What kind of sound is /r/ in English?


What kind of sound is /r/ in English?

By the way, how is the pronunciation of [r] in English pronounced?

What I learned at school was "rolling out the tongue (rolling tongue)".

But if you think you pronounce all [r] with your tongue, that's a mistake.

Did you know that English [r] has "consonants and vowels"?

First, let's make a clear distinction between the two.

In words, the consonant [r] is

r ight

r ed

r oad

r ead

r at

r un

w r ite

For example, "a consonant is when it comes to the beginning of a word. " In case of write, w

Because it does not pronounce, it is a consonant because [r] comes at the beginning of the phonetic symbol.

If it does not come to the beginning of a word, it means " when it comes to the beginning of a word".

c r y

d r y

f r ee

tr y _

eu r o

eve r y

ve r y

a rr ow

r aspbe rr y

r ecove r y

In this way, "consonant [r]" is spelled obediently as [r].

You can distinguish it as a consonant when it is written.

Now, how do you pronounce the "consonant [r]"?

Let's see how we actually pronounce the consonant [r]!

If you search on the net, you should put the sound "U ~" first in the pronunciation of [r].

May be written.

But first of all, I don't think you know how to make this "U" sound.

See the figure below.

The consonant [r] is fixed by wrapping it around the tongue as shown in the figure above, and the mouth is squeezed vertically.

Rather than "U-" with the tongue wrapped from there fixed behind

I will say "Ah". It is written on the net because it is rolled up and called "A"

You can make a sound like U-like.

When this sound comes in first, it will be recognized as a consonant [r].

Consonant [r] sound:

Voice player

Next, let's see "how to pronounce the vowel [r]"!

Like the consonant [r], it squeezes the mouth vertically, but the biggest difference is

How to pull the tongue. The consonant [r] is a "rolling tongue", but the vowel [r]

Is pronounced by pulling the tongue straight back.

This looks easy at first glance, just "pull it back"

The vowel [r] is unexpectedly difficult and can only be practiced.

When the vowel [r] is rolled out with a rolled tongue, the rolled tongue is rolled up at the time of the sentence.

It takes time to swing down, so I can't speak fast and I can't speak fast.

The ultimate, "easy" vowel [r] is just pulled.

Vowel [r] sound:

Voice player

The word vowel [r] says, "When stress (= accent) comes to this vowel [r] ."

There are "when there is no stress in the sound". Let's look at it in words.

Vowel [r] "Words with stress"

ear n

f ur

t ur n

l ear n

s ir

b ir d

b ur n

c ur l

g ir l

All in bold are "stressed vowels [r]".

Vowels [r] "Words without stress"

aft er

fath er

moth er

broth er

ord er

All in bold is the vowel [r], but there is stress

Only words when there is no.

Then, "double vowel with vowel [r]"

We teach American English pronunciation, so this diphthong [r] is pronounced.

British English does not pronounce this [r] sound, so the pronunciation method is different, but here

I will omit it.

Diphthong words with [r]

For diphthongs, the first vowel is pronounced longer and the second vowel is pronounced lighter at the end.

are are

ar t

b ar

c ar

c ar d

p ar k

f ar


b eer

g ear

c ure



f ear

c are

ch air

f air

w ar

b ore

d oor

All are diphthongs with [r] in bold.

"Triphthong with vowel [r]"

Next, I would like to introduce diphthongs. Diphthongs with the vowel [r]

There is something to be said. There are only two diphthongs, [άɪər] and [άʊər].

The number of words is limited, so it's easy to remember.

The reason for the triple vowels is that there are three vowels lined up.

Let's check with words.

The word "triple vowel with vowel [r]"

f ire


h ire

h our

req uire

Finally, let's look at a word that is a combination of a consonant [r] and a vowel [r].

r ev er se

r et ur n

r ef er

r ath er

r ead er

r egist er

r ememb er

r es ear ch

r ev er se

r iv er

r unn er

You can tell which bold letter is the consonant [r] or the vowel [r]!

How was it?

Today, I would like to talk about "English pronunciation [r]" and "What kind of sound is English [r]?"

I introduced it with a list of words along with the shape of the mouth & the shape of the tongue.

This vowel [r] is a "sound that does not come out with a rolled tongue" that just pulls the tongue straight back.

If you don't have the muscles and flexibility of your tongue, you can't pull back and you can't make this sound easily.

At our school, we make it possible to pronounce this sound together with exercise (muscle training) at the 7th grade.

Please practice it by all means.