Examples of the the word, precinct , in a Sentence Context

The word ( precinct ), is the 11609 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Celebrated. S. M. Goldberg notes that“ Audi were generally held within the, precinct ,of the particular god being honored. ” T. J. Moore notes that“ seating in the
  2. Included the completion of the Temple of Olympian Zeus. A walled marble-paved, precinct ,was constructed around the temple, making it a central focus of the ancient
  3. Hall of worship, heiden or hall of offerings and the Holden. The innermost, precinct ,of the grounds is the Holden or worship hall, which is entered only by the high
  4. It was awarded to the Aetolians by Philip II of Macedon. Strabo records another, precinct ,of" Aetolian Artemis" at the head of the Adriatic. As Agoraea, she was the
  5. Who formed his court, so that Eur became the name for an entire sacred, precinct ,in the city of Nipper. The name" mountain house" suggests a lofty structure
  6. To canvass door-by-door. These census takers would return their forms to the, precinct ,office, which forwarded them to the ward office, where the pencilled-in data
  7. A chain of parkland, and the west by Darling Harbor, a tourist and nightlife, precinct , Although the CBD dominated the city's business and cultural life in the early
  8. Highway going towards Palmerston, centred on Minnelli. The largest shopping, precinct ,in the area is Catarina Square. The most expensive residential areas are
  9. For several bus routes. In the center of Oxford is a shopping and community, precinct , including Kibble Park, William Street Mall, Gosford City Library, the Imperial
  10. Would carry us back to the year 488 BC as the date of the dedication of the, precinct ,and the outbreak of hostilities. This inference is supported by the date of the
  11. Painted dark blue. Whether this temple replaced an older one, or a mere sacred, precinct ,or altar, is not known. In the late 6th century BC yet another temple was built
  12. Main east-west roads (a few above-ground remains of the east end of the temple, precinct ,still survive in the Russian Mission in Exile). From the archaeological
  13. Queen Campus occupies two heritage buildings in the heart of Melbourne's legal, precinct , 295 Queen Street houses the University's School of Law, the Law Library, The
  14. Not turn out. To make voter participation easier, the law required one voting, precinct ,for approximately every 3,000 voters, with voting allowed until late at night.
  15. A new pub has taken the name and is located at the northern end of the shopping, precinct , The local electrical shop, called Eric Jackson's Ltd, has been open since
  16. Israel's sovereignty over capital are mistaken and misleading ". Government, precinct ,and national institutions Most national institutions of Israel are located in
  17. Viz. the thirty years that were to elapse between the dedication of the, precinct ,to Abacus and the final victory of Athens (Herod. v. 89). As the final
  18. Their extreme antiquity. Ananias also discusses the teens of Zeus, a sacred, precinct ,which humans were forbidden to enter. He notes the common belief that any
  19. The Ontario Heritage Foundation placed a plaque in Exeter's cathedral, precinct ,to commemorate his life. * Simcoe's regiment is still called the Queen's York
  20. And foundations of local shorefront properties, especially in the old historic, precinct ,of the town. Visitors to Kangaroo Island, South Australia, have the nightly
  21. Secretary. To be eligible, candidates must have 10 registered voters from their, precinct ,sign nomination papers. Town Meeting Members can not serve on any other elected
  22. Was on a low spur of the hill, below the town. An early terrace wall supports a, precinct ,in which are a stop and some remains of temples; these were excavated by the
  23. Recalled that the ancient name of this site had been Kris. Apollo's sacred, precinct ,in Delphi was a Panhellenic sanctuary, where every four years, starting in 776
  24. Platoon) in every Belle (literally" a cell "; roughly equivalent to a U. S., precinct ,) Each Gaultier and Realizer, had a Volkssturm Chief of Staff to assist in
  25. S historic Flinders Street Station, the Area River and the South bank, precinct , The campus is home to the University's graphic design, visual art, multimedia
  26. Mentions two Applicants killed. *Garland in original novel led a San Francisco, precinct , killed by bounty hunter Phil Reach *Gulch and Andersen were killed by Holden
  27. Nearly killed his bear-mother, when she had wandered into the forbidden, precinct ,of Zeus. In every case, Zeus placed them both in the sky as the constellations
  28. Are elected from each precinct each year and serve a three-year term. Each, precinct ,elects from its own members a Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary. To be
  29. Were elected),though he received 277 of the 300 votes cast in the New Salem, precinct , Lincoln served as New Salem's postmaster and later than county surveyor, all
  30. Include the Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Grand Theatre in the People's Square, precinct ,and Shanghai Oriental Art Center. One uniquely Shanghaied cultural element is
  31. The ABC sitcom Barney Miller (1975–82) was set at the fictional 12th, precinct , NYPD station in Greenwich Village. *The cover photo for The Freewheeling' Bob
  32. Campus is located in the Terrible agricultural research/tertiary education, precinct ,in two diagonally adjacent parts and is a major contributor to the local
  33. A population of 507,626 (), of whom almost half reside in the greater Hobart, precinct , Tasmania’s area is, of which the main island covers. Tasmania is promoted as
  34. Along with the surrounding ruins of other ancient structures, is a historical, precinct ,administered by Ephorate of Antiquities of the Greek Interior Ministry. On 21
  35. To the Civic Center around City Hill, along Constitution Avenue to the Defense, precinct ,on Russell Hill, and along Kings Avenue back to Capital Hill. On the line
  36. In 1842: the first photograph of the Acropolis. The area became a historical, precinct ,controlled by the Greek government. Today it attracts millions of tourists
  37. Producing a census. The usual method in urban areas was to assign the task to, precinct ,leaders, who in turn would hire and send out" census takers ", equipped with
  38. Panhellenic" in commemoration of the occasion. The temple and the surrounding, precinct ,were adorned with numerous statues depicting Hadrian, the gods and
  39. Also give the first mentions of offerings to Zeus and of the sacred, precinct ,(teens) near the altar, such as was excavated at Location Excavation in
  40. Centre before building started revealed the foundations of the medieval, precinct ,wall, with a gateway, and stonework discarded during manufacture, showing that
  41. Methods must occur at the location where the votes are cast,e.g. the, precinct , the poll site; and (7) The process shall commence immediately upon the close
  42. Buildings in and around the city, especially in the Lydia rd Street area. This, precinct ,contains some of Victoria's finest examples of Victorian era buildings, many
  43. Side of the city center, which forms Europe's largest urban higher education, precinct , Together they have a combined population of 73 160 students in higher
  44. As designer boutiques. The main town center shopping areas are on the North End, precinct , in the Whit gift Center, Centrale and St George's Walk. Department stores in
  45. The seven districts, or precinct s, electing 39. Thirteen are elected from each, precinct ,each year and serve a three-year term. Each precinct elects from its own
  46. Construction of the first Lincoln Cathedral, within its close or walled, precinct ,facing the castle, began when the see was removed from Dorchester and completed
  47. Resources (Australia),and constitute the city's international university, precinct , The University of Adelaide, with 20,478 students, is Australia's third-oldest
  48. That he might be deported as a homosexual that he tried to escape the police, precinct ,by jumping out a two-story window, impaling himself on a spike fence. The New
  49. Regina for thirty years, and content themselves meanwhile with dedicating a, precinct ,to Abacus, when their projects were interrupted by the Spartan intrigues for
  50. But not more than necessary to achieve an equal number coming from each, precinct , There are to be" not less than six nor more than nine convenient voting

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