Examples of the the word, immensely , in a Sentence Context
The word ( immensely ), is the 9993 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In his fifties, Elgar composed a symphony and a violin concerto that were, immensely ,successful. His second symphony and his cello concerto did not gain immediate
- Hopper made his debut on film in two roles with James Dean (whom he admired, immensely ,) in Rebel Without a Cause (1955) and Giant (1956). Dean's death in a 1955
- A dry stick, day after day, for months, or endeavoring to remove a huge rock, immensely ,exceeding his powers. Appointments When a vacancy occurred, the bishop of the
- Is the Garden of Remembrance. Since 1997,the landscape of Dublin has changed, immensely , The city was at the forefront of Ireland's rapid economic expansion during
- Norstrilians are nominally the richest people in the galaxy and defend their, immensely ,valuable strewn with sophisticated weapons (as shown in the story" Mother
- A small epistolary novel entitled Letters to Babel (Letters à Babel). The, immensely ,famous Letters of a Portuguese Nun (Letters Portuguese) (1669) generally
- Perhaps Caravaggio's first true masterpiece. Like the Fortune Teller it was, immensely ,popular, and over 50 copies survive. More importantly, it attracted the
- Play by Maurice Maeterlinck, the opera proved to be an immediate success and, immensely ,influential to younger French composers, including Maurice Ravel. These works
- Of the Dutch market price for nutmeg, however,the presenters still profited, immensely ,building substantial villas with opulent imported European decorations. The
- The father of director Paul Thomas Anderson, both created and performed as the, immensely ,popular Cleveland horror host Foulard on WJW's Shock Theater. Cleveland is
- Closer to the shadow, Ged perceives the ocean gradually turning into land,an, immensely ,powerful magic. Though Vetch cannot see the transformation, the boat runs
- Ancient choral foundations; and over the next century, the Leeds example proved, immensely ,popular and influential for choirs in cathedrals, parish churches and schools
- Behavior was unknown among the human race. As a result, people lived for an, immensely ,long time — 80,000 years — endowed with great beauty, wealth,pleasure, and
- When human beings are dealing with new situations in the world, they are helped, immensely ,by the fact that they know what to expect: they know what all things around
- S hostile reception. He defeats and befriends Congo (Alex Arras),an, immensely ,strong (but exceptionally dim-witted) henchman sent by Haggard and Lyle to
- Of choice. Little' Suzy released several 12" singles at the time, that became, immensely ,popular amongst the youth population in Toronto. She ultimately performed live
- As his special advisor, sending him to Berlin with ambassadorial rank. Clay was, immensely ,popular with the residents of West Berlin, and his appointment was an
- Difficult subjects quite accessible. Eddington's books and lectures were, immensely ,popular with the public, not only because of Eddington’s clear and entertaining
- Population, were Jews. However, the Jewish communities in the Balkans suffered, immensely ,during World War II and the vast majority were killed during the Holocaust.
- Published them. The novel was never published, but Jordan went on to write the, immensely ,successful Wheel of Time series for a different publisher. Marion Zimmer
- Legal, Praelectiones Our. Can., I,ii,287). As a consequence, the labor was, immensely ,augmented, and the number of Abbreviations necessarily increased. To regulate
- That he would be" a true and loving husband" and told his parents that he was, immensely ,happy to" behold the face of his lovely bride ". Unfortunately, the couple
- Film of 1953,the year in which it is set. Director David Fischer followed the, immensely ,successful neo-noir Seen (1995) with a film that developed into a cult
- For the Byzantines to bring forces to Italy by land. The agreement proved, immensely ,successful, and relations with the Avers were almost uninterruptedly friendly
- Unpopular Fermi General,28 feudal tax collectors who were known to profit, immensely ,by exploiting their position. Lavoisier was branded a traitor by the Assembly
- Perfect information about the game state. Two-player games have always been, immensely ,popular and include some of the most significant card games such as piqued
- Debut album that captures the spirit of mainstream pop quite effectively... an, immensely ,enjoyable and pleasant project ", while Creek characterized it as" a perfect
- By Paolo Giotto, and had them executed. Later years Although he was an, immensely ,capable general and statesman, Cesare would have trouble maintaining his domain
- Was an English politician, poet,playwright, and prolific novelist. He was, immensely ,popular with the reading public and wrote a stream of bestselling novels which
- That not only was Freya very clever, but that she and her husband Or had two, immensely ,beautiful daughters, Gersemi and Cross," who gave their names to our most
- Of love as either trifling or accidental, but rather understood it to be an, immensely ,powerful force lying unseen within man's psyche and dramatically shaping the
- War years Gainsborough Studios produced a series of critically derided but, immensely ,popular period melodramas including The Man in Grey (1943) and The Wicked
- Daimler and Rover were then the largest British car producers. Daimler was, immensely ,profitable. After its capital reconstruction in 1904 Daimler's profits were 57
- To anticipate his novelistic career include: The Family Instructor (1715),an, immensely ,successful conduct manual on religious duty; Minutes of the Negotiations of
- To be used. Another verse was first recorded in Harriet Beecher Stowe's, immensely ,influential 1852 anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. Three verses were
- And Elgar to make a further revision for publication as a separate song. It was, immensely ,popular and is now considered an unofficial British national anthem. In March
- Often in unexpected ways. Legacy A well-known personality, his novels proved, immensely ,popular during his lifetime. His first full novel, The Pickwick Papers (1837)
- M. Cohan biopic, Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942),starring James Cagney, and the, immensely ,popular Casablanca, with Humphrey Bogart. Bogart would star in 36 films between
- A shotgun, a chain gun, a rocket launcher, a plasma rifle, and finally the, immensely ,powerful BFG 9000. There is a wide array of power-ups, such as a backpack that
- Being cheated by a gypsy girl. The theme was quite new for Rome, and proved, immensely ,influential over the next century and beyond. This, however,was in the future:
- Was Japan's leading sport. Today, high school baseball in particular is, immensely ,popular there. The final rounds of the two annual tournaments—the National High
- In the 18th century in the works of such authors as Samuel Richardson, with his, immensely ,successful novels Pamela (1740) and Clarissa (1749). In France, there was
- Strong influence of an éminence grise, his mother Anna Lassen, a wise and, immensely ,able politician whom, in a uniquely irregular fashion, he had crowned as
- Exercises. These exercises combined preaching and music in a form which became, immensely ,popular and highly influential on the development of the musical oratorio. The
- Of magazine pages, particularly the long-running Sunny Stories which were, immensely ,popular among younger children. An estimate puts her total book publication at
- While he and Kubrick may not have always seen eye to eye, he respected Kubrick, immensely ,for his skill at chess. Production Novel and screenplay Kubrick started with
- As of 2010,Compare is entering his 23rd year in power. He" has become, immensely ,wealthy" and purchased a presidential plane to reflect his personal prestige
- Notes that the Baron possesses a" basso voice" and is so" grossly and, immensely ,fat" that he requires antigravity devices known as suspensory to support his
- Then his earlier works. Premiering on 21 November 1937 in Leningrad, it was, immensely ,popular and the success put Shostakovich in good standing once again. Even the
- This body style's combination of a small profile with a deep sound has made it, immensely ,popular, and it has since been copied by virtually every major steel-string
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