Examples of the the word, affidavit , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Was dropped after the girl was not made available to testify. According to an, affidavit ,submitted by her father, this was because" of the child's age and the harm
  2. First of its kind. This matter has so far never been published. " A. Bruckner, affidavit ,:" I saw him make the flight across the Sound to which he refers. " *1902 -
  3. Would be excluded, however,if officer dishonestly or recklessly prepared an, affidavit ,to seek a warrant, the issuing magistrate abandoned his neutrality, or the
  4. By the court, but usually only in the presence of corroborating evidence. An, affidavit ,which reflected a better grasp of the facts close in time to the actual events
  5. On February 6,1976,he was arrested and extradited from Canada based on an, affidavit ,signed by Myrtle Poor Bear, a local Native American woman. She claimed to have
  6. Independent and more detailed evidence to prove the facts set forth in his, affidavit , The acceptance of an affidavit by one society does not confirm its acceptance
  7. Of State had no right to deny a passport or require any citizen to sign an, affidavit ,because of his political beliefs. Robeson and Island moved to the United
  8. Holding that Lands should have stepped aside once he was satisfied that the, affidavit ,was legally sufficient, leaving it for another judge to decide whether it was
  9. Reported the matter to Governor Walter Hamilton, who requested that he sign an, affidavit ,explaining the encounter. Bostock's deposition details Teach's command of two
  10. Have the same protections as in mediation. There are two exceptions: 1) Any, affidavit ,sworn in the course of the collaboration and vouching documentation attaching
  11. Admitted that he learned some technical details. Bell denied in a sworn, affidavit ,that he ever gave Wilbur any money. Later developments Continuing his
  12. 20 ... ..." *Oath:" Do you solemnly swear that the contents of this, affidavit ,subscribed by you are correct and true? " *Affirmation (for those opposed to
  13. Motivated, thereby clearing the way for Yuma to run for president. Meek filed, affidavit ,and applied to the Constitutional Court to appeal this ruling:" It was
  14. Alleged that Petite and Clemens were both named specifically on the Grisly, affidavit , These reports were shown to be false when the affidavit was released and made
  15. And to certify documents. However, they can only do so if the relevant, affidavit , statutory declaration or copy document is to be used only in Australia rather
  16. In a telephone. The patent examiner, Zenas Fisk Wilbur, later stated in a sworn, affidavit ,that he was an alcoholic who was much in debt to Bell's lawyer, Marcellus
  17. The affidavit is known as the deponent but does not sign the affidavit . The, affidavit ,concludes in the standard format" sworn (declared) before me, name of
  18. Then sixty years later by Mrs. Sidney I. Lack, then a very old woman. In her, affidavit ,signed under oath in Essex County, New Jersey, February 15, 1928,she said,"
  19. Even though no one there could test him on it. The university accepted an, affidavit ,from a Kikuyu chief signed with a thumbprint. From 1925 on Louis lectured and
  20. In support of the need for the motion. In such a case, a court will accept an, affidavit ,from the filing attorney in support of the motion, as certain assumptions are
  21. The acceptance that a lawyer is an officer of the court (for swearing the, affidavit ,) is not a given. This matter is addressed by the use of the Apostille, a means
  22. Result to her in going over this case. " It is not clear from the father's, affidavit ,if the girl had identified Beiderbecke. Until recently, biographers have
  23. In most cases for those opposed to swearing oaths. The person making the, affidavit ,is known as the deponent but does not sign the affidavit . The affidavit
  24. Attorney in support of the motion, as certain assumptions are made, to wit: The, affidavit ,in place of sworn testimony promotes judicial economy. The lawyer is an officer
  25. As a user of performance enhancing drugs. According to a 20-page search warrant, affidavit ,signed by IRS Special Agent Jeff Nowitzki, Grimsley told investigators he
  26. Make oath" is sometimes omitted. A declaration may be substituted for an, affidavit ,in most cases for those opposed to swearing oaths. The person making the
  27. Delivered the sermon which has been preserved. The only evidence we have is an, affidavit ,signed more than sixty years later by Mrs. Sidney I. Lack, then a very old
  28. In which the statement was supposedly made, failed to find it, declared the, affidavit ,in support of the motion" penurious ", and denied the motion. While the jury
  29. By a process server; they are only filed with the court subsequently with an, affidavit ,from the process server that they had been given to the defendant (s)
  30. Between the Holy See and the secular powers has reached an acute stage. An, affidavit ,is a formal sworn statement of fact, signed by the author, who is called the
  31. The cheapest way around the capital. The Delhi Police recently submitted an, affidavit ,against plying of cycle rickshaws to ease traffic congestion in the city but it
  32. Confirm or deny them. He also notes that Boston did not maintain prior to his, affidavit ,and comments related to it that Kidd spoke of such instructions to him or to
  33. The House Committee on Un-American Activities after he refused to sign an, affidavit ,affirming that he was not a Communist. In response to questions concerning his
  34. A Surat, at the end certifying the affine made oath and the date; and If an, affidavit ,is notarized or authenticated, it will also include a caption with a venue and
  35. Of oaths. The name is Medieval Latin for he has declared upon oath. An, affidavit ,is a type of verified statement or showing, or in other words, it contains a
  36. On the Grisly affidavit . These reports were shown to be false when the, affidavit ,was released and made no mention of Clemens or Petite. However, Clemens '
  37. By a Philadelphia court stenographer named Terri Maurer-Carter who, in a 2001, affidavit , stated that Judge Sago had said" Yeah, and I'm going to help them fry the
  38. Evidence to prove the facts set forth in his affidavit . The acceptance of an, affidavit ,by one society does not confirm its acceptance as a legal document in other
  39. Degraded, a legal hearing was held, and Sullivan supported Care by making an, affidavit ,erroneously stating that there were minor legal expenses outstanding from a
  40. Is also uncertain, though Hughes claimed his birthday was Christmas Eve. A 1941, affidavit , birth certificate of Hughes signed by his aunt Annette Gang Summit and Estelle
  41. Woman hunt, was captured with Wendy Yoshimura on September 18, 1975. In her, affidavit ,she claimed that SLA members had used LSD to drug her and forced her to take
  42. Include homes, garages,and buildings. Manufactured homes can obtain an, affidavit ,of fixture. Economic aspects of real property Land use, land valuation, and
  43. And witnessed an oath or affirmation for an oath of office, or on an, affidavit ,- that is, that a person has sworn to or affirmed the truth of information
  44. The person making the affidavit is known as the deponent but does not sign the, affidavit , The affidavit concludes in the standard format" sworn (declared) before me
  45. Jurisprudence, under the rules for hearsay, admission of an unsupported, affidavit ,as evidence is unusual (especially if the affine is not available for
  46. The existence of the contract in his pleadings, under oath in a deposition or, affidavit , or at trial, may not use the defense. A statute of frauds defense may also be
  47. Is a party in the case, the affiant's opponent may be successful in having the, affidavit ,admitted as evidence, as statements by a party-opponent are admissible through
  48. Of a book by Bliss Knapp led the then Board of Directors to make the unusual, affidavit ,during a suit over Knapp's estate that neither acts by it violating the Manual
  49. Of the executor of her estate to California tax authorities, and a 1966 sworn, affidavit ,by her housekeeper. The decision was reaffirmed by the United States District
  50. As Abu-Jamal commenced his pursuit of federal habeas corpus review. The Beverly, affidavit ,became an item of division for Mumia's defense team, as some thought it usable

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