Examples of the the word, stratum , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stratum ), is the 11239 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Taxes lay in the hands of the gentry, the English kings needed the help of that, stratum ,of society in order to ensure the smooth collection of that revenue. If the
  2. Can be excluded. Then random or systematic sampling is applied within each, stratum , This often improves the representativeness of the sample by reducing sampling
  3. Total population. For instance, if the population consists of 60 % in the male, stratum ,and 40 % in the female stratum , then the relative size of the two samples (
  4. Brigade of soldiers who were predominantly from the lower economic and social, stratum ,of society. They were poorly paid, and had less than decent facilities for
  5. Size of the sample in each stratum is taken in proportion to the size of the, stratum , This is called proportional allocation. Suppose that in a company there are
  6. Was born at Comma Lombardo, then part of the Duchy of Milan, in the highest, stratum ,of Milanese society. His mother, of the house of Viscount, died in childbirth.
  7. Concerning a priori ways to relate judgments to make them meaningful. In this, stratum ,we elaborate a" pure grammar" or a logical syntax, and he would call its
  8. Their simplest, canals consist of a trench filled with water. Depending on the, stratum ,the canal passes through, it may be necessary to line the cut with some form of
  9. Of the Cossacks as a military caste toward the 'colony ', the lowest, stratum ,of the Ukrainian people). The traces of this are still found in folk songs. On
  10. Which a society is brought into the modern world system and how its dominating, stratum ,is attracted, pressured,forced, and sometimes bribed into shaping social
  11. Stratum, a " morphology of formal-ontological categories ". * The second, stratum ,would be called by Husserl" logic of consequence" or the" logic of
  12. This proportion. #Optimum allocation (or Disproportionate allocation) - Each, stratum ,is proportionate to the standard deviation of the distribution of the variable.
  13. Tomogram of fingertip, depicting stratum corner (~500 µm thick) with, stratum ,disjunctum on top and stratum lucidum (connection to stratum spinous) in the
  14. In the Road did not excite surprise. But the" Burnt City" of his second, stratum , revealed in 1873,with its fortifications and vases, and a hoard of gold
  15. Classic logic, propositional logic and that of predicates. This is a semantic, stratum , and the rules of this stratum would be the" laws to avoid counter-sense" or
  16. Body temperature. Optical coherence nomogram of fingertip, depicting, stratum , corneum (~500 µm thick) with stratum disjunctum on top and stratum lucidum (
  17. Court of Justice; Administration and enforcement United States Laws from every, stratum ,of the laws of the United States pertain to environmental issues. The United
  18. An overall population vary, it is advantageous to sample each subpopulation (, stratum ,) independently. Stratification is the process of dividing members of the
  19. Logic and that of predicates. This is a semantic stratum , and the rules of this, stratum ,would be the" laws to avoid counter-sense" or" laws to prevent contradiction
  20. Discovered at the site included more than 30 skull and tooth fragments in a, stratum ,dated to between 3.5 and 3.2 million years ago. Dr. Leakey believes that it
  21. Formation: based on his observation of fossil animal shells in a geological, stratum ,in a mountain hundred of miles from the ocean, he inferred that the land was
  22. Time. He also formulated the law of superposition, which states that any given, stratum ,is probably older than those above it and younger than those below it. While
  23. Above slightly previous lower chalk and finally impermeable Fault Clay. A sandy, stratum , glauconitic marl (Portia),is in between the chalk marl and fault clay * A
  24. Regress problem (See Simulated reality). However, if we take as the material, stratum ,of the simulation to be more local and somewhat metaphorical in relationship to
  25. Rules ". Mathematics, as logic's ontological correlate, also has a similar, stratum , a" morphology of formal-ontological categories ". * The second stratum would
  26. Exclusive: every element in the population must be assigned to only one, stratum , The strata should also be collectively exhaustive: no population element can
  27. In 1892 after the first explorer's death. But by laying bare in 1884 the upper, stratum ,of remains on the rock of Turns, Schliemann made a contribution to our
  28. Laws of possible truth and its modalities, and precedes the third logical third, stratum , * The third stratum is metalogical, what he called a" theory of all possible
  29. Of why no firm evidence can be found: as with the K-T event, an eject blanket, stratum ,rich in siderophile elements (e.g., iridium ) would be expected to be seen
  30. Full birth-status rights common to normal members of his society or social, stratum ," Leach argued that no one definition of marriage applied to all cultures. He
  31. Process of land formation. Based on his observation of fossils in a geological, stratum ,in a mountain hundred of miles from the ocean, he deduced that the land was
  32. Property (for the peasantry). In addition to these, Stalin distinguished the, stratum ,of intelligentsia. The concept of" non-antagonistic classes" was entirely new
  33. Factor in the evolution of modern Russian, where there still exists a" high, stratum ," of words that were imported from this language. Current status All of these
  34. The altars and Massenet" concealed" beneath a STR. 8 plaster floor ". This, stratum ,correlates with the late 8th century; Never concludes that" the deliberate
  35. But did not recognize the Aegean remains in his" Lydian" city of the sixth, stratum , These were not to be fully revealed until Dr. Wilhelm Dropped, who had become
  36. If the population consists of 60 % in the male stratum and 40 % in the female, stratum , then the relative size of the two samples (three males, two females) should
  37. In Bulgaria. In Czechoslovakia, they were labeled a" socially degraded, stratum ," and Roman women were sterilized as part of a state policy to reduce their
  38. Away from consciousness and psychology than those that precede it. * The first, stratum ,is what Husserl called a" morphology of meanings" concerning a priori ways to
  39. 64.5 million years ago. If the bone was not re-deposited into that, stratum ,by weathering action, it would provide evidence that some dinosaur populations
  40. With more data. Practical example In general the size of the sample in each, stratum ,is taken in proportion to the size of the stratum . This is called proportional
  41. Arbitrarily, to 2000 B. C., by consideration of the super incumbent eruptive, stratum , Meanwhile, in 1868,tombs at Dialysis in Rhodes had yielded to Alfred Elliott
  42. To today's logic" transformation rules ". Mathematics also has a similar, stratum ,which is based among others on pure theory of pluralities, and a pure theory of
  43. And its modalities, and precedes the third logical third stratum . * The third, stratum ,is metalogical, what he called a" theory of all possible forms of theories. "
  44. Or bore logs to show what may be evidenced while driving piles through given, stratum ,and soil lenses. Wave equations must often be employed when using vibratory or
  45. He uses both vitriol and satire to illustrate how this marginalized social, stratum ,was termed" Hands" by the factory owners; that is, not really" people" but
  46. Earlier speculations that a tunnel route could be bored through a chalk marl, stratum , The chalk marl was conducive to tunneling, with impermeability, ease of
  47. In the city's different sub-cultures. Karachi hosts the largest middle class, stratum ,of the country and is the most liberal city in Pakistan. Architecture Karachi
  48. Aegean fabrics and motives of decoration from the period of the second, stratum ,at Hissarlik. Sardinia has Aegean sites, for example, at Mbini near Teri; and
  49. The pearling industry were divided on the basis of occupation; at the top,a, stratum ,of merchants, the core of which composed of the Al Khalifa),Al-Shabab
  50. Theoretical sphere of pure logic. The ontological correlate to the third, stratum ,is the" theory of manifolds ". In formal ontology, it is a free investigation

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