Examples of the the word, flowers , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Life, : And where the river of bliss through midst of heaven: Rolls o'er elysian, flowers ,her amber stream:: With these that never fade the spirits elect: Bind their
  2. States. Many members of the family are grown as ornamental plants for their, flowers ,and some are important ornamental crops for the cut flower industry. Some
  3. Proposed subgroups are difficult to recognize, having similar 'lily-like ', flowers , with the result that some members of the group have been included in different
  4. 25–60 cm tall, ending in an umbel of 20-30 white, or bright blue, funnel-shaped, flowers , each flower 2.5–5 cm diameter. Cultivation It was introduced to Europe at the
  5. Huitzilopochtli, a blue hummingbird god. (Real hummingbirds feed on amaranth, flowers , ) The Aztec month of Panquetzaliztli (7 December to 26 December) was
  6. Large and attractive flowers , with six stamens and an inferior ovary. The, flowers ,are solitary or, more frequently, arranged in umbel late inflorescence sat the
  7. For man's offense: To heaven removed, where first it grew, there grows, : And, flowers ,aloft, shading the fount of life, : And where the river of bliss through midst
  8. The name of the whole object (for example" wheels" to refer to a car, or ", flowers ," to refer to beautiful offspring, an entire plant, or a collection of blooming
  9. Are known, such as 'Albus' ( with white flowers ),'Sapphire' ( dark blue, flowers ,),'Aureus' ( leaves striped with yellow),and 'Variegates' ( leaves almost
  10. Leaves. The spike-like inflorescence is erect and densely crowded with small, flowers , The fruit is a capsule. Plants are adapted to bush fires, which can stimulate
  11. From the other tribes of Israel by Aaron's rod, which brought forth almond, flowers , According to tradition, the rod of Aaron bore sweet almonds on one side and
  12. Are composed of herbaceous plants, commonly found in aquatic environments. The, flowers ,are usually arranged in inflorescence, and the mature seeds lack endosperm.
  13. Altogether, but possess instead stems functioning as leaves. The small, flowers ,have five very small petals, almost hidden by the long stamens, and are
  14. Angiosperms. Both marine and freshwater forms include those with stamina, flowers ,that detach from the parent plant and float to the surface where they become
  15. Their stamens which are not joined at the base. Also, unlike individual Mimosa, flowers , those of Acacia have more than 10 stamens. The plants often bear spines
  16. Left out for them. In Brazil people attend a mass or visit the cemetery taking, flowers ,to decorate their relatives' grave, but no food is involved. Anatole France (
  17. Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra Image: Acacia heterophylla (, flowers ,) 2. JPG|Acacia heterophylla Image: Acacia_Mongolia_fg01. JPG|Acacia
  18. Not evergreen),their leaves are alternate, simple,and serrated. The, flowers ,are catkins with elongate male catkins on the same plant as shorter female
  19. A native of India and a vigorous, hardy annual with dark purplish, flowers ,crowded in handsome drooping spikes. Another Indian annual, A. Hypochondriacus
  20. Can be identified by their rather fleshy leaves, usually large and attractive, flowers , with six stamens and an inferior ovary. The flowers are solitary or, more
  21. Hippies greeted the Swami chanting Hare Krishna in the airport lounge with, flowers ,in hands. To further support and promote Bhaktivedanta Swami's message and
  22. Wattle),with its attractive glaucoma to silvery leaves and bright yellow, flowers ,; it is erroneously known as" mimosa" in some areas where it is cultivated
  23. But for a time:: my petals soon wither and fall, and then I die.: But your, flowers ,never fade, even if they are cut;: for they are everlasting. " Or in story form
  24. Year. The leaves are 3–5 inches long, with a serrated margin and a petiole. The, flowers ,are white or pale pink, diameter with five petals, produced singly or in pairs
  25. Stem. Only in a few cases are leaves produced along the length of the stem. The, flowers ,are often at the tip of the stem and are mainly of a rather generalized 'lily
  26. Character appears to be diagnostic of the order Asparagus. * The, flowers ,of Asparagus are of a general type among the limited monocots. Compared to
  27. Studies Apache is sometimes called sciadophytography. Description The small, flowers ,are radially symmetrical with 5 small sepals,5 petals and 5 stamens. The
  28. Are almost all considered good companion plants, as the umbrella of tiny, flowers ,attracts omnivorous beneficial insects, especially ladybugs, parasitic wasps
  29. Resin producer. Crustaceans, bacteria and amoebae, marine microfossils, wood, flowers , and fruit, hair,feathers and other small organisms have been recovered in
  30. While flowering in the background Image: Almond blossom Aug 2007. JPG|Almond, flowers ,This article is about the demographic features of the population of Antigua and
  31. White lilies, : A sign, and sacrifice; may Love, we pray, : Like quarantine, flowers , feel no decay;: Like these cool lilies may our loves remain, : Perfect and pure
  32. Somewhat zoomorphic (i.e. not radially symmetrical) and has nectarines. The, flowers ,are arranged in various types of inflorescence. The group includes eight genera
  33. Food and flavorings (e.g. onion, garlic,leek, asparagus,vanilla),as cut, flowers ,(e.g. freesia, gladiolus,iris, orchids ), and as garden ornamentals (e.g.
  34. George Ball, and former Nuremberg prosecutor Hartley Shaw cross. Sending, flowers ,to his daughter on the day of his release, and putting an end to the
  35. Acacia Bailey, Acacia debate, Acacia pycnantha and Acacia retinues as cut, flowers ,and the common name there for them is mimosa. Ornamental species of acacia are
  36. Parish altar guild (preparing the altar and caring for its candles, linens, flowers , etc.),in the choir and as cantors, as ushers and greeters and on the church
  37. Acacia purpureapetala) or red (Acacia leprosy Scarlet Blaze). Acacia, flowers ,can be distinguished from those of a large related genus, Albizia, by their
  38. Of this group is a companion plant. In large part, this is because the tiny, flowers ,forming the umbels, for which the group is named, are perfectly suited for
  39. Latin aperture," to open," in allusion to its being the season when trees and, flowers ,begin to" open," which is supported by comparison with the modern Greek use
  40. Cook it and eat it with rice. Fiji Indians call it choral bhaji. Dyes The, flowers ,of the 'Hopi Red Dye' amaranth were used by the Hopi (a tribe in the western
  41. More-or-less woody stem; the leaves are less often produced along the stem. The, flowers ,are in the main not particularly distinctive, being of a general 'lily type '
  42. From frost. Several cultivars are known, such as 'Albus' ( with white, flowers ,),'Sapphire' ( dark blue flowers ),'Aureus' ( leaves striped with yellow)
  43. Deeply veined lance-shaped leaves, purple on the under face, and deep crimson, flowers ,densely packed on erect spikes. Amaranths are recorded as food plants for some
  44. File: Big yellow. JPG|Gerber asp. (Mutisoideae). Note the zoomorphic disc, flowers , File: Grange maderaspatana (Madras Carpet) W IMG_9902. JPG|Grange
  45. Countries it is customary to present women with yellow mimosas (among other, flowers ,) on International Women's Day (March 8). These" mimosas" are actually
  46. German and Polish people stream to the graveyards once a year with offerings of, flowers ,and special grave lights (see the picture),and among Czech people the custom
  47. Kingdoms. And some Mahayana ceremonial practices (burning incense, gifts of, flowers , and food placed on altars) are similar to those practiced by the ancient
  48. As resins. Biofuels include methane from biomass, ethanol,and biodiesel. Cut, flowers , nursery plants, tropical fish and birds for the pet trade are some of the
  49. Characterizations. An annual plant is a plant that usually germinates, flowers , and dies in a year or season. True annuals will only live longer than a year
  50. Itself were four cups, shaped like almond blossoms, with its knobs and, flowers ," (Exodus 25:33–34; 37:19–20). Similarly, Christian symbolism often uses

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