Examples of the the word, doubtful , in a Sentence Context
The word ( doubtful ), is the 9914 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The Fisherman, Kirka or Erika, which,however, is designated by Athens as, doubtful , and Helena, Of his elegies, some beautiful fragments are still extant. His
- Was followed by later civilizations that carried on the technologies, so it's, doubtful ,that they are separate civilizations in the context of the Drake equation. In
- Arrived in Spain in the 8th century mention the legend, but the whole story is, doubtful , because the best historians do not mention it. Notes External links
- Parts of LM Ericsson as security, and used its assets and name in a series of, doubtful ,international financial dealings that had little to do with telephony.
- To Charlotte's still-living friends, father and husband. Haskell also provided, doubtful ,and inaccurate information about Patrick Bronte, claiming,for example, that he
- Subfossil bones. Provisionally assigned to Timaliidae, but placement highly, doubtful , Stride – starlings * Korea Island Starling, Aplonis Corina (Korea
- Large, al-Fihri managed to gather an army allegedly numbering to 20,000. It is, doubtful , however, that his troops were" regular" soldiers, but rather a hodgepodge
- In filling the posts required. The Oracle's credibility waned due to, doubtful ,predictions. When Nero came to Greece in AD 66,he took away over 500 of the
- S chance for command and decisive action had finally arrived. But Amadeus, doubtful ,of victory and now more fearful of Habsburg influence in Italy than he was of
- The Earth and the little giant planets like Uranus and Neptune. But it is, doubtful ,that an atmosphere rich in nitrogen dioxide could even exist. Since the
- French principles" but because Burke wrote with so much passion people were, doubtful ,of his arguments. William Wind ham spoke from the same bench in the House of
- Spotted Kiwi, Apteryx Occidentals (South Island, New Zealand, c. 1900): A, doubtful ,form known from a single bird; may be a Little Spotted Kiwi subspecies or a
- Were two periods in which long-abeyant peerages (in some cases peerages of, doubtful ,reality) were brought back: between 1838 and 1841 and between 1909 and 1921.
- Is described as a great innovator, but the neutrality of this description is, doubtful , since the work was written under the control of his descendants. It seems
- Henry VII procrastinated so much about Catherine's unpaid dowry that it was, doubtful ,if the marriage would ever take place. She lived as a virtual prisoner at
- Hydrocephalus Lucinda Yamashina (Pagan, Marianas,1970s): Another, doubtful ,subspecies of the Nightingale Reed-warbler. * Marshall Islands Reed-warbler
- For the understanding of the name for God, a claim Gerhard Lowering says is, doubtful , According to Francis Edwards Peters," The Qur'an insists, Muslims believe
- Subspecies of the Black-faced Pitta. Not found any more during recent searches;, doubtful ,records from nearby islands. Tyrannical – Tyrant flycatchers * Bogotá Bearded
- Unable to repay these loans. Ericsson found that they had invested in some very, doubtful ,share deals, whose losses were deemed significant. ITT examined the deal and
- Semi-monastic and, while the education given was excellent in its way, it is, doubtful ,whether there was enough social life and contact with the world for a pupil of
- Speak of an adversary on several occasions within the central poem, but it is, doubtful ,that he is referring to" the Adversary" of the prose prologue. Job's wife
- Swedish: grundlagsutskottet) of the parliament reviews any, doubtful ,bills and recommends changes, if needed. In practice, the Constitutional Law
- People who ever lived. According to the philosopher Bryan McGee," it is, doubtful ,whether any human being has ever known as much as he did ". Aristotle was the
- I Am Ozzy, Osbourne stated that although he is not ruling out a reunion, he is, doubtful ,there will be a reunion with all original members. Osbourne states" I'm not
- Reached the latitude of Patagonia before turning back, although this also seems, doubtful , since his account does not mention the broad estuary of the Rio de la Plate
- Cavalry reserve of nobles and knights to retrieve the day, and after a long and, doubtful ,fight, in which he himself was unhorsed and narrowly escaped death, began to
- Matthew Nathan, on 17 April, but without revealing its source, and Nathan was, doubtful ,about its accuracy. When news reached Dublin of the capture of the AUD and the
- Marshall Islands?, late 19th century? ): Purple-capped Fruit-dove subspecies of, doubtful ,validity. Known from a single specimen collected in 1859,it is not certain
- System. Various evidential verb forms exist to express unwitnessed, retold,and, doubtful ,action. Estimates of the number of people around the world who speak Bulgarian
- Formed in plane and spherical concave mirrors. The attribution to Euclid is, doubtful , Its author may have been Then of Alexandria. * Phenomena, a treatise on
- Caribbean,1860s): A subspecies of the Puerto Rican Screech Owl of somewhat, doubtful ,validity which occurred on several of the Virgin Islands, West Indies. The last
- Microbes managed to survive on a lunar probe for many years (later considered, doubtful ,as sterile procedures may not have been fully followed). However, it is
- Goff art place little trust in this narrative. Goff art notes other similar, doubtful ,stories in the Historian and calls its account of Alboin's demise" a suitably
- Sole representative body for dance sport in the Olympic Games. However, it seems, doubtful ,that dance will be included in the Olympic Games, especially in light of
- Women at the Hemophobia Festival, second version) Attributed (, doubtful , possibly by Arc hippos) Albert Schweitzer OM (14 January 1875 – 4 September
- Of proposed subfamilies like Leonine or Squaliobarbinae also remains, doubtful , although the latter do appear to correspond to a distinct lineage. The
- Amazon River, from which certain green stones were formerly obtained, but it is, doubtful ,whether green feldspar occurs in the Amazon area. Amazon ite is a mineral of
- Of" persistently stirring up quarrels in the Courts or out of them ". It is, doubtful ,whether in the ordinary way persons charged with commission of this offense
- Ways the objects are presented to us; * The modalities of being (possible, doubtful , existent, non-existent,absurd, and so on). Consequently, in intentional
- Rejected the mechanism of Lamar on the transmutation of species, and was, doubtful ,whether species were mutable. However, privately,in letters, he was more open
- Was a succession and defined duties associated with being a bretwalda, and it is, doubtful ,whether the term is anything more than a later simplification of a complex
- Satirical Apocalypse of Goiás once attributed to him; and it is exceedingly, doubtful ,whether the Dicta Alan de laid philosophic really issued from his pen. On
- There has been no team that has proved that the forward pass is anything but a, doubtful , dangerous play to be used only in the last extremity. " The forward pass was
- Subspecies of Oriental Bay Owl or possibly distinct species. Taxonomy, doubtful ,but only specimen lost in 1945 bombing raid, so validity cannot be verified; no
- By Martin Belief (as alleged on the latter Nuremberg globe of 1492) is very, doubtful ,; but we know that the explorer revisited the Congo and erected two more pillars
- Critic of the work, considered even the original Hebrew version to be of very, doubtful ,value. Luther's complaints against the book carried past the point of
- Once, but there was an unconfirmed sighting in 1990. Placement in Sylvia, doubtful , * Fay yum Warbler, Sylvia melanocephala/moms nonissue (Egypt, c. 1940): A
- Did not seem to resemble those of the plague, Rieux records his death as a ", doubtful ,case. " *The Prefect: The Prefect believes at first that the talk of plague is
- Sirius Apollinaire. But the accuracy of Sirius' list of Runic allies is, doubtful , as he also gives the names of two Scythian tribes (the Near and Belong)
- Is so great as to make the practice extremely hazardous and its desirability, doubtful , " While playing for the Athletics, Reiter was a teammate of Hawley Pierce, a
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