Examples of the the word, dishonest , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dishonest ), is the 11612 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Camp who is slowly losing a leg to gangrene. Harper warns Angel Eyes not to be, dishonest ,on his watch, but Angel Eyes holds him in contempt and deliberately ignores his
  2. Of the Old and New Testament" such as," Christ was a bastard and his mother, dishonest ,unchaste "," the woman of Samaria and her sister were whores and that Christ
  3. Features. Malware includes computer viruses, worms,Trojan horses, spyware, dishonest , adware,scareware, crimeware, most rootkits, and other malicious and unwanted
  4. Safety of locks offers a premium for dishonest y, by showing others how to be, dishonest , This is a fallacy. Rogues are very keen in their profession, and know already
  5. Notice; if he lacks authority, they become slovenly, impertinent,drunk and, dishonest , Forced or clumsy rhyme is often a key ingredient of doggerel. French In French
  6. The author knows to be untrue within any of these works is usually regarded as, dishonest , Other works can legitimately be either fiction or non-fiction, such as
  7. Of action. Some economic theorists consider the concept to be intellectually, dishonest ,since, in reality, money is fungible. Furthermore, it often happens that taxes
  8. For God. * The City as a Cheat (6:9–16): The city is reprimanded for its, dishonest ,trade practices. * Lament (7:1–7): The first passage in the book in the first
  9. Malware, including computer worms, Trojan horses, most rootkits, spyware, dishonest , adware and other malicious and unwanted software (though all are technically
  10. The Baker, who does not realize the beans' power, has qualms about being so, dishonest , but his wife reasons that" Maybe They're Magic ". When Little Red Riding hood
  11. Other than one's own, proper etiquette would be to admit this. It is also, dishonest ,to try to see cards as they are dealt, or to take advantage of having seen a
  12. Michael was childless. () Anointed as king Samuel, the Judge, had sons who were, dishonest ,and not trustworthy of the faith. The leaders of the Israelites feared that it
  13. Thugna, to deceive, from Sanskrit स्थग ‘ cunning ’, ‘ sly ’, ‘ fraudulent ’, ‘, dishonest ,’, ‘ scoundrel ’, from स्थगति ‘ he conceals’ ) is the term for a particular
  14. Gandhi, who gave evidence in her defense during the trial, was found guilty of, dishonest ,election practices, excessive election expenditure, and of using government
  15. The ruling was a mixed message, deciding the book to be scientifically, dishonest , but Lomborg himself not guilty because of lack of expertise in the fields in
  16. Surely it is to the interest of honest persons to know this fact, because the, dishonest ,are tolerably certain to apply the knowledge practically; and the spread of the
  17. In" responsible" hands. These elites said that Lancaster schools might become, dishonest , provide poor education and were not accountable to established authorities.
  18. To let sold-out games to be televised locally, claiming it would be considered, dishonest ,to the paying customers. Despite Bell's achievements and acclaim, at league
  19. 19th century cultural historian) dismissed Erebus as" the first thoroughly, dishonest ,historian of antiquity ". *Other critics of Eugenics' work cite the
  20. And condemn usury). Judeo-Christian teachings encourage traders to avoid, dishonest ,gain. Development of money The first instances of money were objects with
  21. The bag ", and Richard M. Nixon of California, whom he later called" the most, dishonest ,individual I have ever met in my life. " The term" Goldwater moment" has
  22. Century Jacob Burkhart viewed Eugenics as 'a liar ', the “ first thoroughly, dishonest ,historian of antiquity. ” As a consequence this kind of methodology in
  23. Specified individuals. It usually insures a business for losses caused by the, dishonest ,acts of its employees. * Flood insurance protects against property loss due to
  24. Lot and became a" consumer advocate" whose job was to save the public from, dishonest ,people like himself. The next season he went back to the car lot gig but
  25. The revolution. ’ These committees were encouraged by party officials to report, dishonest ,practices such as theft and embezzlement of funds which might ‘ endanger the
  26. Aims at the opponent's foot and misses. Deliberate floor hits are treated as ", dishonest ,fencing," and penalized accordingly. Épée has less restrictive rules for
  27. He claimed to be selective, saying he was only getting rid of the idle and, dishonest , Altogether, he cleared about 25 % of his tenants. According to Litton
  28. Film movement, Jesse Richards described Kubrick's work as" boring and, dishonest ,". Peter Rinaldi, in his essay on the Re modernist Film Manifesto for Mung being
  29. Economist and a great man, if he believes Friedman to have been intellectually, dishonest , " Austrian school criticism During 1971,libertarian economist Murray Rothbard
  30. The Committees decided that The Skeptical Environmentalist was scientifically, dishonest , but Lomborg was innocent of wrongdoing due to a lack of expertise in the
  31. Loses his faith in all women, treating Ophelia as if she too is a whore and, dishonest ,with Hamlet. Ophelia, by some critics, can be honest and fair; however, it is
  32. Was asked to determine whether some silver had been substituted by the, dishonest ,goldsmith. Archimedes had to solve the problem without damaging the crown, so
  33. House in Dallas, Texas. Turning the club over to managers later revealed to be, dishonest ,left Wills in desperate financial straits with heavy debts to the IRS for back
  34. And inspired a local chief tax-collector named Bacchus to repent of his, dishonest ,practices. The road between Jerusalem and Jericho is the setting for the
  35. Life to earn his keep and fiercely defend it against those who were truly, dishonest ,: a value he teaches his nephews. Also, it was shown that money is no longer the
  36. Who gain money dishonest ly. This code also prevents him from ever being, dishonest ,himself, saying that" Scrooge McDuck's word is as good as gold. " He also
  37. Criticised Eugenics' account for an uncritical use of sources, and for being, dishonest ,with Edward Gibbon, for example, pointing out that Eugenics' chapter headings
  38. Demands and keep quiet about the whole affair. He berates Nora, calling her a, dishonest ,and immoral woman and telling her she is unfit to raise their children. He says
  39. Or the face and hands for women, marry,wear shoes over the ankles, perform any, dishonest ,acts or carry weapons. If they do any of these pilgrimage is invalid.
  40. Surely it is to the interest of honest persons to know this fact, because the, dishonest ,are tolerably certain to apply the knowledge practically; and the spread of the
  41. According to Suetonius, Domitius was a wealthy man with a despicable and, dishonest ,character, who,according to Suetonius, was “ A man who was in every aspect of
  42. Redefinitions of the terms" revelation" and" God" as being intellectually, dishonest , and as being a form of" conversion by definition "; in their critique, these
  43. Describes scientific points of view as" always both naive and at the same time, dishonest ," in his Preface to the Phenomenology - his work has become a touchstone for
  44. Lady, he employs reason to do something less than courageous—evade death in a, dishonest ,way. Gawain's wound is thus an outward sign of an internal wound. The Green
  45. And growing concerns that label boss Sure Knight was corrupt, financially, dishonest , and out of control. In 1996,he formed his own label, Aftermath Entertainment
  46. Had on his popularity. Many in the audience saw him as bullying, reckless,and, dishonest , and the daily newspaper summaries of the hearings were also frequently
  47. Used the imperfect observer, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say the, dishonest ,observer, thus allowing the reader to judge for himself, with little difficulty
  48. Year. " Journalist Ronald Bailey called the criticism" disturbing" and ", dishonest ,", writing," The subhead of the review section,'Science defends itself
  49. Safety of locks offers a premium for dishonest y, by showing others how to be, dishonest , This is a fallacy. Rogues are very keen in their profession, and know already
  50. The mens rea (i.e., because she believes that she is the owner, she is not, dishonest ,and does not intend to deprive the" owner" of it) so no crime has been

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