Examples of the the word, mag , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mag ), is the 10766 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Spectral-type (M, C,S or Me, Ce,Se) supergiants with amplitudes of about 1, mag , and periods of light variation from 30 days to several thousand days. Mu Cepheid
  2. Σ Oct) is a naked-eye star very close to the pole, but it is so faint (, mag , 5.6) that it is practically useless for navigation purposes. Conveniently for
  3. Determine the star's right ascension and declination. The original goal of 11, mag , for the limiting mag nitude was generally surpassed, however,with some
  4. Guitar playing. “ It’s Eric Clapton who steals the limelight,” reports music, mag ,Beat Instrumental, adding with unintended understatement,“ and no doubt
  5. And its mean surface brightness is 13.9. The central star is a white dwarf of, mag ,14.03. Norma in Military Norma (AK-86) was once the name of a United States
  6. However, with some observatories routinely measuring stars as faint as 13, mag , In total, some 4.6 million stars (8.6 million i mag es) were observed. The
  7. Based on Topor's 1979 play of the same title * Nuts ( mag azine),a weekly lad, mag ,published in the United Kingdom * Nuts TV, a British television channel related
  8. Per star, and a median photometric precision (Hp<9 mag ) of 0.0015, mag , with 11,597 entries were identified as variable or possibly variable. For the
  9. International standards of the Bologna Process – both the and. Mag. And the, mag , Art. Are generally compared to a Master's Degree (MA); 3) a Ph.D. Degree
  10. Observed by transit and meridian circle instrument observations down to 8, mag , – this would provide the positions of a reasonably dense network of star
  11. Merc., cand. Polit. Or cand. Oecon),law (and. Jur),humanities (and., mag ,) etc. A and. Title requires the obtainment of a bachelor's degree. In
  12. Its most sensitive configuration, the interferometer would reach K 21 and N 10, mag , in 1000 seconds of integration per baseline). The interferometer has several
  13. Be right in theory, but it won't work in practice (Uber den Gemeinspruch: Was, mag ,in her Theories Richie San, taugt Abel night fur die Praxis) * (1797)
  14. Often perceived—a self-loathing, sex-obsessed intellectual. The first UK comic, mag ,was Cyclops, started by IT staff members. In a bid to alleviate its ongoing
  15. Graduation, leading to the Magister's Degree (FX mag ister/ mag istrate atrium, mag , Art. ), the latter of which has recently been phased out in order to meet the
  16. Was unavailable). Magazine supply/importation (M14 & AK 10 single stack, mag ,) whilst legal in Australia, it has been spasmodically curtailed by Australian
  17. Ford Economize with red hubcaps painted to simulate the original red turbine, mag ,wheels. A number of devices were seen in the back of the van in different
  18. 2) a two-years Candidate's Degree (FX candidates/candidate mag isterial and., mag , ), respectively a three-years extended research graduation, leading to the
  19. To their scientific interest, with none fainter than about mag nitude V=13, mag , These were selected from around 200 scientific proposals submitted on the
  20. Magnitudes for some 300 stars using his own photometric system (mean error=0.4, mag , ). He proposed the Celsius temperature scale in a paper to the Royal Society of
  21. Number of 110 observations per star, and a median photometric precision (Hp<9, mag , ) of 0.0015 mag , with 11,597 entries were identified as variable or possibly
  22. Over the entire sky. Median precision of the five asymmetric parameters (Hp<9, mag , ) exceeded the original mission goals, and are between 0.6–1.0 mas. Some 20,000
  23. Is 22" in PA 335°. The fainter component is itself a spectroscopic binary (, mag ,6.68 and 7.12). *ι1 Nor: a multiple star. The AB ( mag 5.6 and 5.8) pair
  24. Hp=9.0 mag , reaching a factor of about three for the brightest stars (Hp<4.5, mag , ),while also underlining the conclusion that the Hipparcos Catalog as
  25. Entertainment reviewer in the LA Examiner as" reaching down to the level of, mag ,fiction. " TV Guide and other fan mag azines such as TV, however,considered
  26. To Hipparcos, and designated Hp. The median photometric precision, for Hp<9, mag , was 0.0015 mag , with typically 110 distinct observations per star throughout
  27. To meet the international standards of the Bologna Process – both the and., mag , And the mag . Art. Are generally compared to a Master's Degree (MA); 3) a
  28. First, the Autographic Catalog, the entire sky was to be photographed to 11, mag , to provide a reference catalog of star positions that would fill the
  29. Updated, including a division into Super Kings (mostly trucks, but also with, mag ,wheels) and Speed Kings (cars). A short-lived series of rechargeable
  30. Calls The most common calls of this bird are a nasal inquisitive" mag , mag ," or" yak yak yak ", uttered in a much higher pitch than the European Magpie
  31. Well known being bob for a shilling, and quid for a pound. A farthing was a, mag , a silver threepence was a joey and the later nickel-brass threepence was
  32. Referred to as a" pie" until the late 16th century when the feminine name ", mag ," was added to the beginning. Magpies are believed to be one of the most
  33. Six years. Calls The most common calls of this bird are a nasal inquisitive ", mag , mag " or" yak yak yak ", uttered in a much higher pitch than the European
  34. With longer exposures but minimal overlap, was to photograph all stars to 14, mag , These plates were to be reproduced and distributed as a set of charts, the
  35. Select a gun that will stop a bear (12-gauge shotgun or .300, mag , rifle ). " Culture Many Native American tribes both respected and feared the
  36. Vehicles, were painted in bright metallic colors, fitted with racing-style ", mag ," wheels and slick tires, were decidedly American in their model choice, and
  37. Value of Freedman et al. 2001 and using a metallicity correction of −0.2, mag ,dex−1 in (O/H),an estimate of was derived. Using the Cepheid variable method
  38. In their spectra. Amplitudes of light variation are in the range from 0.1 to 4, mag , and the range of periods is from 30 to 1100 days. SO Hercules and SV Ursa
  39. To contemporary taste, she pursued her own ideals in her own way. 'ICH, mag ,UND will jet night berth warden,' she once wrote,'Abel each under Are
  40. Class B9 III. * δ1 Lyre. A double star consisting of a blue-white star of, mag , 6 m and a semiregular red giant. * ε Lyre. A well-known quadruple star, also
  41. They yielded a catalog of positions and mag nitudes down to about 11.5, mag , and the program was largely completed during the first quarter of the 20th
  42. Years. Calls The most common calls of this bird are a nasal inquisitive" mag , mag , mag " or" yak yak yak ", uttered in a much higher pitch than the European
  43. Spectroscopic binary ( mag 6.68 and 7.12). *ι1 Nor: a multiple star. The AB (, mag ,5.6 and 5.8) pair comprise a rapid binary with a period of 26.9 years; in 2000
  44. And designated Hp. The median photometric precision, for Hp<9 mag , was 0.0015, mag , with typically 110 distinct observations per star throughout the 3.5-year
  45. Components. Specialty, high-grade car wheels of mag nesium alloy are called ", mag ,wheels ", although the term is often more broadly misapplied to include
  46. Used by the A-Team, with its characteristic red stripe, black and red turbine, mag ,wheels, and rooftop spoiler, has become an enduring pop culture icon. One of
  47. Of FitzGerald's quatrain XI in his 1st edition, as above): I'm Ruling, mag ,ICH Bern I'm Grunge Wales UND Einsamkeit MIT anger Freudian taken UND anew
  48. Of about fourteen days, with yolk-sac. I mag e: Meconium-laden macrophages high, mag , JPG|Meconium-laden macrophages in meconium stained fetal membranes. H&E stain.
  49. The JHU undergraduate public health experience. *Thoroughfare, Zeniada and j., mag ,are literary mag azines. Prometheus is the undergraduate philosophy journal.
  50. This has led to improved asymmetric accuracies for stars brighter than Hp=9.0, mag , reaching a factor of about three for the brightest stars (Hp<4.5 mag ),while

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