Examples of the the word, sur , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Research collections on ... Baudelaire. " Works Bibliography * Reflections, sur , Quelques-uns de mes Contemporaries,1861 * Le Spleen de Paris (Paris
  2. Bremen. Image: Claude Monet - Le December SUR l’here. JPG|Le December, sur , l'here,1865–1866,The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow. Image: Monet
  3. Year, but for his writings against capital punishment in the essay" Reflections, sur , la Guillotine" ( Reflections on the Guillotine). When he spoke to students at
  4. Fog,1879,Muse Marmot tan Monet, Paris. Image: Claude Monet - Camille Monet, sur , son lit the Mort. JPG|Camille Monet on her deathbed,1879,Muse d'Orsay, Paris.
  5. Permian (1971) Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 189,*Essays histories, sur , la theories DES hombres (1975) *Elliptic Functions According to Eisenstein and
  6. For Afroasiatic etymologies include: * Cohen, Marcel. 1947. Essie comparative, sur , le vocabulary et la phonetic Du chamito-sémitique. Paris: Champion. *
  7. On a current event, unprecedented at the time. Édouard Manet's Le December, sur , l'Here (1863),was considered scandalous not because of the nude woman, but
  8. Camille Monsoon,1866,Unstable Bremen. Image: Claude Monet - Le December, sur , l’here. JPG|Le December SUR l'here,1865–1866,The Pushkin Museum of Fine
  9. 1&facsimile off&search no# nav 1 Memoir, sur , la chalet," Memoirs de l’Academic DES sciences (1780),pp. 355–408. *
  10. At Port-Royal in 1661. In response, Pascal wrote one of his final works, Écrit, sur , la signature Du formula ire (" Writ on the Signing of the Form" ), exhorting
  11. Les régisseurs-généraux DES Poured & Amperes (Paris,1779). * Instruction, sur , les doyens de supplier à la diskette DES four rages, et d’augmenter la
  12. In the war effort, however just the cause. Books *Arithmetic et geometric, sur , les varieties algébriques (1935) *SUR LES spaces à structure uniform et SUR
  13. Oxygen),and the other" above" ( Greek for" no life" ). In" Reflections, sur , le phlogistique" (" Reflections on Phlogiston," 1783),Lavoisier showed the
  14. Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow. Image: Monet dejeuner sur lherbe. JPG|Le December, sur , l'here, ( right section),with Gustave Courbet,1865–1866,Muse d'Orsay
  15. Mexican or" Mexican del North" versus Southern Mexican or" Mexican del, sur ,". Social aspects Chicanos, regardless of their generational status, tend to
  16. Diderot's miscellaneous pieces range from a graceful trifle like the Regrets, sur , ma viable robe de chamber (Regrets for my Old Dressing Gown) up to Le Eve
  17. Camera Benedick, Chronique d’one cite antique, dans Alger. Lumiere, sur , la Villa, Actes Du colloquy de l’ESAU 4-6 Mai 200l,Alger 2004,p. 29-34. (
  18. French stage. His art criticism was also highly influential. Diderot's Essays, sur , la pasture was described by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, as " a magnificent
  19. Could be taught to read through their sense of touch (a later essay, Lettre, sur , les sounds et meets, considered the case of a similar deprivation in the deaf
  20. Listening, everything must be said again. ” Partial list of works * Reflections, sur , quelques points de literature – 1897 * Les nurtures terrestrial – 1897 (
  21. Neal Watson Academic Publications,1982) trans. By Henry Guerra of Memoir, sur , la chalet * http://books.google.com/books? Id=-pQQAAAAIAAJ Essays, on the
  22. World, it should sur ely be better than it is. In both Candide and Poem, sur , le disaster de Lisbonne (" Poem on the Lisbon Disaster" ), Voltaire attacks
  23. In Basque Zuberoatikaco Gatun bat. 1864 About Basque * Études grammaticales, sur , la large euskarienne. 1836 * Letter SUR la preservation de la large basque.
  24. Dew which, as Joseph Priestley had reported, appeared to be water. In" Memoir, sur , la combustion en general" (" On Combustion in General," 1777) and "
  25. Mis-attributed to Johann Heinrich Lambert, who cited Bouguer's Essie d'Antique, sur , la Gradation de la Lumiere (Claude Joubert, Paris,1729) — and even quoted
  26. Paris,1872). Ampère's final work, published posthumously, was Essie, sur , la philosophies DES sciences, ou exposition analytic d'one classification
  27. Date: August 10,708). *1350 – Battle of Winchelsea (or Les Español, sur , Mer): The English naval fleet under King Edward III defeats a Castilian fleet
  28. Et d’augmenter la subsistence DES bestiary, Supplément à l’instruction, sur , les doyens de boudoir à la diskette DES four rages, publiée par order Du ROI LE
  29. Image: Barge with cars. JPG|Car barge on the Danube River Image: Benches, sur , le Canal du Midi. JPG|French barges near Toulouse, France Image: Hanover
  30. S technical errors and personal positions on probability. Bibliography * Essie, sur , le merit et la vert, written by Shaftesbury French translation and annotation
  31. Then with essays on theatrical theory and practice, including " Les Entertains, sur , Le Film Natural" ( Conversations on The Natural Son),in which he announced
  32. After his death appeared in print as a book in 1669 titled Lenses de M. Pascal, sur , la religion, et SUR queues actress sets (" Thoughts of M. Pascal on
  33. About Basque * Études grammaticales SUR la large euskarienne. 1836 * Letter, sur , la preservation de la large basque. 1895 History and Explorations Science *
  34. The case of a similar deprivation in the deaf and mute). What makes the Letter, sur , les avenges so remarkable, however,is its distinct, if undeveloped
  35. Die Screen DES Codes – and philosophical Red. ** Discourse Philosophize, sur , les Prayers de la Mort (1788). http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k107838n
  36. In tradition. When Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord presented his Rapport, sur , l'instruction oblique (1791) to the National Assembly in France
  37. Press. ISBN 0-299-20724-2 * Louvière, Jean-Marc (2006). Breves meditations, sur , la creation Du mode, L'Harmattan Paris. * Spiegel, Shalom (1993). The Last
  38. Remains have been found at a famous cave known as Pair-non-Pair, near Borg, sur , Gironde,just north of Bordeaux. In historical times, around 300 BC it was the
  39. 1&facsimile off&search no# nav 1 Memoir contenant LES experiences faiths, sur , la chalet, pendant l'river de 1783 à 1784,par P. S. de Laplace & A. K.
  40. Of Beings in Rectal DES historians DES Gauges, xx. 359–367; Refusal, Mémoires, sur , les relations polities DES princes Chretien … Alec LES … Mongols (1822
  41. Sur LES varieties algébriques (1935) *SUR LES spaces à structure uniform et, sur , la topologies general (1937) *L'integration days LES groups topologies et
  42. In print as a book in 1669 titled Lenses de M. Pascal SUR la religion, et, sur , quelques actress sets (" Thoughts of M. Pascal on religion, and on some other
  43. Course d'analyze de l'Cole royale poly technique (1821) * Lemons, sur , les applications de calculi infinitesimal; La geometric (1826–1828) His other
  44. Extirpation DES tumors encapsulates (1906),and the four-film Les Operations, sur , la cavity canine (1911). These and five other of Doyen's films sur vive.
  45. Play L' Eat de Siege) (1948) * Reflections on the Guillotine (Reflections, sur , la guillotine) (Extended essay,1957) * Neither Victims Nor Executioners (
  46. 1216–1219,1216/1219 or c. 1217),married firstly c. 1205 Eludes de Dampierre, sur , Salon,Lord of Chargey-le-Grey, div. 1210,married secondly before 1210 or in
  47. At 1,305,730 out of 4,447,149,i.e. 29 %. (Double & Gautier, Enquête, sur , la dispersion de la large Berber en Algeria, faite par l'order de M. LE
  48. Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science. Writings * Considerations, sur , la theories mathematize Du EU, Perisse, Lyon Paris 1802
  49. To be so high above both church and world. Diderot's celebrated Letter, sur , les avenges à l'usage de crux quit point (" Letter on the Blind" ) (1749)
  50. Général" (" On Combustion in General," 1777) and" Considerations generals, sur , la nature DES acids" (" General Considerations on the Nature of Acids,"

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