Examples of the the word, roi , in a Sentence Context

The word ( roi ), is the 10205 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With the planet Venus) The configuration of the grand apartment Du, roi , conformed to contemporary conventions in palace design (Baillie,1967).
  2. Cabinet – which was pendant with the salon de Venus in the grand apartment Du, roi , As with the decoration of the ceiling in the grand apartment Du ROI, which
  3. Which premiered in Venice in 1851. Based on a play by Victor Hugo (Le, roi , s'amuse),the libretto had to undergo substantial revisions in order to
  4. Which was pendant with the salon de Saturn in the grand apartment Du, roi , * Petite cabinet – which was pendant with the salon de Venus in the grand
  5. City. * Giuseppe Verdi's opera Rigoletto (based on Victor Hugo's play Le, roi , s'amuse) is set in Mantra. Austro-Hungarian authorities in Venice forced him
  6. Until he died. But if he had not died, he would still be king (" Quad j'etas, roi , de Bertie").1 1 Boeotia is a part of Greece that Aristophanes fills with
  7. Design. Spelled quintefeuille in French.; corduroy: Suggested as" code Du, roi ," (" the king's cord" ) but this does not exist in French. More likely from
  8. Second great epic of Russian history was left unfinished at his death. *1887 Le, roi , malgré Lew (Charier). Ravel claimed he would rather have written this comic
  9. Gardes – which was pendant with the salon de Mars in the grand apartment Du, roi , * Antechamber – which was pendant with the salon de Mercury in the grand
  10. De Babinski, ( Warsaw,1885) * Salary, Histoire de Pologne savant et sous LE, roi , Jean Babinski, ( two volumes, new edition, Paris,1855) * Coyer, Histoire de
  11. In the 18th century during the reign of Louis XV, the grand apartment Du, roi , was expanded to include the salon de l’Abundance (Hall of Plenty) – formerly
  12. Style and arms Louis's formal style was" Louis XIV, par la grace de Died, roi , de France et de Navarre ", or " Louis XIV, by the Grace of God, King of France
  13. Of the Hall of Mirrors, the configuration of the grand apartment Du, roi , was altered. The decorative elements of the salon de Jupiter was removed and
  14. 1911; Varlet,1985). Le Van’s original plan for the grand apartment Du, roi , was short-lived. With the inauguration of the third building campaign, which
  15. Du ROI As with the decoration of the ceiling in the grand apartment Du, roi , which depicted the he roi c actions of Louis XIV as allegories from events taken
  16. Which was pendant with the salon de Mercury in the grand apartment Du, roi , * Chamber – which was pendant with the salon d’Apollo in the grand apartment
  17. Chapel – which was pendant with the salon de Diane in the grand apartment Du, roi , * Sale de garden – which was pendant with the salon de Mars in the grand
  18. Decorative designers. There were also some modifications in the apartment Du, roi , namely the construction of the Salon de l’Oil de BUF and the King’s
  19. The celebrated motto, Pauvres pay sans, pauvre royale; pure royale, pauvre, roi , ); Dialogue SUR LE commerce et LES travail DES artisans; and other minor pieces
  20. first floor; and the two private apartments of Louis XV – petite apartment Du, roi , au derriere stage (later transformed into the apartment de Madame du Barry)
  21. Expressions Beta come la paid (" Stupid as peace" ) and Travailed pour LE, roi , de Press (" To work for the king of Prussia ",i.e. working for nothing).
  22. Which was pendant with the salon de Jupiter in the grand apartment Du, roi , * Oratory – which was pendant with the salon de Saturn in the grand
  23. Monarchs outside of Europe whose titles are translated as king in English, roi , in French etc.). Foreign monarchs of imperial status, both inside and outside
  24. Palace and which had wounded soldiers being housed in the petite apartment Du, roi , ( Gain,1908) In 1797,the Museum national was reorganized and renamed Muse
  25. Into the apartment de Madame du Barry) and the petite apartment Du, roi , au trireme stage – on the second and third floors of the palace. The crowning
  26. Adman Goodrich (known, at times, to operate under the aliases of" JE, le, roi , " And" The Ghost Quartet" ) shares the title of I, Robot,and is heavily
  27. Liberty.: Top generous en SA cohere, : La Belgium, vengeant SES d roi ds, : D’UN, roi , EU’Elle appellant son père, : N’important Que de juster Lois.: Mai's Lew days SA
  28. Among Louis XV’s contributions to Versailles were the petite apartment Du, roi , ; the apartments de Mesdames, the apartment Du dauphin, and the apartment
  29. The king. Apartment Du ROI (King's Private Apartments) The apartment Du, roi , is a suite of rooms sets aside for the private use of the king. Originally
  30. Example) with the espalier DES ambassadors in the grand apartment Du, roi , The loggia also provided access to the apartment Du ROI, the suite of rooms
  31. Rooms with an arrangement that mirrored almost exactly the grand apartment Du, roi , The configuration was: * Chapel – which was pendant with the salon de Diane in
  32. Clermont; and in May 1655 he received his commission as an ingenious Du, roi , having served his apprenticeship under the Chevalier de Clerville, one of the
  33. Hall of Plenty) – formerly the entry vestibule of the petite apartment Du, roi , – and the salon d'Hercules – occupying the tribune level of the former chapel of
  34. Oral tradition from Wace's Roman de Brut. Race usually only refers to LI, roi , ( " the king" ) without naming him, and someone has taken an early mention of
  35. The more things change, the more they stay the same; plus royalist Que LE, roi , : " more royalist than the king," i.e., more enthusiastic than the cause
  36. Serves as an allegory to Louis XIV’s expansion of the Bibliothèque Du, roi , Complementing the rooms’ decors were pieces of massive silver furniture.
  37. 1980; Campbell,1977). In his 1674 publication about the grand apartment Du, roi , André Religion described the scenes depicted in the coves of the ceilings of
  38. Mixture and served raw. Common ingredients Vegetables Fruits * Rose apple (, roi , in the North, mận A Lat in the South) Herbs (ran them) ** Using leaf and
  39. Which was pendant with the salon d’Apollo in the grand apartment Du, roi , * Grand cabinet – which was pendant with the salon de Jupiter in the grand
  40. Corridor that connected her apartment with that of the king. Apartment Du, roi , ( King's Private Apartments) The apartment Du ROI is a suite of rooms sets
  41. Mindset attributed to inhabitants of that area, which includes the Sorbonne;, roi , fainéant:" do-nothing king ": an expression first used about the kings of
  42. Grand apartment Du ROI. The loggia also provided access to the apartment Du, roi , the suite of rooms in which Louis XIV lived, and to the apartment of Madame de
  43. Apartments: one for the king, and one for the queen. The Grand apartment Du, roi , occupied the northern part of the château Nerf and Grand apartment de la
  44. De la race Forming a parallel enfilade with that of the grand apartment Du, roi , the grand apartment de la race served as the residence of three queens of
  45. Their honor ". King Parole, a character in Pierre Lou s' Lesa ventures Du, roi , Pausole (The Adventures of King Parole, published in 1901),had a similar
  46. Live in the rooms previously occupied by his father. The grand apartment Du, roi , was reserved for court functions – such as the thrice-weekly apartment
  47. 1985). From 1678 to the end of Louis XIV’s reign, the grand apartment Du, roi , served as the venue for the king’s thrice-weekly evening receptions, known as
  48. Used the traditional title of baseless in Greek and the title of" king" or ", roi ," in English and French. Kiev an Ru's' The term" czar" was used once by Church
  49. In the palace, the library and the salon DES ex in the petite apartment Du, roi , and the decoration of the petite apartment de la race for Marie-Antoinette
  50. Consequently engaged in the War of Devolution. Both the grand apartment Du, roi , and the grand apartment de la race formed a suite of seven enfilade rooms.

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