Examples of the the word, motel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( motel ), is the 9891 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Interstate highway system, along with other factors, led to a blurring of the, motel ,and the hotel, though family-owned motel s with as few as five rooms may still
  2. As films. Broadway musicals have also paid homage to the lowbrow reputation of, motel ,culture, demonstrated by songs such as 'The No-Tel Motel' from Pretty belle and
  3. Revamp the series through cast changes and, later,expanding the focus from the, motel ,to the surrounding community were unsuccessful. Crossroads was cancelled in
  4. The motel themselves. Posing as a married couple, Sam and Lila check into the, motel ,and search Marion's cabin, where they find a scrap of paper with" $40,000 "
  5. Hostage (Corinne Laszlo),there is a shot of Mickey raping the hostage in the, motel ,room, which is strongly implied but not shown in the theatrical version. * Jack
  6. Service-providing elements are ticket-sales windows, toilets on an airplane, or, motel , rooms. (Erlang’s models do not apply where the server-providing elements are
  7. Cooke and his band are arrested after trying to register at a" whites only ", motel ,in Louisiana. In the months following, he records the song" A Change Is Gonna
  8. Sam's concerns over Arbogast's disappearance, the two decide to search the, motel ,themselves. Posing as a married couple, Sam and Lila check into the motel and
  9. Unknown man, where he purchased his ticket for Flight 175. On September 9,the, motel ,manager cleaning the room Sherri had vacated found a bag containing a
  10. Appearance and were designed from the start to cater purely to motorists. The, motel ,concept originated with the Motel Inn of San Luis Obispo, constructed in 1925
  11. Immediately following the shooting, officers rushed out of the station to the, motel , and Darrell McCullough, an undercover police officer, was the first person to
  12. III, also feature the motel as does the 1987 television movie, Bates Motel. The, motel ,makes appearances in Psycho IV: The Beginning, but is not featured as much as
  13. Service, usually with stand-alone cabins. After the introduction of the, motel , auto camps continued in popularity through the Depression years and after
  14. S 1960 film, Psycho. Film sequels, Psycho II and Psycho III, also feature the, motel ,as does the 1987 television movie, Bates Motel. The motel makes appearances in
  15. And some services. Food is taxed, but prescription drugs are not. Hotel, motel , and campground accommodations are taxed at a higher rate (7 % to 11 %). Some
  16. Tiber in his 2007 book Taking Woodstock, Tiber offered to host the event on his, motel ,grounds, and had a permit for such an event. He claims to have introduced the
  17. And extended stay hotels. Entering dictionaries after World War II, the word, motel , a portmanteau of motor and hotel or motorists' hotel, referred initially to a
  18. Did a Bad, Bad Thing" in 1999. Through most of the video, Casta was seen in a, motel ,room and sexy lingerie while being watched by Isaac in the next room. There
  19. Entitled" The Murder. " Hitchcock originally wanted the sequence (and all, motel ,scenes) to play without music, but Herrmann begged him to try it with the cue
  20. Then, at 6:01 p. m., April 4,1968,a shot rang out as King stood on the, motel ,'s second floor balcony. The bullet entered through his right cheek, smashing
  21. Kyle's feelings and they have sex. The Terminator tracks them to the, motel ,and wounds Kyle. In the ensuing chase the Terminator is caught in the blast of
  22. Nearby, and mentions he lives with his mother in the house overlooking the, motel , He then shyly invites Marion to have supper with him. She overhears Norman
  23. Accommodation sited close to the main routes, led to the growth of the, motel ,concept. Unlike motel s, auto camps and tourist courts typically provided bed
  24. Of Cinefantastique stated that the house featured in the film made the Bates, motel ," look positively pleasant by comparison ". Revisiting the film in his 1976
  25. 1997) and The Motel (2005). In countless other movies and TV series,the, motel ,- invariably depicted as an isolated, rundown and seedy establishment - has
  26. The following year Sanders expanded his restaurant to 142 seats, and added a, motel ,he bought across the street. When Sanders prepared his chicken in his original
  27. 8 Motels Super 8 Motels was founded in 1972 by Dennis Brown and Ron Rivet as a, motel ,referral system, which was replaced with a franchise operation in 1973. The
  28. Of these horror films also incorporate the sub-theme of voyeurism, whereby the, motel ,owner spies on (or even films) the sexual exploits of the guests. This plays
  29. Sparkle Lite Motel (2006) and the TV miniseries The Lost Room (2006),the, motel ,made forays into the realms of science fiction. In the theater, the seedy motel
  30. As quirky as their owners. The 1935 City Directory for San Diego, CA lists ", motel ," type accommodations under Tourist Camps. In contrast, though they remained "
  31. Motel made forays into the realms of science fiction. In the theater, the seedy, motel ,room has been the setting for Zweihänder plays, Same Time, Next Year (1975)
  32. Was broadcast by ITV in the early evening. Crossroads was set in a Birmingham, motel ,and, although the series was popular, its purported low technical standard and
  33. And Mallory soon get" married" on the side of a bridge. They drive to a, motel ,for the night. After watching television, they begin to have sex until Mickey
  34. Out of his own opulent house above Hollywood. After he checks into a seedy, motel ,and pays with cash, the manager arrives to tell him his credit is no good.
  35. The Edison mansion, while Hoagie is dropped 200 years in the past, where the, motel ,is being used by the Founding Fathers to write the United States Constitution.
  36. Old friend, the nerd Bernard Bernoulli. Bernard travels to the Edison family, motel ,with his two housemates, deranged medical student Laverne and roadie Hoagie
  37. Begin with this number, which is considered lucky. It is also the name of a, motel ,chain in China (Motel 168). *814 — Similar to 168,this means" be wealthy
  38. Cord before lodging in his shoulder. Abernathy heard the shot from inside the, motel ,room and ran to the balcony to find King on the floor. The events following the
  39. Sister’s wedding to do so. On August 27,he checked into a Laurel, Maryland, motel , only a mile away from the Valencia where four other hijackers were staying. On
  40. Prominence in the 1998 remake of the original film. The scenario of an isolated, motel ,being operated by a serial killer, whose guests subsequently become victims
  41. Band was touring, on March 4,1986,Manuel committed suicide in his Florida, motel ,room. It was revealed later that he had suffered for many years from chronic
  42. These defendants a poisoned chalice is to put it to our own lips as well. " A, motel ,is a hotel designed for motorists, and usually has a parking area for motor
  43. Vehicles. In the United States, the term is considered somewhat outdated; few, motel ,chains still exist, such as Econ Lodge, Family Inns of America, and Wigwam
  44. Yellow Ryder truck in the lot; McVeigh had signed in under his real name at the, motel , using an address that matched the one on his forged license and the charge
  45. In its attempt to locate Sarah, but she and Kyle escape and seek refuge in a, motel , Kyle confesses that he has long been in love with Sarah, having been given a
  46. Returned to the Washington DC area on September 2,2001,checking into a, motel ,in Laurel, Maryland. On September 11, 2001,Hangout boarded American Airlines
  47. And her hands as she counts out the money in the car dealership's bathroom. A, motel ,window serves as a mirror by reflecting Marion and Norman together. Hitchcock
  48. S employer to find her and recover the money. Arrogant traces Marion to the, motel ,and questions Norman, who lies unconvincingly about Marion having left weeks
  49. Typically 3–5 %. Other local taxes levied include raw fish taxes, hotel, motel , and bed-and-breakfast 'bed' taxes, severance taxes, liquor and tobacco taxes
  50. Or were mostly, but not exclusively, used by those travelling by rail. Motels A, motel ,(motor hotel) is a hotel which is for a short stay, usually for a night, for

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