Examples of the the word, deferred , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deferred ), is the 10756 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Death. Islamic tradition has similar practices. A 'Mar ', either immediate or, deferred , is the woman's portion of the groom's wealth (divorce) or estate (death)
  2. Device to recognize selected" ink text" and turn it into recognized text (, deferred ,recognition). A Newton note (or the notes attached to each contact in Names
  3. Were largely behind the scenes (direction, writing ), and he often, deferred ,to the other members of the group as an actor, Jones ' importance to Python was
  4. The Devil's Advocate alongside Al Pacino and Charlize Theron. Reeves, deferred ,his salary for The Devil's Advocate so that Pacino would be cast, as he would
  5. Deficit meant that many of Labor's election commitments would have to be, deferred , Hawks managed to persuade the Labor caucus to divide the ministry into two
  6. Huxley applied for United States citizenship. His application was continuously, deferred ,on the grounds that he would not say he would take up arms to defend the U. S.
  7. Incest was common in the Samoan culture and her claim that young Samoan women, deferred ,marriage for many years while enjoying casual sex but eventually married
  8. Always made the final decision on which logo was shown, until 2001 the Hall, deferred ,to the wishes of players whose careers were linked with multiple teams. Some
  9. Server revenue increase of 14 % during this period. Titanium customers may have, deferred ,purchases to wait for the release of Tukwila-based systems. Architecture Intel
  10. Of the free-throw line of the opposing team. In the latter case the throw is, deferred ,to the nearest spot on the free-throw line. Free-throws are the equivalent to
  11. A descendant of a deferred class). A feature can also be deferred by using the, deferred ,keyword in place of a do clause. If a class has any deferred features it must
  12. 2015. The scheme may not go ahead as the Government successor, Najib Tun Rank, deferred ,the transition indefinitely in favor of his own 1Malaysia concept, which means
  13. Argues that it had no choice but to introduce them. The decision was first, deferred ,to 2009,however upon the election of new deputies in the 2008 April elections
  14. British and Season Finale races (also in HD). The other races would be shown, deferred , so that all the races could still be seen by the free to air viewers, although
  15. More stable and more capable of sustaining children in the future (, deferred ,reproductive). This same couple may emphasize different aspects of intercourse
  16. Deferred; however, a class with no deferred features may nonetheless itself be, deferred , Deferred classes play some of the same role as interfaces in languages such as
  17. Send money home to their families holding an affiliated debit card. Issues with, deferred ,posting of offline debit To the consumer, a debit transaction is perceived as
  18. Of death, on the basis that Yohn's ruling was flawed, as he should have, deferred ,to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court which had already ruled on the issue of
  19. Also stated: In July 2010 the newly appointed UK Secretary of State for Health, deferred ,to local NHS on funding homeopathy. A nineteen-page document details the
  20. By using the deferred keyword in place of a do clause. If a class has any, deferred ,features it must be declared as deferred ; however, a class with no deferred
  21. Via a reference to x in some later expression whose evaluation could itself be, deferred , though eventually the rapidly-growing tree of dependencies would be pruned in
  22. Of antiretroviral therapy significantly improves survival, as compared with, deferred ,therapy. However, spermicide may actually increase the transmission rate.
  23. Of Jutland instead. Oxford's rank, however,trumped all else. The wedding was, deferred ,until Anne's maturity and then celebrated in the presence of the Queen
  24. And three Italian corps). Though Jesse replaced Rommel, he diplomatically, deferred ,to him, and the two coexisted in what was theoretically the same command. On 23
  25. Dependents residing in Europe, it was expected that over 7 % of donors would be, deferred ,due to the policy. Later changes to this policy have relaxed the restriction to
  26. Consent. More recently, the Assembly has maintained this item on its agenda but, deferred ,it from year to year without taking action. Other bodies, including the UN
  27. Only an" effective" class can be instantiated (it may be a descendant of a, deferred ,class). A feature can also be deferred by using the deferred keyword in place
  28. Jacques Derrida argued that access to meaning and the 'real' was always, deferred , demonstrating via recourse to the linguistic realm, that " There is nothing
  29. That the companies would not receive full and adequate compensation for the, deferred ,energy accounts used as the cornerstone for the California Deregulation Plan
  30. From 5 % to 6.25 %, to avoid service cuts or a fare increase in a year when, deferred ,debt payments were coming due. Capital improvements and planning process The
  31. D., Baskerville,R., and Travis, J. " Methodical systems development: The, deferred ,meaning of systems development methods," Accounting, Management and
  32. An introductory description of how a GPS receiver works, error effects are, deferred ,to a later section. Using messages received from a minimum of four visible
  33. Water in their rates bill. Plans to bring in additional water tariffs have been, deferred ,by devolution in May 2007. Belfast has approximately of sewers, which are
  34. Supporters of Esperanto tended to resist reforms, and its inventor, Zamenhof, deferred , to their judgment. Several of the reforms adopted by Do were themselves
  35. It may be a descendant of a deferred class). A feature can also be, deferred ,by using the deferred keyword in place of a do clause. If a class has any
  36. A joke, but ten months had passed since Lennon's marriage, and the honeymoon, deferred , was still two months in the future. To Lennon, who was intoxicated with
  37. Manipulation enhancements: allocatable components (incorporating TR 15581), deferred , type parameters, VOLATILE attribute, explicit type specification in array
  38. Wants to obtain, a barter transaction cannot occur. *Lack of standards for, deferred ,payments: This is related to the absence of a common measure of value, although
  39. On Torus. Back in Berlin, Halder wrote:" In my view it is a mistake" but, deferred ,to Paulus. When the attack, launched on 4 May, seemed to turn into a disaster
  40. And direction of the Diamondbacks (and notably including over $150 million in, deferred ,compensation to many players who were key members of the 2001 World Series
  41. Army. He further suggests that each strategy, on his day in command, instead, deferred , to Miltiades. There does, however,seem to have been a delay between the
  42. Green Monster denying it a true landing point, to which the official estimate, deferred ,to Williams' record placing Ramirez's home run exactly one foot short. As
  43. The election of new deputies in the 2008 April elections, the decision is now, deferred ,until 2011. Culture English is the language in general use by the majority of
  44. Tax on interest income on life insurance policies and annuities is generally, deferred , However, in some cases the benefit derived from tax deferral may be offset by
  45. B redefine u, v end Deferred classes and features Classes may be defined with, deferred ,class rather than with class to indicate that the class may not be directly
  46. Of a do clause. If a class has any deferred features it must be declared as, deferred ,; however, a class with no deferred features may nonetheless itself be deferred .
  47. Agency, Kennedy supported an acceleration of NASA's large booster program but, deferred ,a decision on the broader issue. On April 12, 1961,Soviet cosmonaut Yuri
  48. Any deferred features it must be declared as deferred ; however, a class with no, deferred ,features may nonetheless itself be deferred . Deferred classes play some of the
  49. Contract was awarded to the Drag design in August 1892,with initial production, deferred ,as the result of protests from domestic inventors and arms manufacturers. Two
  50. To be paid to Coppola for his directing services on Pinocchio. The parties, deferred ,this issue, and finally a settlement was reached in 1998,when the jurors

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