Examples of the the word, volatility , in a Sentence Context
The word ( volatility ), is the 10192 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Pure. If one component changes another component's vapor pressure, or if the, volatility ,of a component is dependent on its percentage in the mixture, the law will fail
- It decomposes back to elements at a temperature of above 250 °C. It has a low, volatility ,and was thought to be. But because of the short half-life of radon and the
- Weight and thus lower volatility are used. In cold weather, too little, volatility ,results in cars failing to start. In hot weather, excessive volatility results
- Specific to a particular implementation. These core characteristics are, volatility , mutability, accessibility,and addressability. For any particular
- Identify individual fragments to obtain structural information. To increase the, volatility ,of polar fragments, various methylating reagents can be added to a sample
- Trades. Mexico’s stock market is closely linked to developments in the US. Thus, volatility ,in the New York and Nasdaq stock exchanges, as well as interest-rate changes
- Idea of a currency transaction tax was to find a way to manage exchange-rate, volatility , In his view," currency exchanges transmit disturbances originating in
- In hot weather, gasoline components of higher molecular weight and thus lower, volatility ,are used. In cold weather, too little volatility results in cars failing to
- In areas such as merger arbitrage and S&P 500 options (net short long-term S&P, volatility ,). LTCM had become a major supplier of S&P 500 Vega, which had been in demand
- Approximately 25 %) as an active constituency has added to the democratic, volatility ,of the country in recent years. The population has been motivated by government
- A constant, unvarying rate of return. Monte Carlo retirement calculators take, volatility ,into account, and project the probability that a particular plan of retirement
- Stability: Free markets can sometimes include volatile interest rates. This, volatility ,can generate costs to lenders and borrowers. So, central banks set interest
- Endless headache whose costs are rapidly outstripping its benefits. " Effect on, volatility ,One of the main economic hypotheses raised in favor of financial transaction
- The production is still less than 1 ton per year. Applications Because of the, volatility ,and extreme toxicity of its oxide, osmium is rarely used in its pure state, and
- An ideal mixture of two volatile substances A and B (with A having the higher, volatility , or lower boiling point) in a batch distillation setup (such as in an
- Of Ferdinand Marcos as the regime spawned economic mismanagement and political, volatility , Yet average annual GDP growth per capita for the period 1966–2007 still stands
- Reduce over-heating in economy from oil revenues and minimize uncertainty from, volatility ,in oil price, and to provide a cushion for the effect of aging of the
- Been extremely fluid since the country's independence in 1975,subject to the, volatility ,of coups and political insurrection. Colonel Atari Assuming seized power in a
- In sunlight to produce photochemical smog. Addition of ethanol increases the, volatility ,of gasoline, potentially worsening the problem. Inhalation Hydrocarbons
- So that when it left in smoke the wood fell apart. Smoke described the, volatility ,(the mercury principle),the heat-giving flames described flammability (
- These publicly traded derivatives provide investors access to risk/reward and, volatility ,characteristics that, while related to an underlying commodity, nonetheless are
- Modeling techniques *Volatility arbitrage – exploit the change in implied, volatility ,instead of the change in price. *Yield alternatives – non-fixed income
- Gasoline that is less prone to evaporation. In Australia, summer petrol, volatility ,limits are set by state governments and vary among states. Most countries
- Inflation. Most wage settlements and loans are indexed, reducing inflation's, volatility , Under the compulsory private pension system, most formal sector employees pay
- Such as smoke signals or skywriting are temporary by nature. Depending on the, volatility , a gas (e.g. atmosphere, smoke ) or a liquid surface such as a lake would be
- The sulfide is converted to an oxide and advantage is often taken of the, volatility ,of antimony (III) oxide, which is recovered from roasting. 2 + 3 C → 4 Sb +
- To expand product lines, increase distribution channels, hedge against, volatility , increase its market share, or acquire other necessary business assets. A
- In restaurants and are convenient because they do not require drying due to the, volatility ,of the compound. Alcohol is also used as a preservative for specimens. Alcohol
- Three metallic principles: sulfur to flammability or combustion, mercury to, volatility ,and stability, and salt to solidity. Became the TRI prime of the Swiss
- Comet depends on its composition and how close it comes to the sun. Because the, volatility ,of a comet's material decreases as it gets further from the sun, the comet
- Reduce the melting point value. The metal is divalent and has a noticeably high, volatility , In order to reduce the self-radiation damage, most measurements of solid
- Standard deviation on the rate of return on an investment is a measure of the, volatility ,of the investment. When only a sample of data from a population is available
- Laboratory. Inorganic synthetic methods can be classified roughly according the, volatility ,or solubility of the component reactants. Soluble inorganic compounds are
- Almost never a problem in a vehicle with fuel injection. In the United States, volatility ,is regulated in large cities to reduce the emission of unburned hydrocarbons by
- Volatility is the readiness with which a substance vaporizes. Excessive, volatility ,often results in the development of pressure within rounds of ammunition and
- For small, frequent losses the transaction costs may exceed the benefit of, volatility ,reduction that insurance otherwise affords. * Reinsurance is a type of
- To accumulate foreign reserves. It also possesses tools aimed at smoothing out, volatility , The Exchange Rate Commission sets policy; it is made up of six members—three
- Times, mass spectrometry was restricted to neutral molecules exhibiting some, volatility , but advanced ionization techniques allow one to obtain the" mass spec" of
- In gasoline by Dr. Walter O. Selling of the U. S. Bureau of Mines in 1910. The, volatility ,of these lighter hydrocarbons caused them to be known as" wild" because of
- Gasoline burns in a limited range of its vapor phase and, coupled with its, volatility , this makes leaks highly dangerous when sources of ignition are present.
- Little volatility results in cars failing to start. In hot weather, excessive, volatility , results in what is known as" vapor lock ", where combustion fails to occur
- Of gasoline is determined by the Reid vapor pressure (RVP) test. The desired, volatility ,depends on the ambient temperature. In hot weather, gasoline components of
- Requirements, Congress readmitted Texas into the Union in 1870. Social, volatility ,continued as the state struggled with agricultural depression and labor issues.
- Is often controlled by blending with butane, which boils at -0.5 °C. The, volatility ,of gasoline is determined by the Reid vapor pressure (RVP) test. The desired
- RfCl4) and bromide (RfBr4) as well as an oxychloride (RfOCl2). A decreased, volatility ,was observed for when potassium chloride is provided as the solid phase instead
- Look at a person I see this maelstrom of organic, chemical and electron chaos;, volatility ,and instability, shimmering; and the ability to change and transform and
- Ban on all short selling of financial stocks; in spite of this, record, volatility , continues for the next two months, culminating at 5½-year market lows. In 2009
- To each other? In 1994,Canadian economist Rodney Schmidt noted that Stability, volatility ,and speculation The appeal of stability to many players in the world economy In
- Inflation. Most wage settlements and loans are indexed, reducing inflation's, volatility , Under the compulsory private pension system, most formal sector employees pay
- Circa 2000 was around 3 tonnes or about 100,000 troy ounces (out). The high, volatility ,of the prices of the platinum group metals has been attributed to supply
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