Examples of the the word, mulch , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mulch ), is the 11594 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Month. Vanilla likes a lot of organic matter; therefore 3 to 4 applications of, mulch ,a year are adequate for the plant. Propagation, pre-plant preparation and type
  2. Spanish moss has been used for various purposes, including building insulation, mulch , packing material, mattress stuffing, and fiber. In the early 1900s it was
  3. To reduce tuber contamination by blight. This normally involves piling soil or, mulch ,around the stems of the potato blight meaning the pathogen has farther to
  4. Scrubbers, sand sticks and a substance called Natrusolve, which dissolves leaf, mulch , All workers working on, near or trackside have to undergo a Personal Track
  5. Bladderwrack, kelp or luminaria, can be either applied to the soil as a, mulch ,(although it will tend to break down very quickly) or can be added to the
  6. Cover placed over the soil. Any material or combination can be used as, mulch , stones, leaves,plastic, cardboard etc., though in Permaculture mulch es of
  7. In modern agriculture, drip irrigation is often combined with plastic, mulch , further reducing evaporation, and is also the means of delivery of fertilizer.
  8. It can generate healthy, productive and low maintenance ecosystems. Sheet, mulch ,serves as a" nutrient bank," storing the nutrients contained in organic
  9. Snow cover, but,in areas with prolonged snow cover, a covering of a dry winter, mulch ,is recommended. In warmer climates, zones 9-11,Pansies can bloom over the
  10. Mushroom compost, old straw, etc., is added directly to the soil surface as a, mulch ,at least 5-15 centimeters (2–6 in) deep, which is then incorporated by the
  11. The role of conservation agriculture and sustainable agriculture” the layer of, mulch ,that is built up over time will start to become like a buffer zone between soil
  12. Bark coloration and surface textures or their bark is used as landscape, mulch , Botanic description What is commonly called bark includes a number of
  13. An attempt to control rice pests. Botanical include extracts of leaves, or a, mulch ,of the leaves themselves. Some upland rice farmers in Cambodia spread chopped
  14. Of chipping wood for pulp, but also for other processed wood products and, mulch , Only the heartwood and sapwood are useful for making pulp. Bark contains
  15. In colder zones, Pansies may not survive without snow cover or protection (, mulch ,) from freezing or periods of freezing and thawing. Pansies perform best in
  16. Then harmful soil fungi. Moisture is also retained more efficiently under, mulch ,than on the surface of bare earth, allowing slower percolation and less
  17. The chances of pest in the garden. Some specialists recommend using seaweed, mulch ,or spray on the plants and minimize the insect habitat by cleaning the garden
  18. Chips generated as a by-product of lumber production, are often used in bark, mulch ,in western North America. Bark is important to the horticultural industry since
  19. soil's capacity to retain moisture and enrich the soil. It is also used as a, mulch , Some distilleries, notably Laphroaig, use peat fires to smoke the barley used
  20. Need full sun. They grow best in fertile, moist,well-drained soil with heavy, mulch , In commercial planting, seeds are planted 45 cm (1.5 ft) apart and 2.5 cm (
  21. Especially when the drain is blocked. In urban areas, they are found on, mulch ,or even in the leaf mold in gutters. One of the most commonly encountered slime
  22. Fruit trees. An NPK fertilizer can be applied regularly, and an additional, mulch ,of poultry manure in autumn soon after the harvest will benefit the tree. If
  23. To decompose. Once considered as waste material, pith is now being used as, mulch , soil treatment and a hydroponic growth medium. In
  24. Is collected. This must be diluted at 15:1 before use. * Camera as a, mulch ,or side dressing - a 2-inch layer of camera leaves placed around a crop will
  25. Is built up over time will start to become like a buffer zone between soil and, mulch ,that will help reduce wind and water erosion. Also, with this, comes the
  26. Indicate it contains human waste. Sheet mulch ing In agriculture and gardening, mulch ,is a protective cover placed over the soil. Any material or combination can be
  27. No matter what, it will benefit from the addition of animal manure applied as a, mulch , and can also be mulch ed with other nitrogen rich materials such as lawn
  28. To reach the Sound. To this day, people clam in the harbor, collect salt hay to, mulch ,their gardens, fish for flounder and snapper, and to a limited degree hunt
  29. Down the mulch that is left on the soil surface. The breaking down of this, mulch ,will produce a high organic matter level which will act as a fertilizer for the
  30. Of yellow threads, up to a few feet in size. Folio forms yellow crusts in, mulch , The Dictyosteliida, cellular slime molds, are distantly related to the
  31. Or several thicknesses of spread out newspaper before adding the compost, mulch , The newspaper or cardboard should be thoroughly wet as well. A popular book
  32. Mulch which could be used as fertilizer. When used by gardeners as a winter, mulch ,it has been shown to reduce the loss of potassium and nitrogen and to lower
  33. Covered with wetted paper or cardboard, compost and topped off with landscape, mulch , A no-dig system is easier than digging. It is a long term process, and is
  34. Is very important for proper growth of the vine, and a considerable portion of, mulch ,should be placed in the base of the vine. Fertilization varies with soil
  35. Can be used to thin out ladder fuels and shred trees and vegetation to a, mulch , Multiple fuel treatments are often needed to influence future fire risks, and
  36. Term process, and is reliant upon having plentiful organic matter to provide, mulch ,material. It is also helpful to remove any perennial weed roots from the area
  37. United States for roof shingles. The shredded bark of these trees is used as a, mulch , although the current harvest rate for this product is unsustainable and is
  38. The surface where possible (e.g., via drip line on top of the soil, under, mulch , ; or in mulch -filled trenches) and not sprayed, as there is a danger of
  39. Of falling to the ground. Rainfall on land that is not protected by a layer of, mulch ,is left open to the elements of being impacted directly by the rain. But when
  40. Growth of organisms within the soil structure. This growth will break down the, mulch ,that is left on the soil surface. The breaking down of this mulch will produce
  41. Is commonly thought that strawberries get their name from straw being used as a, mulch ,in cultivating the plants, the etymology of the word is uncertain. There are
  42. Shrimps and mud lobsters use the muddy bottoms as their home. Mangrove crabs, mulch ,the mangrove leaves, adding nutrients to the manual mud for other bottom
  43. Deep rust red. The material remaining after processing can be safely used as, mulch ,or fertilizer. Eucalyptus as an invasive species Due to similar favorable
  44. Or Cut trees are used only for a short time, but can be recycled and used as, mulch ,or used to prevent erosion. Real trees are carbon-neutral, they emit no more
  45. And enough organic matter was being built up at the surface, then a layer of, mulch ,would start to form. This layer would help in preventing soil erosion from
  46. Areas like mid-Wales) for animal bedding, which later broke down to a rich, mulch ,which could be used as fertilizer. When used by gardeners as a winter mulch it
  47. Of Agriculture. In zone 4,it needs well-drained sandy soil and a winter, mulch ,or adequate snow cover to survive. In zone 7,it can be harvested at least until
  48. Impacted directly by the rain. But when soils are covered under a layer of, mulch , the ground is protected in a way so that the ground is not directly impacted
  49. Cash crop - vermicomposting - buffer zone - relay cropping - living, mulch ,- open pollination -pollination management - primary succession - secondary
  50. Pads, modern courses use concrete, or more cost-effective materials such as, mulch , decomposed granite, or other natural materials. In recent years recycled

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