Examples of the the word, reverend , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Time, was the extreme northeastern corner of Lesser Poland, around Yukon, where, reverend , Stanislaw Bazooka was active. Since Russian military supremacy was crushing
  2. For selling" owl's meat, dogs ' eyes, manchop. " *Rev. Eli Jenkins - The, reverend , poet and preacher, dreams of Eisteddfod. Author of the White Book of
  3. Held in Harlem on January 15, 1965. Paul Robeson gave her eulogy. The presiding, reverend , Eugene Cal lender, recited messages from James Baldwin and the Reverend Martin
  4. As Mother. In the 20th and 21st centuries it has been increasingly common for, reverend ,to be used as a noun and for clergy to be referred to as being either a
  5. Version of Stryker has no affiliation with Weapon X. In fact, Stryker is a, reverend ,in the upon which X2 is loosely based. * The Weapon X organization appears in
  6. First religious society organized by Reverend J. L. Kirkpatrick, a Methodist, reverend ,was created in 1839. The first newspaper was established in 1853; lasting only
  7. Have all been either mistaken or acted in an intentional deception. A so-called, reverend , Prescott Jerseyan ran a gold-from-seawater swindle in the United States in the
  8. Lines" Upon Bishop Andrews' Picture before his Sermons" he exclaims: This, reverend ,shadow cast that setting sun, Whose glorious course through our horizon run
  9. Town of the same name in West Yorkshire). River Cam is referred to as" Camus, reverend ,Sire" in line 103 of John Milton's pastoral elegy Lyrics. Edward King, in
  10. As a noun and for clergy to be referred to as being either a reverend or the, reverend ,(I talked to the reverend about the wedding service. ) or to be addressed as
  11. Greatly stand: Still guardians of that holy land?: The chestnuts shade, in, reverend , dream,: The yet academic stream? —" The Old Vicarage, Grantchester "
  12. To be used as a noun and for clergy to be referred to as being either a, reverend ,or the reverend (I talked to the reverend about the wedding service. ) or to
  13. Is used as a title or form of address (i.e., before a name). When the term, reverend ,is used alone without a name as a third-person reference to a member of the
  14. As" assistant to a reverend divine ". A note in the margin indicates that the, reverend ,in question was" Master Hayward of Wool Church ", in Dorset. In 1616,it is
  15. Police),CID (Criminal Investigation Department) *Priest - pr, rev (, reverend ,), rr (Right Reverend),dd (Doctor of Divinity),for (Father),ELI (Eli (
  16. He gladly accepts. He calls for Passepartout to notify the reverend . At the, reverend ,'s, Passepartout learns that he is mistaken in the date, which he takes to be
  17. Has taken the television, she wants him to try and get it back before the good, reverend ,doctor comes home, he finds him at a drug house and sees him and Vivian smoking
  18. Dell and gives her $10 to get an abortion. *Whitfield – Whitfield is the local, reverend ,with whom Addie had an affair, which results in the birth of Jewel. *Samson –
  19. Requires either a definite or indefinite article (e.g., We spoke to a/the, reverend ,yesterday. ). As Reverend is traditionally an adjective it is still often
  20. Capable, Bretagne, and Lennon, Seven earls, twelve barons, and twenty, reverend ,bishops, I have performed my task and was espoused, And humbly
  21. I brought you down here for a reason, Larry you've been a faithful little, reverend ,due in the mountain of disseminating the dope music to people all over the
  22. To marry her, which he gladly accepts. He calls for Passepartout to notify the, reverend , At the reverend 's, Passepartout learns that he is mistaken in the date, which
  23. In Vienna. Births Deaths The Hansen Writing Ball was invented in 1865 by the, reverend ,and principal of the Royal Institute for the deaf-mutes in Copenhagen, Rasmus
  24. Played 364 Test matches, winning 68,losing 147 and drawing 149. History The, reverend ,Henry Williams provided history with the first report of a game of cricket in
  25. Of the council report:" After the reading of the foregoing epistle, the most, reverend ,bishops cried out: This is the faith of the fathers, this is the faith of the
  26. In which the poem was composed,'We could have informed Mr. Coleridge of a, reverend ,friend of ours, who actually wrote down two sermons on a passage in the
  27. Gave his ear a sudden box, : And questioned him again, : And tweaked his gray and, reverend ,locks, : And put him into pain.: He said," I hunt for haddock's eyes: Among
  28. Close the church, and it stationed a constable at the door to bar the offending, reverend , But Levitt would not be deterred: He moved his sermons to the schoolhouse
  29. Nominations Democratic Party nomination Democratic candidates *Jesse Jackson, reverend ,and civil rights leader from South Carolina Candidates gallery
  30. Priest. John Wise (August 15, 1652 – April 8,1725) was a Congregationalist, reverend ,and political leader in Massachusetts during the American colonial period. Wise
  31. Of the children from that marriage. Julie (now Hines) filed suit against the, reverend , his church, and the diocese. The case was the focus of media attention for
  32. To be referred to as being either a reverend or the reverend (I talked to the, reverend ,about the wedding service. ) or to be addressed as Reverend or, for example
  33. Most-pure Mother, of the holy, glorious and right victorious Martyrs, of our, reverend ,and God-bearing Fathers … ". For the Orthodox, Saturday—with the sole exception
  34. Television *In the episode Orison of the seventh season of The X-Files, reverend ,Orison is said to have drilled holes in his skull to boost his mental
  35. And literature. He fell in love with Charlotte Ives, daughter of Bungay's, reverend ,(CF: First part of Les Memoirs d'Outre-Tombe, book 10,chapter 9" Charlotte
  36. Approached Insane in order to give the dead an appropriate burial. While the, reverend ,and a helper of his were burying the dead and reading them their last rights
  37. First, as a lover, then,a hipster, a gambler, a briber, and,finally, as a, reverend , He sees that Reinhart has adapted to white society, at the cost of his own
  38. Posthumous name Mo 穆 (pinyin MO Wang),literary meaning: ", reverend ," Notes Gruff the Crime Dog is an anthropomorphic cartoon bloodhound created
  39. U. S. vice president and former U. S. senator from Minnesota *Jesse Jackson, reverend ,and civil rights activist from Illinois *George McGovern, former U. S. senator
  40. Mass and perform seasonal plays and performances at the church and the Parish, reverend ,provides religious instruction at the school. The Bangabandhu Primary School
  41. Nabbed, The Springs Gloria produced in 1638," Christmas" appears as" an old, reverend ,gentleman in furred gown and cap ". The character continued to appear over the
  42. Richardson, Baroness Richardson of Ceylon, British Baroness and Methodist, reverend ,*1941 – Joanne Summers, American singer and actress * 1942 – Paul Jones
  43. Smith wrote 35 books and engaged in missionary work worldwide. The, reverend ,Billy Graham called him," the greatest combination pastor, hymn writer
  44. Inquisition in the territory. The story as written by Charles Navarre:" The, reverend ,Capuchin, Antonio de Sedella, who had lately arrived in the province, wrote to
  45. Ordained Protestant clergy often have the title of pastor, minister, reverend , etc. In some Lutheran churches, ordained clergy are called priests, while in
  46. Is in the benefice of To stock and Dagenham. The head of the benefice is the, reverend ,Ian Hooper. They parish council meet every month, usually on the first Monday of
  47. To enlighten those willing to follow him. During one of Tommy's sermons,a, reverend ,'s daughter, Sally Simpson, sneaks out of her home to meet with Tommy. As the
  48. Is probable that he began his church service with a posting as" assistant to a, reverend ,divine ". A note in the margin indicates that the reverend in question was "
  49. Was a temporary hospital in the Anglo-Boer War. The Reverend Beyer's Maude was a, reverend ,at this church before his own resistance against the political system. The
  50. Made him ineligible for the throne: And concerning that letter which the most, reverend ,and holy Æthelheard sent to us ... as regards that apostate cleric who mounted

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