Examples of the the word, moderation , in a Sentence Context
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- 11.171-182) 208 lines. The main themes of this poem are self-awareness and, moderation , The poem explicitly mentions one apothegm γνῶθι σεαυτόν (know thyself) from
- And others destined to incur the suspicion of heresy, either from the, moderation ,of their characters or from the evangelical tincture of their theology. 1538
- To serotonin levels in the brain. Some research found that chocolate, eaten in, moderation , can lower blood pressure. The presence of theobromine renders chocolate toxic
- Under license in Egypt, such as the M1 Abrams tank. To bolster stability and, moderation ,in the region, Egypt has provided military assistance and training to a number
- Educated living. Other non-traditional areas are also integrated as well in, moderation ,to balance the education. Essentialists' goals are to instill students with
- Of adhering to the party's right-wing orthodoxy, Eisenhower instead looked to, moderation ,and cooperation as a means of governance. This was evidenced in his goal of
- Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that, moderation ,in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. " *"The income tax created more
- Authority because of the constitutional crisis. Campaigning on a platform of, moderation , and backed by the support and computer-organization tactics of the Big Blue
- Secret and public. Religious Symbol, as a symbol of temperance and a life of, moderation , equal and Jubal The Drupe are divided into two groups. The largely secular
- U. S. policy seeks to reinforce Jordan's commitment to peace, stability,and, moderation , http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3464.htm Juan de Nova Island (also
- Although Orwell" was always critical of the 1945–51 Labor government's, moderation , his support for it began to pull him to the right politically. This did not
- Concerns led to a moderation of content published within British comics. Such, moderation ,never became formalized to the extent of promulgating a code, nor did it last
- Hen gist out of the city, and cuts off Hengist's head. Aurelius," who showed, moderation ,in all his conduct," arranged for Hen gist to be buried and a mound be raised
- East. Its other leaders included Yasser ABD Rabbi. Early years and ideological, moderation ,The DFLP declared that its goal was to ‘’ create a people’s democratic
- Smaller scale than similar investigations in the U. S., such concerns led to a, moderation ,of content published within British comics. Such moderation never became
- Insurance as an avoidance of God's will but most find it acceptable in, moderation , Some Christians believe insurance represents a lack of faith and there is a
- Attended the theater, often referencing Shakespeare in letters. He drank in, moderation ,and precisely recorded gambling wins and losses, but Washington disliked the
- Self sow. Uses The flowers of various species of Columbine were consumed in, moderation ,by Native Americans as a condiment with other fresh greens, and are reported to
- Systems of the Pacific Ocean cause Alberta to have a dry climate with little, moderation ,from the ocean. Annual precipitation ranges from in the southeast to in the
- But before the Serbians. It is her assertion that Valentines represented a, moderation ,of the anti-Judaism of the earlier Hellenized teachers; the demiurge, widely
- To rise above earthly things. He is a true Greek in the value which he sets on, moderation ,; but his highest ideal of conduct remains the mortification of all affections
- A good luck for the character. Players are also allowed to overspend (in, moderation ,), with the points becoming bad stuff - bad luck which the Game master should
- Gibbon admired his" vast and active genius ", as well as his" equity and, moderation ,". In 1776,he stated that Hadrian's era was part of the" happiest era of
- Social and economic issues. Among their major agreements are a 4-year wage, moderation ,agreement signed in 1993,a reform of the pension system in 1995,and an
- Apollo is often associated with the Golden Mean. This is the Greek ideal of, moderation ,and a virtue that opposes gluttony. Apollo in the arts Apollo is a common theme
- Prevail in the" state of nature" and he especially praised the admirable, moderation ,of the Caribbeans in expressing the sexual urge despite the fact that they live
- The war, Hans von Hal ban and Lew Kowalski moved their research on neutron, moderation ,from France to England, smuggling the entire global supply of heavy water (
- Of fiscal cutbacks dubbed" restraint ", which had been a buzzword for, moderation ,during the campaign. The program included cuts to" motherhood" issues of
- Impact on the patterns of Iraq's foreign relations. Whereas trends toward a, moderation ,of the Baath Party's ideological approach to foreign affairs were evident
- With worldly pleasures. Contentment would be gained, he said, through, moderation , and a measured life; to be content one must set their judgment on the possible
- James G. Randall emphasizes his tolerance and his especially his, moderation ," in his preference for orderly progress, his distrust of dangerous agitation
- Possession of Ali Non-Muslim views Edward Gibbon wrote about Abu Bakr as: The, moderation , and the veracity of Abu Bakr confirmed the new religion, and furnished an
- The rule of law, and stresses throughout his political Essays the importance of, moderation ,in politics. This outlook needs to be seen within the historical context of
- For revenge when one is defrauded. The narrator recommends a philosophical, moderation ,and the perspective that comes from realizing that there are many things worse
- Oppose the punishment of heretics, in individual cases he generally argued for, moderation ,and against the death penalty. He wrote," It is better to cure a sick man than
- Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that, moderation ,in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. " This paraphrase of Cicero was
- In its foreign policy decisions but generally has been an influence for, moderation ,in the OIC. President Zahid has pursued better relations with Israel, and in
- Women For Sobriety, and Secular Organizations for Sobriety. Rationing and, moderation ,programs such as Moderation Management and Drink Wise do not mandate complete
- Though they were allowed to drink beer and encouraged to exercise in, moderation , After the experiments were over, Hahnemann made the volunteers take an oath
- Delta Lambda Phi's centaur is modeled after Chiron and represents honor, moderation ,and tempered masculinity. Similarly, C. S. Lewis' centaurs from his popular
- Taoism, a philosophy which emphasizes the Three Jewels of the Tao: compassion, moderation , and humility, while Taoist thought generally focuses on nature, the
- Wood and erosion prevention. Indirect services could be considered climate, moderation , nutrient cycles and detoxifying natural substances. The services and goods an
- Violent Islamist groups) that did not, but its pre-war influence on behalf of, moderation ,was greatly reduced. One result of this was a campaign of attacks on government
- Acute observations on the institutions and customs of the Greeks. He exhorted, moderation ,in everything, saying that the vine bears three clusters of grapes: the first
- The narrator contrasts the ruinous spending habits of gourmands with the, moderation ,of a simple meal of home-grown foods in the manner of the mythical ancient
- Extra plutonium while burning it. Economics The neutron economy of heavy water, moderation ,and precise control of on-line refueling allow CANDY to use a great range of
- Ss in indicating that the preceding vowel is long (compare in Maven" with, moderation ," and in Masses" in loads" ). The use of ß has recently been limited by the
- With the Rule of the Master. But it also has a unique spirit of balance, moderation ,and reasonableness (ἐπιείκεια, epieikeia),and this persuaded most religious
- Responded with executions and banishment, although a few leaders did exercise, moderation ,in dealing with the Anabaptists. Zwickau's prophets and the Peasants' War On
- Oil),sesame, et cetera. Seeds are typically high in unsaturated fats and, in, moderation , are considered a health food, although not all seeds are edible. Large seeds
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