Examples of the the word, omega , in a Sentence Context

The word ( omega ), is the 11622 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Greek alphabet which retained San and poppa but which had not yet developed, omega , Until about 600 BC, the archaic form of the Etruscan alphabet remained
  2. Of omega 3 fatty acids present in grass fed meats. When cattle are taken off, omega ,3 fatty acid rich grass and shipped to a feedlot to be fattened on omega 3
  3. Cooperation is supported at all depends crucially on the probability (called ω, omega ,) that the players will meet again, also called the discount parameter or
  4. Bonds in the fatty acid chain),and in where the double bond is (at the, omega ,carbon in the 3 position, or the 6 position or ...). Some fats are required in
  5. Are the source of omega 3 fatty acids present in fish, grass is the source of, omega ,3 fatty acids present in grass fed meats. When cattle are taken off omega 3
  6. One small pilot study of childhood depression (ages 6–12) suggested that, omega ,3 may have therapeutic benefits for treating childhood depression. A 2005
  7. Ξ) ) is especially common in the sciences and engineering. In electronics,the, omega ,(ω) is often used instead of ξ due to its interpretation as angular frequency
  8. Of research interest in glaucoma prevention or treatment include: fish oil and, omega ,3 fatty acids, alpha biopic acid, bilberries,vitamin E, cannabinoids
  9. Of green leaves and algae. While seaweeds and algae are the source of, omega ,3 fatty acids present in fish, grass is the source of omega 3 fatty acids
  10. Endometriosis, contradicting the typical idea of a healthy diet. Consumption of, omega ,3 fatty acids, particularly EPA, as a food supplement has been suggested as a
  11. Definitive experimental demonstration has been elusive. Both of these ", omega ," long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are substrates for a class of
  12. Rosemary extract has been shown to improve the shelf life and heat stability of, omega ,3-rich oils, which are prone to going rancid. Traditional use Hungary water was
  13. In the New Testament book of Revelation, God is declared to be the" alpha and, omega , the beginning and the end, the first and the last ". Omega was also adopted
  14. In the 2004 re-imagining of Battlestar Galactica *EAS Apollo, an Earthworks, omega ,class destroyer starship in the Babylon 5 universe Music *Apollo (band),a
  15. Nicosia ". Evidently, the erroneous way of writing" Leukosis" ( in Greek with, omega ,instead of omicron) is a result of the eruditionism of the 18th and 19th
  16. Last ". Omega was also adopted into the early Cyrillic alphabet. See Cyrillic, omega ,(, ). A Rae tic variant is conjectured to be at the origin or parallel evolution
  17. Doric),e and o lengthen by compensatory lengthening or contraction to eta or, omega ,~ Attic a and of (spurious diphthongs). * Severe Doric -ō ~ Attic -of (
  18. Beneficial fat. Each day that an animal spends in the feedlot, the amount of, omega ,3 fatty acids in its meat is diminished. The n−6 to n−3 ratio of grass-fed beef
  19. That God is the be-all and the end-all of all things, the alpha and the, omega ,of existence. From God philosophy starts, and in God philosophy ends. The
  20. Most clearly identifying it as the Paschal candle # The Greek letters alpha and, omega ,signify that God is the beginning and the end (taken from the Book of
  21. Double-blind studies have shown" medium to strong treatment effects of, omega ,3 fatty acids on symptoms of ADHD" after administering amounts around 1 gram
  22. Primitive operations of a propositional calculus is tantamount to having the, omega ,set \Omega = \Omega_1 \cup \Omega_2 partition as follows:::: \Omega_1 = \, :::
  23. At her shoulders, and not infrequently carries a mace or baton surmounted by an, omega ,motif or a derivation, sometimes accompanied by a lion cub on a leash. She is
  24. Estimate the complexity function for arbitrarily large input. Big O notation, omega ,notation and theta notation are used to this end. For instance, binary search
  25. First double bond is counted from the methyl end, which is also known as the, omega ,(ω) end or the n end. Nutritionally important n−3 fatty acids include
  26. Is not effective unless combined with other relaxation techniques. * Increasing, omega ,3 fatty acids can help lower hypertension. Fish oil is shown to lower blood
  27. Contains ω Centauri (NGC 5139) which, despite being the constellation's ", omega ," listing, is the brightest globular cluster and largest of its kind in the
  28. Described in the informal definition above. * Acceptance of infinite words: an, omega ,automaton cannot have final states, as infinite words never terminate. Rather
  29. English raw. In Modern Greek Ω represents the same sound as omicron. The letter, omega ,is transcribed ō or simply o. Omega (the last letter of the Greek alphabet)
  30. Manova include the following: eta-squared, partial eta-squared, omega , and intercorrelation. Η2 (eta-squared): Eta-squared describes the ratio of
  31. Accept a spelling reform, adopting the Ionian alphabet, which includes eta and, omega , Births * Deaths * Critics, leading member of the Athenian Thirty Tyrants
  32. A natural number subscript; for the ordinals he employed the Greek letter ω (, omega ,). This notation is still in use today. The Continuum hypothesis, introduced by
  33. With phi ‹ Φ › for. (The variant ‹ Ψ › later replaced the digraph ‹ ΦΣ › for;, omega ,was a later addition. ) There has been much mostly fruitless debate about the
  34. Is large enough to supply the needs of a given discussion, for example: * The, omega ,set \Omega = \Omega_1 \cup \Omega_2 partitions as follows: In the following
  35. An uncountable set is the set of all countable ordinal numbers, denoted by Ω (, omega ,) or ω1. The cardinality of Ω is denoted \clef_1 (telephone). It can be
  36. Be oscillations of vacuum condensates; *Jun John Samurai proposed the rho and, omega ,vector bosons to be force carrying particles for approximate symmetries of
  37. Bonds, each carbon atom within the chain has 2 hydrogen atoms (except for the, omega ,carbon at the end that has 3 hydrogens). Nomenclature Several
  38. There are many products on the market that claim to contain health-promoting ", omega ,3 ", but contain only ALA, not EPA or DHA. These products contain mainly plant
  39. Do have associated gauge bosons, observed particles like the rho and the, omega , but these particles are nothing like the gluons, and they are not massless.
  40. Or heavy syllables. * In Romanization of Greek, the letters η (eta) and ω (, omega ,) are transliterated, respectively,as ē and ō. This corresponds to vowel
  41. Revolutions per minute). Angular velocity is usually represented by the symbol, omega ,(ω, rarely Ω). The direction of the angular velocity vector is perpendicular
  42. Though definitive experimental demonstration has been elusive. Both of these ", omega ," long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are substrates for a class of
  43. Cabell, The Silver Stallion *" ... when I have been telling you, from alpha to, omega , what is the one great thing the sigil taught me — that everything in life is
  44. In depressed patients. A recent review of clinical studies of the effect of, omega ,3 fatty acids on depression has shown inconsistent results. Therapeutic
  45. Off omega 3 fatty acid rich grass and shipped to a feedlot to be fattened on, omega ,3 fatty acid deficient grain, they begin losing their store of this beneficial
  46. Delta; eta and iota come together after epsilon-iota and the latter after zeta;, omega ,after omicron and the latter after xi; finally upsilon after omicron-iota and
  47. But it is only included for backwards compatibility and the Greek uppercase, omega ,character (U+03A9,Ω) is preferred. ** In statistical mechanics Ω refers to
  48. The looping combination, ( λ x. x x) (λ x. x x) ** In group theory,the, omega ,and AEMO subgroups of a p-group, Ω (G) and ℧ (G) ** In statistics, it is
  49. The elements of \Alpha are typically the letters p, q,r, and so on. *The, omega ,set \Omega is a finite set of elements called operator symbols or logical
  50. Given by ENI to celebrate the creation of humankind. Worship Her symbol,the, omega ,Ω, has been depicted in art from around 3000 BC, though more generally from the

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