get better pronunciation with the right training, you will improve faster if you have more opportunities to speak and practice more.
People who are interested in people naturally ask more questions to people. The amount of conversation naturally increases because I want to know questions that I wouldn't ask if I'm not interested in people.
Those who are interested in people will have more opportunities to increase the amount of output and practice the pronunciation methods they have learned!

Feature (2) Not afraid of mistakes

Even if pronunciation correction is done with effective training, sometimes I feel uneasy, "Is this pronunciation wrong?" However, at this time, it makes a big difference whether it says "Let's say it for the time being!" Or "If you make a mistake, it's embarrassing, so let's stop."
Those who are not afraid of making mistakes will continue talking even if they are not confident. If the pronunciation is wrong here, it will not be understood or will be pointed out. However, it has the great advantage of being able to notice mistakes and make improvements.

Feature (3) I like talking

The more you like to talk, the more naturally the amount of output will increase. People who have a lot of things to tell and want the other person to know more about themselves tend to improve their pronunciation faster.
On the other hand, even if you train properly in pronunciation correction, if you do not have the opportunity to speak with people in almost English, you will not have the opportunity to show off the pronunciation you have acquired, and your progress will tend to slow down.

Major premise: If you want to correct English pronunciation, you need to choose the right method

Before we talk about the characteristics of people who are good at pronouncing English, there are some of the most important things to know first.
That is, even if you blindly correct the pronunciation of English, it is difficult to obtain the effect. If you don't choose an effective method that specializes in pronunciation correction and train your pronunciation according to the content, you will not be able to improve as much as you want, no matter how much time you spend.
Now, let's explain what training is effective for correcting English pronunciation.

[Related article] What is a really effective way to practice English pronunciation?

Understand the difference between Japanese and English sounds

I've tried various methods that specialize in pronunciation correction, but I'm sure there are many people who feel that they can't get out of Japanese English pronunciation.
The sounds of English and Japanese are completely different in the first place, and even if a Japanese who speaks only Japanese suddenly tries to speak English, he "speaks by replacing it with the sound of Japanese that is closest to the sound of English." You can only do that. This is the reason why Japanese English becomes Katakana English.
Let me give you an example with simple words. For example, the word time. When trying to pronounce this, it tends to be pronounced as "time" in katakana, and many people will remember how to read it by replacing it with katakana in the first place. However, even if it is pronounced as thyme, it is far from the native pronunciation. This is the pitfall of Japanese and English.
Since English has so many sounds that it cannot be compared with Japanese, it is impossible to replace it with katakana and try to learn English pronunciation. First of all, you need to understand this.

"Native muscle exercise" necessary to pronounce English with English sounds

In order to remember the native pronunciation of English without making it katakana, it is essential that you can pronounce the sound yourself.
Native muscle exercise is highly effective here. It's a training method with a name like muscle training!
Native muscle exercise aims to train the muscles around the mouth and vocal cords (throat) that natives naturally use when speaking English so that they can pronounce English in the same way as natives speak.
By learning how to move your lips, tongue and throat, that is, by training your native muscles, you will be able to utter the original sounds of English from your mouth. Native muscle exercises are effective in correcting English pronunciation.

Summary: What kind of person is good at English pronunciation?

For those who are good at pronunciation in English, it is a major premise that pronunciation is corrected by the correct training method. On top of that, by having many opportunities for output as introduced this time, it is possible to increase the speed of improvement at once.

In this article, I have introduced three characteristics of people who are good at pronouncing English:
they are interested in people, they are
not afraid of making mistakes, and
they like to talk.

In any case, the first thing to do is "learn how to speak English." Discovering Sounds can help you correct your English pronunciation through native muscle exercises by a Japanese teacher. If you are interested, please take a trial lesson!