Examples of the the word, meteorological , in a Sentence Context

The word ( meteorological ), is the 11269 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Summer is 1 June. In the Southern Hemisphere, the beginning of the, meteorological ,winter is 1 June. June is known for the large number of marriages that occur
  2. The north to try to locate German radio bases in Greenland. After the war,the, meteorological ,station was located at Atlantic City, but moved in 1949 to a new location.
  3. Rules are met. The pilot does need an instrument rating to fly in instrument, meteorological ,conditions and under IFR in controlled airspace. The upshot of this is that
  4. Meteorological stations such as the National Garden station and This, meteorological ,station are less affected or do not experience the urban heat island Athens
  5. Pressure, termed Blake's threshold. The vapor pressure here differs from the, meteorological ,definition of vapor pressure, which describes the partial pressure of water in
  6. The temperature attained by the air. The formation of frost is an example of, meteorological ,deposition. Types Hoar frost (also called radiation frost or
  7. Design forces of extreme weather with the help of video references and accurate, meteorological ,facts. For the 2005 remake of King Kong, actor Andy Series was used to help
  8. Australia * Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System, an ongoing NASA, meteorological ,experiment, part of NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) program Cultural
  9. By Madagascar. The island is garrisoned by French troops from Réunion and has a, meteorological ,station (Saint-Christophe). Juan de Nova, in the sea route between South
  10. Built a wind tunnel at the base of the tower for his aerodynamic research, had, meteorological , equipment placed in various locations on the tower, and suggested that the
  11. Deutsche Wetterdienst, the central scientific agency that monitors weather and, meteorological ,conditions over Germany. Two DAX companies are located in Bad Homburg VOR her
  12. Energy usage, expenditure for cooling, and health. On the other hand specific, meteorological ,stations such as the National Garden station and This meteorological station
  13. Through a digital radio link. Other parts of the field artillery team include, meteorological ,analysis to determine the temperature, humidity and pressure of the air and
  14. The vision has been explained as a type of solar halo called a" sun dog ",a, meteorological ,phenomenon which can produce similar effects. In 315 a medallion was issued at
  15. Is 127,300 km². The island, garrisoned by a detachment from Réunion, has a, meteorological ,station and is visited by scientists. Europa, though uninhabited, is formally
  16. Here are the data from the National Observatory station of Athens Below are the, meteorological ,data for the northern suburb of NEA Filadelfeia Government Athens became the
  17. On about 7 November. In Ireland, the autumn months according to the national, meteorological ,service, Met Ireland, are September, October and that demarcates the unofficial
  18. In initial position. The term" butterfly effect" itself is related to the, meteorological ,work of Edward Lorenz, who popularized the term. The butterfly effect is a
  19. A nurse, are among the military personnel. Both the LOAN transmitter and the, meteorological ,station are located a few kilometers away from the settlement Olonkinbyen (
  20. Rules Instrument flight rules permit an aircraft to operate in instrument, meteorological ,conditions (IMC),which have much lower weather minimums than VFR. Procedures
  21. Atmospheric pressure, wind,rainfall, atmospheric particle count and other, meteorological ,elemental measurements in a given region over long periods. Climate can be
  22. Gave Norway jurisdiction over the island, and in 1921 Norway opened the first, meteorological ,station. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute annexed the island for Norway
  23. The UK's flight crew licensing regime is somewhat unusual in its licensing for, meteorological ,conditions and airspace, rather than flight rules. As a partial alternative to
  24. The UK any pilot can decide to which flight rules he adheres provided that the, meteorological ,conditions for those rules are met. The pilot does need an instrument rating to
  25. Of which include flight under IFR in airspace classes B to G in instrument, meteorological ,conditions. In the United States, instruments required for IFR flight are those
  26. Of an observatory, which was permanently staffed between 1883 and 1904. The, meteorological ,data collected during this period are still important for understanding
  27. As well as the amenities of the Botanic Gardens and local parks, the national, meteorological ,office Met Ireland, the http://www.cfb.ie/Central Fisheries Board, the National
  28. To providing services for employees of Norway's radio communications and, meteorological ,stations located on the island. Jan Mayer has one unpaved airstrip, Jan
  29. The EU experiences most types of climate from Arctic to tropical, rendering, meteorological , averages for the EU as a whole meaningless. The majority of the people lives in
  30. Montana and Washington as U. S. states. *1904 – The United Kingdom sells a, meteorological ,station on the South Orkney Islands to Argentina, the islands are subsequently
  31. Organization (WHO) has its own list of country codes, used in reporting, meteorological ,observations. * UIC (the International Union of Railways: UIC Country Codes
  32. Of Metro) - have succeeded in areas such as industrial automation, medical and, meteorological ,technology. Nokia is a world leader in mobile telecommunications. Metals
  33. Are limited to fish and crustaceans; economic activity is limited to servicing, meteorological ,and geophysical research stations and French and other fishing fleets. The main
  34. 1962,on leave from the university, Singer was named as the first director of, meteorological ,satellite services for the National Weather Satellite Center, now part of the
  35. From its present measured state. The calculations require a constant input of, meteorological ,data, collected by satellites and earth observation systems such as automatic
  36. Hemisphere and vice versa. In the Northern Hemisphere, the beginning of the, meteorological ,winter is 1 December. In the Southern Hemisphere, the beginning of the
  37. Lightning detectors are important for aircraft flying at night or in instrument, meteorological ,conditions, where it is not possible for pilots to see the weather ahead. Heavy
  38. Sovereignty over the islands. The islands are today nature reserves with a, meteorological ,station garrisoned by French troops (The French Foreign Legion). They are
  39. To the improvement of these forecasts *Collection and storage of appropriate, meteorological ,data. Work and Projects ECM WF uses the computer modelling technique of
  40. Considered a classic on the subject. Coriolis's name began to appear in the, meteorological ,literature at the end of the 19th century, although the term" Coriolis force "
  41. Hemisphere and vice versa. In the Northern Hemisphere, the beginning of the, meteorological ,summer is 1 June. In the Southern Hemisphere, the beginning of the
  42. Winter is 1 December. In the Southern Hemisphere, the beginning of the, meteorological ,summer is 1 December. December starts on the same day of the week as September
  43. As equal to or greater than these VFR minimums are referred to as visual, meteorological ,conditions (VMC). Visual flight rules are much simpler than IFR, and require
  44. They had left the Jason; throughout the journey the team had maintained careful, meteorological , geographical and other records relating to the previously unexplored interior.
  45. Is that non-instrument-qualified pilots can elect to fly under IFR in visual, meteorological ,conditions outside controlled airspace. Compared to the rest of the world, the
  46. Hypothesis Richard Linden proposed an Infrared Iris hypothesis of compensating, meteorological ,processes that tend to stabilize climate change. Roy Spencer et al. discovered
  47. Explained in terms of energy transformations in the Earth's interior., while, meteorological , phenomena like wind, rain,hail, snow,lightning, tornadoes and hurricanes, are
  48. Barry Head and to Knocked in County Antrum, Northern Ireland. Observatory A, meteorological ,observatory on the summit was first proposed by the Scottish Meteorological
  49. Of the need to pool the scientific and technical resources of Europe’s, meteorological ,services and institutions for the production of medium-range weather forecasts
  50. And diving industry),and only a staff of three or four people to run the, meteorological ,station on Willis Island (South Islet),established in 1921. Geography There

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