Examples of the the word, stabilization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stabilization ), is the 10061 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The catalyzed reaction. Apparently, the most effective way for reaching large, stabilization ,is the use of electrostatic effects, in particular, when having a relatively
  2. Infrared and radar-jamming rounds. Turret, stabilization ,is an important capability because it enables firing on the move and prevents
  3. Do not exchange in opposition but instead exchange reciprocally to promote, stabilization ,similar to homeostasis. An underlying principle in Taoism states that within
  4. Government has been successful in some reform efforts — partially macroeconomic, stabilization ,policies — and it has normalized relations with its creditors. In 1998 the
  5. Peptization) Stabilization serves to prevent colloids from aggregating. Strict, stabilization ,and electrostatic stabilization are the two main mechanisms for colloid
  6. Of electrons in orbitals that are M-L antibonding, plus some" ligand field, stabilization ," associated with the d3 configuration. *: Complexes that have unfilled or
  7. However, while this model explains enzyme specificity, it fails to explain the, stabilization ,of the transition state that enzymes achieve. In 1958,Daniel Ashland
  8. And Guatemala since then has pursued important reforms and macroeconomic, stabilization , On 1 July 2006,the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) entered
  9. Is one of the countries where Russia has contributed troops for the NATO-led, stabilization ,force. Others were sent to Kosovo and Serbia. Russia invests a lot in the
  10. Is someone who is skilled at operating a Steadicam (trademark for a camera, stabilization ,rig). This person is usually one of the Camera Operators on the production. *
  11. Be able to provide an empty pi orbital (e.g. boron) for" normal" aromatic, stabilization ,to be available; otherwise homoaromaticity may be possible. Compounds with one
  12. Ended by 1908,as the U. S. turned its attention to the Panama Canal and the, stabilization ,of regions to its south, including Mexico. The 20th century was marked by two
  13. Have been found offshore. During 1995,the government implemented firm, stabilization ,policies under difficult circumstances. Overall, macroeconomic performance was
  14. Developed significant programs of dune protection through the use of sand dune, stabilization , In the U. K., a Biodiversity Action Plan has been developed to assess dunes
  15. In 2000. Progress on economic reform has generally lagged behind macroeconomic, stabilization , The government has undertaken regulatory reforms in some areas, including
  16. This entry, ranging from the nature of light quanta to the economics of price, stabilization , In the last years of his life, Lewis and graduate student Michael Keisha, his
  17. In Africa and Asia. Brazil is currently commanding a multinational U. N., stabilization ,force in Haiti, the MINUSTAH. Instead of pursuing unilateral prerogatives
  18. Print had four main accomplishments: implementation of the 1833 constitution, stabilization ,of government finances, defeat of provincial challenges to central authority
  19. Popular belief, the hydrogen bonds do not stabilize the DNA significantly, and, stabilization , is mainly due to stacking interactions. The larger nucleases, adenine and
  20. Grew until the end of the 1990s at an average annual rate of 4.2 %. With the, stabilization ,of the new market economy, Hungary has experienced growth in foreign investment
  21. Lined by amino acid residues, and the rest of the enzyme is used mainly for, stabilization , The catalytic action of enzymes relies on several mechanisms including the
  22. And amines are all known to serve as nucleophiles. Owing to their resonance, stabilization , amides are less reactive under physiological conditions than esters. Enzymes
  23. Where the barrel is rifled, but the projectile also has deployable fins for, stabilization , guidance or gliding. Propellant All forms of artillery require a propellant to
  24. Are the two main mechanisms for colloid stabilization . Electrostatic, stabilization ,is based on the mutual repulsion of like electrical charges. In general
  25. Is centerless, hence all higher centers equal the center. This is a case of, stabilization ,at Z^1 (G)=Z^2 (G). Notes The Commonwealth of England was the republic which
  26. Devaluation of the currency (in order to support exports),without effective, stabilization ,measures, such as indexation of wages, provoked an extremely high inflation
  27. CSM/Lunar Module stack into lunar orbit. Following orbit insertion and orbital, stabilization , the crew began preparations for landing in the Taurus-Littrow valley. Soon
  28. On things like thrust and flight control surfaces. In helicopters, auto, stabilization , was used similarly. The old systems were electromechanical in nature
  29. Froze most prices by law and enacted other measures as part of an economic, stabilization ,plan. That same year, inflation more than halved, to 185 %. Within a few months
  30. Particles can stabilize emulsions as well through a mechanism called Pickering, stabilization , Both mayonnaise and Hollandaise sauce are oil-in-water emulsions that are
  31. Group, all higher centers are zero, which is the case Z^0 (G)=Z^1 (G) of, stabilization , *By Grün's lemma, the quotient of a perfect group by its center is centerless
  32. With the Moon. Name aaa428_261/> Some theorists believe that without this, stabilization ,against the torques applied by the Sun and planets to the Earth's equatorial
  33. Of crime and poverty. Finally, the Bronx has enjoyed economic and demographic, stabilization ,since 1980. The South Bronx was for many years a manufacturing center, and in
  34. Government of Bolivia has implemented a far-reaching program of macroeconomic, stabilization ,and structural reform aimed at maintaining price stability, creating conditions
  35. Contain the engine or engines. The fuselage also serves to position control and, stabilization ,surfaces in specific relationships to lifting surfaces, required for aircraft
  36. And electrostatic stabilization are the two main mechanisms for colloid, stabilization , Electrostatic stabilization is based on the mutual repulsion of like
  37. To the Egyptian unwillingness to send troops to Afghanistan and Iraq in peace, stabilization ,missions. Egypt strongly backed the US in its war against international
  38. Munitions. *Nose Ejection: shrapnel, flechette, star,incendiary. Projectile, stabilization ,*Rifled Traditionally, artillery projectiles have been spin-stabilised, meaning
  39. With the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the program of macroeconomic, stabilization ,and related reform measures, as well as to undertake increased privatization
  40. Particle (e.g., stretching ) may increase the van der Waals forces more than, stabilization ,forces (such as electrostatic),resulting coagulation of colloids at certain
  41. High national per-capita income, although U. S. protection was seen as a key to, stabilization ,and important for encouraging the transition to democracy. Steven Trainer
  42. Of the F125 class (Baden-Württemberg class) specialized for persistent, stabilization ,missions is planned to replace some older Bremen class warships (eight
  43. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the international community, on regional, stabilization ,in the countries-successors of the former Yugoslavia. Within Bosnia and
  44. Human transporter with a sophisticated, computer-controlled gyroscopic, stabilization ,and control system. The device balances on two parallel wheels and is
  45. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the international community, on regional, stabilization ,in the countries-successors of the former Yugoslavia. Within Bosnia and
  46. As well as the placement of a small dimple above the magazine well for, stabilization ,of the magazine. In 1978,the Soviet Union began replacing their AK-47 and AKM
  47. Causes light to be released. This light is equivalent in energy to the, stabilization ,energy of the energy for the chemical reaction,i.e. the bond energy. This
  48. Macroeconomic forecast assumes political stability, successful economic, stabilization , and the implementation of a policy agenda for private sector growth, and
  49. To prevent colloids from aggregating. Strict stabilization and electrostatic, stabilization ,are the two main mechanisms for colloid stabilization . Electrostatic
  50. Due to special electronic effects such as (second-order) Jahn-Teller, stabilization , certain geometries are stabilized relative to the other possibilities, e. g.

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