Examples of the the word, boredom , in a Sentence Context

The word ( boredom ), is the 11271 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The long stay in St. Anna. The main theme is a comparison between pain and, boredom , expressed in a dialogue between Basso and a" Genius ", or ghost, said to be
  2. A Caroline accent from his maternal grandmother. Trying to escape this, boredom , the young Remi immersed himself in reading novels, in particular those written
  3. Scene 2: Olympus The scene changes to Olympus, where the Gods sleep out of, boredom ,(" Mormons, dormons" ). Things look a bit more interesting for them when
  4. Russian roulette as a means to provide" excitement and get away from the, boredom ,". But he later decided that" it was no more exciting than taking aspirin for
  5. To the Chinese traders. The lengthy travel to the imperial court broke the, boredom ,of the Dutch stay, but it was a costly affair. The shogun told them in advance
  6. Companionship and stimulation in Seneca Falls. As an antidote to the, boredom ,and loneliness, Stanton became increasingly involved in the community and, by
  7. Carlo Felice Trossi's stricken car. He broke a leg, but suffering from, boredom ,in hospital, he decided to enter the AVUS-Rennen just over four weeks after his
  8. He and his four children work a small farm to keep" free of three great evils:, boredom , vice and necessity ", or " poverty" as per John Butt's 1947 translation.
  9. To be moved and to experience pain, after a long period of impassibility and, boredom , With Risorgimento, lyricism is reawakened in the poet, who composes anti
  10. Are often mocked by the rest of the crew, who share a tight bond. After days of, boredom , the crew is excited by another U-boat's spotting of an enemy convoy. They
  11. For heroic songs of chivalry. She dismisses everyone. Alone, she sings of her, boredom ,(" How tediously and sluggishly" ), of Dmitriy, and of her thirst for
  12. Then, and Lionel Verna has been seen as an outlet for her feelings of loss and, boredom ,following their deaths and the deaths of her children. It appears that Shelley
  13. This wasn't because we were angry. We had nothing to say. I was dying of, boredom , " Doc Goddard had plans to publish extra details about the marriage, citing
  14. Dogs inventing their own activities (often destructive ones, like ING) out of, boredom , They need daily contact with their owners and lots of activity to remain happy
  15. End of a round: *"Nietzsche said that life was a choice between suffering and, boredom , He never said anything about having to put up with both at the same time. "
  16. Drugs may be used only as coping mechanisms to deal with depression, anxiety, boredom , and loneliness. Frequent use has been found to double the risk of psychosis
  17. To lying on his back and was confined to his bed between November and January, boredom ,led him to take up computer programming in earnest to pass the time. Upon
  18. Obstacles and distractions including despair, angst,absurdity, alienation,and, boredom , Subsequent existential philosophers retain the emphasis on the individual, but
  19. Play mahjong while teenagers sing karaoke. The result is fewer complaints about, boredom ,but more noise. Noise regulations can be an issue, especially when karaoke is
  20. In an effort to make ends meet, write fiction for publication and to chase away, boredom , While working for newspapers and publishing houses (and for a time at the
  21. Leading them to revolt against horrid ambrosia, hideous nectar, and the sheer, boredom ,of Olympus (" Aux arms, dieux et demi-dieux! "). Jupiter's demands to know
  22. lizard's eyelid: A world of bald white days in a shadeless socket. A vulturous, boredom ,pinned me in this tree. If he were I, he would do what I did. In a letter to
  23. Personality friction prompted some men to file complaints against Revere. The, boredom ,was alleviated in late August 1777 when Revere was sent with a troop of
  24. The lack of alternatives; and" London's Burning ", about the bleakness and, boredom ,of life in the inner city. The scope of the band's political interests widened
  25. Any hope of glory. He has resigned himself to the certainty of pain and of, boredom ,to which mankind is condemned, and he therefore believes it's necessary to abandon
  26. Enfant terrible: a disruptively unconventional person, a " terrible child. ";:, boredom ,.; entente: diplomatic agreement or cooperation. L'Entente cordiale (the
  27. Drills were common in World War II. During them many people often waited in, boredom ,for several hours. ) Shortly thereafter, Pratt and his wife presented the game
  28. Slow, ponderous,boring" films which" reek of pretension and deliberate, boredom ," such as Juliet of the Spirits and The Piano. He generally praised films
  29. Brings stagnation to the galaxy; he himself battles an incessant struggle with, boredom ,and loneliness that overwhelms him because of his everlasting life
  30. Better described as" Top 20" stations. They would aggressively skirt listener, boredom ,to play only the most popular singles. Top 40 radio would punctuate the music
  31. Classes. This also increases motivation, directs individual study, and reduces, boredom ,and disciplinary problems. To support inexpensive continuing adult education a
  32. On Abbey Road) as sole songwriter. His disgust with the band's tensions and, boredom ,at waiting around to contribute during the sessions for the White Album caused
  33. Sorcerer" > sorcerer (Latinization from French sorrier) * tenet ", boredom ,"" difficulty" > Angel (Old French Annie > French ennui; Indio > Italian
  34. Her capacity to do so, amounts to genius ... anyone else would have died of, boredom ,long ago. " Michael Rose, the former Children's Laureate, said of the BBC's
  35. Peculiar brand of tedium experienced by Pessoa-himself. His is more than simple, boredom ,: it is from a world of weariness and disgust with life; a sense of the finality
  36. Of Decision Spengler denounced" the 'happy ending' of an empty existence,the, boredom ,of which has brought to jazz music and Negro dancing to perform the Death March
  37. Singing career after she attempts suicide, but after a span of time spent in, boredom ,and isolation in Xanadu, she ultimately leaves him. Kane spends his last years
  38. In drugs as Forties. One of the reasons they parted ways was McVeigh's, boredom ,with Fortier's drug habits. McVeigh defended the practice of owning multiple
  39. Etiquette that Louis established, which overwhelmed his heirs with its petty, boredom , was epitomized in the elaborate ceremonies and exacting procedures that
  40. Decaying friendships, heroin addiction and stabs at escape from the oppressive, boredom ,and brutality of their lives in the housing schemes. It was released to shock
  41. Obstacles and distractions including despair, angst,absurdity, alienation,and, boredom , Subsequent existentialist philosophers retain the emphasis on the individual
  42. As" Derek and Clive ". The first recording was initiated by Cook to alleviate, boredom ,during the Broadway run of Good Evening, and it used material conceived years
  43. Burrough's wishes, for he had a natural love and talent for mechanics and the, boredom ,and monotony of clerical life weighed heavily upon him. Seven years in the bank
  44. Live out, in apparent tranquility, its brief existence, without suffering or, boredom , But this idea is ultimately rejected by the sheep-herder himself in the final
  45. Defines this word simply as 'a condition of being tedious; tediousness or, boredom , ' This definition does not sufficiently encompass the peculiar brand of tedium
  46. According to Athanasius, the devil fought St. Anthony by afflicting him with, boredom , laziness, and the phantoms of women, which he overcame by the power of prayer
  47. In 2000),he cited a simple lack of interest, a distaste for touring, and, boredom , with performing the same songs repeatedly. He observed that when he was moved
  48. Third album of which the title track (Doris Day) was a complaint against TV, boredom , The song initially had a reference to the legendary movie program host Simon
  49. The apparent meaninglessness of life and the use of diversion to escape from, boredom , Unlike Pascal, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche also considered the role of making
  50. Surreal stories, filled with puns and skewed logic, as a way of staving off the, boredom ,of life in barracks. One biographer describes his early dance band infiltration

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