Examples of the the word, nec , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nec ), is the 11255 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1619. In 1621,he returned to the satiric vein with Wither's Motto: NEC Haber, nec , careo, nec cure (Latin for" I have not, I want not, I care not" ). Over
  2. For usu caption arose in Roman law with the divide between res Mancini and res, nec , mancipi. Res Mancini required elaborate and inconvenient methods to transfer
  3. A treatise whose full title was China monuments, qua saris qua profanes, nec , non varies natural and artist spectacular, aliarumque serum memorabilia
  4. Cui sums here's NEC escit, adgnatus Proximus familiar habit. Si Augustus, nec , escit, gentiles familiar Magento. If a person dies intestate without heirs, the
  5. Latin:" Sigismund us Augustus Dei gratia Rex Polonize, magnus due Lithuania, nec , non terrarium Crocodile, Sandomiriae, Siradiae, Lanciciae, Cuiaviae, Kijoviae
  6. 32nd epigram of Martial:" Non AMO the, Sabidi, nec , possum dicier - square; Hoc Tatum possum dicier, non AMO the. " To which he
  7. Hinc sparkier does in Fulghum ambiguous et queerer conscious area. , NEC, requieuit ENIM, do nec Calculate ministry — This was the time when the
  8. Rebelled against this trend:“ Nikhil est homing inept persuasion falsies, nec , ficta severity inception” (“ There is nothing about man more false than his
  9. To transfer title (a formal emancipation ceremony, or in sure cession). Res, nec , manicipi could be transferred by tradition (delivery) or in sure cession. If
  10. Or efficacy to a right.; Res inter alias ACTA Del indicate, aliis NEC not, nec , prodocet: What has been agreed/decided between people (a specific group) can
  11. The Free Church of Scotland in 2000). The motto of the Church of Scotland is, nec , tamen consumebatur (Latin) - 'Yet it was not consumed ', an allusion to
  12. Ego sane fate or, me non posse prohibit, si quit lures RELIT stores ducal, nec , repugnat saris liters. ") " On February 14, 1650,the parliament at Nuremberg
  13. Which is entitled Serum Hispano Romano rum imperator, summorum pontifical, nec , non begum Franco rum anacephaleosis. This is a history of Spain from the
  14. Thought about set theory before. Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers Description: The, nec , plus ultra reference for basic facts about cardinal and ordinal numbers. If you
  15. Hominid, et de Segundo Messiæadventu; FBI de mode futuræ judæorum conversions;, nec , non de signs longissimi died, disseritur (1682) * Kometographia, or,A
  16. Used for twenty years without force, secrecy or permission (NEC vi, nec clam, nec , precario). Village green legislation is often used in attempts to frustrate
  17. Non AMO the, Sabidi," from the 33rd epigram of Martial:" Non AMO the, Sabidi, nec , possum dicier - square; Hoc Tatum possum dicier, non AMO the. " Historical
  18. Micron ix and Anabel): * Yoshiyasua (formerly Melanochroa Yohiyasu,1985,NEC, Roeder,1886: preoccupied) External links * Family
  19. Travertines, qui bantam in Christians immanitatem percent, ut NEC ecclesial, nec , monasteriis defer ant, non videos, et pupils, non serious, et Paris, nec
  20. Illud exit, ne the pulsar togas: audit, immo, etsi pulse, dissimulet, nec , : audit excesses praetors calendar dents: (16.7-10)< 60 lines preserved. The
  21. Is forever excluded from all hope of return” He saw Norfolk Island as“ the, nec , plus ultra of Convict degradation ”. His successor, Governor Ralph Darling, was
  22. Aceruo. ': panamas limits genius. Flagrantior quo: non debut dolor else IRI, nec , uolnere major.: TU quarries medium minimum exiguamque Malory: particular six
  23. Coveralls et Travertines, qui bantam in Christians immanitatem percent, ut, nec , ecclesiis, nec monasteries defer ant, non videos, et pupils, non serious, et
  24. Of this conjuration were understood neither by the speaker nor anyone else (, nec , sibi Isis, nec alias intellectual). The notion of a powerfully efficacious
  25. Specie circuits et umbra, : cum sit Trieste habit culture et use serum, :,NEC, dubie Tampa drug Lauder awards, : Tampa Marcus homo et serum tutelage
  26. Volhiniæ,Podoliæ,Podlachiæ,Livoniæ,Smolensciæ,Severiæ,Czerniechoviæque, nec , non hæreditarius due Saxoniæ et princes elector. *English translation: August
  27. Opera Tatar with a libretto by Beaumarchais. This was intended to be the, nec , plus ultra of reform opera, a completely new synthesis of poetry and music that
  28. Does not create either obligations or rights for third states (pact testis, nec , nocent NEC present) without their consent, and this is also enshrined in the
  29. The most important: *Theoricæ novæ planetarium, id est septum erratum side rum, nec , non octave SEU firmament (1st ed., Nuremberg,1472,by Regiomontanus;
  30. Nova methods pro maxims et minims, itemque tangential, quae NEC fractal, nec , irrationales quantities mortar, et singular pro ill calculi genus
  31. Sensu parent et ration, non magic Guam Brutus animal initial facere possum, nec , feloniam, cum non multi distant a Brutus, secundum quo video potent in
  32. Magnus Due Basilica, Dei gratia Imperator et Dominator topics Russian, nec , non Magnus Due Woldomeriae ", etc. (In the Russian version of the letter,"
  33. Has been used for twenty years without force, secrecy or permission (NEC vi, nec , clam,NEC precarious). Village green legislation is often used in attempts to
  34. Content or efficacy to a right.; Res inter alias ACTA Del indicate, aliis, nec , nocet NEC produced: What has been agreed/decided between people (a specific
  35. He could translate an epigram from Martial (I,33,1):: Non AMO the, Sabidi, nec , possum dicier square;: Hoc Tatum possum dicier, non AMO the. According to the
  36. The Aeneid, had the abandoned Dido accuse Aeneas: NEC tibia diva parents generic, nec , Dardanus actor, perfide, sed Doris genus the cautious Torrens
  37. Create either obligations or rights for third states (pact testis NEC docent, nec , prosunt) without their consent, and this is also enshrined in the 1969 Vienna
  38. Consuetudinibus sews, sut utlagetur, aut Euler, aut liquor mode destructor, nec , super EU Imus, nec super EU mitt emus, nisi per legal judicial barium
  39. Libellis: portions, existunt quit prominent hecatomben, : quarters HIC non sent, nec , uenales elephant, : (12.93-102) 130 lines. The narrator describes to his
  40. Castello de Cor none ... NO·L LI TOLD NO·L LI DEMERARA NI NO L'EN DEBRA ..., nec , societatem non AURA, si per Castellón recuperate NON O FA, et is recuperate
  41. Value theorem. Nova methods pro maxims et minims, itemque tangential, quae, nec , fractas NEC irrationals quantities mortar, et singular pro ill calculi
  42. He returned to the satiric vein with Wither's Motto: NEC Haber, nec Cairo, nec , curo (Latin for" I have not, I want not, I care not" ). Over 30,000 copies
  43. Sut utlagetur, aut Euler, aut liquor mode destructor, nec super EU Imus, nec , super EU mitt emus, nisi per legal judicial barium quorum, vel per Leger
  44. Ode 1.22:: Integer vitae scelerisque Purus: none get Maris faculty unique arc:, nec , uenenatis Granada sagittal, : :Fuse, pharetra ...: (The man who is upright in
  45. If it has been used for twenty years without force, secrecy or permission (, nec , vi,NEC clam, nec precarious). Village green legislation is often used in
  46. Dunce et decorum est prop atria more: more et face per sequitur virus, nec , parcit IntelliJ invented politics improve ergo. " How sweet and fitting it
  47. The Fauns and seers sang. ': Nam unique Museum copulas descent ad altos:, nec , dictī studious Food Romanus homo ante hung.: :'For no Roman scaled the Muses '
  48. Of his father. TABLE V (Inheritance): Si intestate monitor, cui sums here's, nec , escit, adgnatus Proximus familiar habit. Si Augustus NEC escit, gentiles
  49. Were understood neither by the speaker nor anyone else (NEC SBI Isis, nec , aliis intellectual). The notion of a powerfully efficacious language of the
  50. Nec monasteries defer ant, non videos, et pupils, non serious, et Paris, nec , cuilibet par cant acetate, aut semi, sed more paganism Romania pendant, et

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