Examples of the the word, sociological , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sociological ), is the 9906 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Surroundings' are the physical conditions of the country, and the, sociological ,phenomena, i. e., the relation of man to man. Furthermore, the study of the
  2. General comparisons among major U. S. religious traditions using a variety of, sociological ,measures of religious vitality and salience ... it is Mormon teenagers who are
  3. Influential book, The Rise of Christianity, Rodney Stark argues that various, sociological ,factors which made Christianity improving the quality of life of its adherents
  4. Through impression management. While these theories are currently prominent in, sociological ,thought, other approaches exist, including feminist theory, post-structuralism
  5. Marxists influenced by Soviet Marxism, historical materialism is a specifically, sociological ,method, while dialectical materialism refers to a more general, abstract
  6. Our universal mental tools may impose epistemic 'blind spots '. At the group or, sociological ,level, historic factors may make the process of assigning satisfactory meanings
  7. Nobel Prize. " ... with" Salsa Valley" ( 1931-32) began the great series of, sociological ,novels, often colored with socialist ideas, continuing almost without a break
  8. Considerations to concerns about the physiological or even psychological and, sociological ,aspects of sexual behavior. In some cultures sexual activity is considered
  9. Amount of money, a car, a vacation and (in some editions) a house. From a, sociological ,and demographic perspective, this format allows the opportunity for analysis of
  10. As in Watt or Buys). Another approach is to say that“ art” is basically a, sociological ,category, that whatever art schools and museums and artists define as art is
  11. The distinctive Annals approach, which combined geography, history,and the, sociological ,approaches of the Anne Sociologize (many members of which were their
  12. Creating the third generation of great Hasidic leaders. As the theological and, sociological ,architect of the Hasidic movement, Dov BER elucidated the underlying profound
  13. Of painting) as well as the content; making his work largely satirical of the, sociological ,state of cities, or the political climate of war, often using monkeys and rats
  14. doesn't entail that Lukas restrains human liberty on behalf of some kind of, sociological , However, this heterodox definition, that " orthodox Marxism" is fidelity to
  15. That beauty was once thought to be central. George Mickie suggested that the, sociological ,institutions of the art world were the glue binding art and sensibility into
  16. Birthplace of a strong Socialist party and strong trade-unions in a particular, sociological ,landscape. At the left, the Dillon industrial, which runs from Mons in the west
  17. As crimes actually overlap with civil-law concepts. The development of, sociological ,thought from the 19th century onwards prompted some fresh views on crime and
  18. A ship of the enormous required scale, and the great biological and, sociological ,problems that life aboard such a ship raises. Suspended animation Scientists
  19. And political distinction between Wallonia and Brussels for historical and, sociological ,reasons. On one hand, this means that the Belgian political landscape
  20. Values, subconscious behavior, conscious decision, training,instinct, sociological ,institutions, or some complex combination of these, depending on exactly which
  21. Of information for technical issues as well as for the various gameplay and, sociological ,aspects that are unique to" Everest for Macintosh ". Sociological aspects of
  22. Design; and they were initially motivated by the inventor's concept of, sociological ,needs. Rudolf Diesel originally conceived the diesel engine to enable
  23. Behaviors that inch the individual closer to their goals. Reflexive feedback A, sociological ,concept that states a feedback association is created within a certain
  24. Or legatees. History Detailed studies have been made in the Anthropological and, sociological ,customs of patrilineal succession, is also known as gavel kind, where only male
  25. When an author (perhaps most notably Michel Foucault) works within, sociological ,terms yet attacks the social or human sciences (thus attempting to remain "
  26. As a survival mechanism in human societies and animals. He used biological and, sociological ,arguments in an attempt to show that the main factor in facilitating evolution
  27. The French Revolution, as well as the overall development of modern political, sociological ,and educational thought. His novel, are cornerstones in modern political and
  28. Goals and means of educational socialization processes differs according to the, sociological ,paradigm used. Education in the Developing World Universal Primary Education is
  29. Attempts in the United States in the early 1970s were generally based on, sociological ,theory and focused on the function of women characters in particular film
  30. Of political and ideological controversy for the revolting German students. The, sociological ,foundations of critical psychology are decidedly Marxist. Klaus Hohokam One of
  31. As an umbrella term to describe any theory founded upon critique. In the, sociological ,context, critical theory refers to a style of Marxist theory with a tendency to
  32. Over resources. Symbolic interactionism also came to be regarded as central to, sociological ,thinking. Serving Goffman saw social interactions as a stage performance, with
  33. Social sciences have expanded, and game theory has been applied to political, sociological , and psychological behaviors as well. Game-theoretic analysis was initially
  34. Social evolution (associated with Hume). Human rights are also described as a, sociological ,pattern of rule setting (as in the sociological theory of law and the work of
  35. Opened what he called the laboratory school to test his theories and their, sociological ,implications. With Dewey as the director and his wife as principal, the
  36. Including proper names, phrases and common zoological, geographical, sociological , scientific and technical terms. The latest 2007 5th edition of Brandie Any
  37. Require a high degree of knowledge and competency to safely oversee. From a, sociological ,point of view, Danielle Lineman has noted the" embattled purity regime" in
  38. Engine, guided by scientific analysis, and the development of the political and, sociological ,analyses, culminating in Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations. One of the main
  39. Rights are also described as a sociological pattern of rule setting (as in the, sociological ,theory of law and the work of Weber). These approaches include the notion that
  40. On altruistic behaviors among animals have been ideologically opposed to the, sociological ,social Darwinist concept of the" survival of the fittest ", under the name of
  41. They further called for an increased application of the gospel to the, sociological , political, and economic areas. Not all conservatives are pleased with the new
  42. Geographic distribution and variants, for example. However, political and, sociological ,divisions are increasingly the principal criteria for describing different
  43. Theory of literary criticism. And thus incidentally critical theory in the, sociological ,sense also became, especially among literary scholars of left-wing sympathies
  44. A study of how TDI channels funds around the world is interesting from a, sociological ,angle since it depends largely on trust of carefully placed, non-senior members
  45. Be perverse. Beginning in the 1970s and influenced by new perspectives in the, sociological ,and biological sciences, some Orthodox rabbis began to adopt more sympathetic
  46. Creation science as a pseudoscience. Historical, philosophical,and, sociological ,criticism Historically, the debate of whether creationism is compatible with
  47. Zappa ever had (mostly featuring drummer Minnie Lolita). The political and, sociological ,satire in songs like the title track and" The Blue Light" have been described
  48. Afghanistan, like those of any country, have changed along with the political, sociological , and economic state of the various parts of Afghanistan. Overview Before the
  49. However, the Leadership Council of Conservative Judaism has a different, sociological ,approach to this issue than does Orthodoxy, although agreeing religiously. In a
  50. Tenuous and the real reasons for the Hasidic dress code are historical and, sociological ,and not theological. * Bêtise or reelect serve as a sign of modesty and cover

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