Examples of the the word, imperfect , in a Sentence Context

The word ( imperfect ), is the 10563 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the added voice. #The accented beat must have only consonance (perfect or, imperfect ,). The unaccented beat may have dissonance, but only as a passing tone, i. e.
  2. View non-Christians (such as Jews and Pagans) as having an incomplete or, imperfect ,relationship with God, and therefore excluded from grace, salvation,or heaven.
  3. To most of the figures depicted in the Pale Canon, Ananda is presented as an, imperfect , if sympathetic, figure. He mourns the deaths of both Marietta, with whom he
  4. Damon Albarn; Tom Cruise So I'm cuter; and so on. Several of these are ", imperfect ,anagrams ", letters having been left out in some cases for the sake of easy
  5. In modern times, diplomatic immunity continues to provide a means, albeit, imperfect , to safeguard diplomatic personnel from any animosity that might arise between
  6. Contrast, just as in Finnish. This is a rough equivalent of the perfect vs., imperfect ,aspect opposition. The verbal system lacks a distinctive future tense (the
  7. Of the suffix – л – to effective stems (чел,'have read' ); *Past active, imperfect ,participle (минало несвършено деятелно причастие) is formed by the addition
  8. Only two tenses (present and past),with three PIE past-tense aspects (, imperfect , artist, and perfect/stative) merged into one and no new tenses (future
  9. The performance gain is far less, only about 50 %, due to, imperfect ,software algorithms and implementation. The diverse order Carnivora (or; from
  10. Probably Insular Celtic only) *an interplay between the subjunctive, future, imperfect , and habitual, to the point that some tenses and moods have ousted others *an
  11. And hence desirous of a world as good as possible. The world remains allegedly, imperfect , however, because the Demiurge created the world out of a chaotic
  12. Verbs can stand in the present indicative tense independently; *Past, imperfect ,is a simple verb form used to express an action which is contemporaneous or
  13. Spanish" barrio ", or French" baroque ", all of which refer to a" rough or, imperfect ,pearl ", though whether it entered those languages via Latin, Arabic,or some
  14. See Valved RF amplifiers. Notes on implementation Real world amplifiers are, imperfect , *One consequence is that the power supply itself may influence the output, and
  15. Action which itself is prior to another past action; it is made up of the past, imperfect ,of ща, the particle да the present tense of the verb съм and the past
  16. And thus the correlation (satellite-receiver sequence matching) operation is, imperfect , CPGPS uses the L1 carrier wave, which has a period of \franc 0.63475\, \math rm
  17. As in the anagram med word or phrase; any result that falls short is called an, imperfect ,anagram. Diacritics are usually disregarded (this is usually not relevant for
  18. To keep the ocean in a curved shape. Pliny also considers the possibility of an, imperfect ,sphere," shaped like a pine cone ". In his commentary on Cicero's Dream of
  19. Is Classical Syriac. Aramaic also has two proper tenses: the perfect and the, imperfect , In Imperial Aramaic, the participle began to be used for a historical present.
  20. Past but was future as regards another past action; it is made up of the past, imperfect ,of the verb ща ('will' ), the particle да ('to' ) and the present tense of
  21. A game of chance, or more exactly, a tactical game with inbuilt randomness, imperfect ,knowledge and restricted communication. The chance element is in the deal of
  22. His/her' ), lo to/la TUA ('yours' ), and so on, the use of -v- in the, imperfect ,tense in all conjugations: cantata, creixiva, llegiva; the use of many archaic
  23. Made it more interesting. Instead of the omniscient author, Thackeray used the, imperfect ,observer, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say the dishonest observer
  24. 2. The extensive form can also capture simultaneous-move games and games with, imperfect ,information. To represent it, either a dotted line connects different vertices
  25. Discussions carry on. For a flame that excoriates an earlier poster over their, imperfect ,orthography. Posters who censure the grammar of others are often called Grammar
  26. A3" in 1963 and" TA (BIH) " in 1969. This synchronization was inevitably, imperfect , depending as it did on the astronomical realization of UT2. At the time,UT2
  27. Singular or plural),gender (masculine or feminine),tense (perfect or, imperfect ,), mood (indicative, imperative,massive or infinitive) and voice (active
  28. Which others are derived by addition of affirmatives (and preformatives in the, imperfect ,). In the chart below (on the root K-T-B, meaning 'to write' ), the first
  29. A few years later, Ann Watts published a book in which she argued against the, imperfect ,application of traditional, Homeric,oral-formulaic theory to Anglo-Saxon
  30. Large. It is therefore the case that imperfect markets are often better than, imperfect ,governmental alternatives. While all nations currently have some kind of market
  31. Social injustices, etc., are merely apparent. The world as it exists looks, imperfect ,only because of our limited perception. However, Schopenhauer contended that
  32. Set of BME applications. (The" Device - Bio/Chemical" spectrum is an, imperfect ,dichotomy, but one regulator often use, at least as a starting point. ) Tissue
  33. Has five pure tenses. Two of them are simple – past artist inferential and past, imperfect ,inferential – and are formed by the past participles of effective and
  34. Constitution, though he may retain his affection for its head, can boast but an, imperfect ,and spurious species of loyalty (R v O'Connell (1844) 7 ILL 261). There
  35. Date, because of overstock, being overly ripened, spoiled,cosmetically, imperfect , or blemished. Offices, factories,department stores, and other commercial
  36. Meaning of verbs. Spectral tense Aramaic has two proper tenses: perfect and, imperfect , These were originally spectral, but developed into something more like a
  37. And government failures are sometimes large. It is therefore the case that, imperfect ,markets are often better than imperfect governmental alternatives. While all
  38. Traits not found in either Spanish or Catalan: *Latin -B- is maintained in the past, imperfect ,endings of verbs of the second and third conjugations: (" he had ", Sp., Cat.
  39. Of father James. A notorious murder scandal, the Overbuy case, threw up two, imperfect ,anagrams that were aided by typically loose spelling and were recorded by
  40. Common metals into gold and the universal panacea symbolized evolution from an, imperfect , diseased, corruptible,and ephemeral state towards a perfect, healthy
  41. Only reveal a small amount of information, enough to prove the cyclosystem, imperfect ,but too little to be useful to real-world attackers. Finally, an attack might
  42. Something more like a preterit and future. The perfect is unmarked, while the, imperfect ,uses various preformatives that vary according to person, number and gender. In
  43. Is the ease of calculating when a particular date occurs. The disadvantage is, imperfect ,accuracy. Furthermore, even if the calendar is very accurate, its accuracy
  44. In grammar books these formations are viewed as separate tenses – i.e." past, imperfect ," would mean that the verb is in past tense, in the imperfect ion aspect, and in
  45. Does not know what God is. Thus, contemplation forever produces a mystified, imperfect ,knowledge of God. The soul is exalted beyond the rest of God's creation but it
  46. Убит,'killed' ); it is used predicatively and attributively; *Past passive, imperfect ,participle (минало несвършено страдателно причастие) is formed from
  47. The sea" ). Columbus' knowledge of the Atlantic wind patterns was, however, imperfect , at the time of his first voyage. By sailing directly due west from the Canary
  48. Aristotle understood all natural things, not only living things, as being, imperfect ,actualizations of different fixed natural possibilities, known as" forms ","
  49. Diagrams the bias circuits are omitted for clarity. Any real amplifier is an, imperfect ,realization of an ideal amplifier. One important limitation of a real amplifier
  50. He lies on the freedom of the will, the autexousion (αὐτεξούσιον),and his, imperfect ,realization of the factor so much more strongly brought out in the West: sin.

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