Examples of the the word, sensibility , in a Sentence Context

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  1. To thought—the immediate past being too" Gothic" in language, thought and, sensibility , Reformation During this period corruption in the Catholic Church led to a
  2. By them in rhetorical, effusive and public voice in favor of a new urban, sensibility , an awareness of individual moral complexity, an interest in vice (linked with
  3. Language of the political treatise with the poetic, passionate language of, sensibility ,in order to demonstrate that one can combine rationality and sensibility in the
  4. A hybrid tone that combines rational argument with the fervent rhetoric of, sensibility , In the 18th century, sensibility was a physical phenomenon that came to be
  5. Manifold within space and time. The latter are not concepts, but are forms of, sensibility ,that are a priori necessary conditions for any possible experience. Thus the
  6. Approach is about formal categories, and not simply about abstractions from, sensibility ,alone. The reason why we do not deal with sensible objects in mathematics is
  7. Sympathize with people in pain. Thus, historians have credited the discourse of, sensibility ,and those who promoted it with the increased humanitarian efforts, such as the
  8. And" principles ". Although Wollstonecraft argues against excessive, sensibility , the rhetoric of the Rights of Woman is at times heated and attempts to provoke
  9. Sensibility, particularly in women. She argues that women who succumb to, sensibility ,are" blown about by every momentary gust of feeling "; because these women are
  10. The romantic temperament that perceives strangeness where others see none. Her, sensibility , therefore, prevents her from knowing that her true plight is her condition
  11. Argument with the fervent rhetoric of sensibility . In the 18th century, sensibility ,was a physical phenomenon that came to be attached to a specific set of moral
  12. The teachings of renowned mystics of the world. Huxley's book affirmed a, sensibility ,that insists there are realities beyond the generally accepted" five senses "
  13. 1994) display a relentlessly self-reflexive, sometimes tongue-in-cheek, sensibility , similar to the work of the New Wave directors and the Coins. Other films from
  14. Of sensibility in order to demonstrate that one can combine rationality and, sensibility ,in the same self. Wollstonecraft defends her positions not only with reasoned
  15. Profoundly separatist "; novels, plays,and poems that employed the language of, sensibility ,asserted individual rights, sexual freedom, and unconventional familial
  16. By discarding much of its blues influence; Motörhead introduced a punk rock, sensibility ,and an increasing emphasis on speed. Bands in the New Wave of British Heavy
  17. G. Elmer. The Universal horror that comes closest to noir, both in story and, sensibility , however, is The Invisible Man (1933),directed by Englishman James Whale and
  18. Most scathing criticisms in the Rights of Woman is against false and excessive, sensibility , particularly in women. She argues that women who succumb to sensibility are "
  19. With Poe (who died in 1849 at age forty). The two poets display a similar, sensibility ,of the macabre and supernatural turn of mind; each struggled with illness
  20. Madness was adopted as a midnight favorite had its roots in a countercultural, sensibility , in the latter's place there is now the paradoxical element of (1985). Cult
  21. The approach taken in the Disk II controller was typical of Wozniak's design, sensibility , The Apple II used several engineering shortcuts to save hardware and reduce
  22. Cross towards the far post. Banks, like all goalkeepers reliant on positional, sensibility , had been at the near post and suddenly had to turn on his heels and follow the
  23. Love for creating a welter of melodies in a single work, and a more Italianate, sensibility ,in music as a whole. He found, in Haydn's music and later in his study of the
  24. Based only upon feeling. Furthermore, as Janet Todd, another scholar of, sensibility , argues,“ to many in Britain the cult of sensibility seemed to have feminized
  25. With sensibility also theoretically produced an ethic of compassion: those with, sensibility ,could easily sympathize with people in pain. Thus, historians have credited the
  26. Crucial element in Kurosawa’s films. According to Stephen Prince," Kurosawa’s, sensibility , like that of many Japanese artists, is keenly sensitive to the subtleties and
  27. Of as being aesthetically appealing allows for a re-invigoration of aesthetic, sensibility , and a new appreciation for the standards of art itself. Countless schools have
  28. Others simply share narrative elements and a version of the hard boiled, sensibility ,associated with classic noir, such as The Castle of Sand (1974; Japan)
  29. Skyscrapers instead of mud puddles. Godzilla 1985 was shot in color but its, sensibility ,is that of the black-and-white Godzilla films of the 1950s. What small story
  30. Transcendental idealism, experience only makes sense when organized by forms of, sensibility ,(namely, space and time) and intellectual categories (such as causality).
  31. Many years after his death. But as he wrote to Young in 1824: in himself" that, sensibility , or that vanity, which people call love of glory" had been blunted. " All the
  32. Todd, another scholar of sensibility , argues,“ to many in Britain the cult of, sensibility ,seemed to have feminized the nation, given women undue prominence, and
  33. Namely, sensibility and understanding, objects being given by the former, sensibility ,and thought by the latter understanding. " Schopenhauer disagreed. He asserted
  34. The approach taken in the Disk II controller was typical of Wozniak's design, sensibility , The Apple II used several engineering shortcuts to save hardware and reduce
  35. The sociological institutions of the art world were the glue binding art and, sensibility ,into unities. Marshall McLuhan suggested that art always functions as a "
  36. Of them. Kant wrote:" … There are two stems of human knowledge ... namely, sensibility ,and understanding, objects being given by the former sensibility and thought by
  37. And complexity of effect. " Snyder has always maintained that his personal, sensibility ,arose from his interest in Native Americans and their involvement with nature
  38. United States, particularly in France, that share elements of style, theme,and, sensibility ,with American film noir and may themselves be included in the genre's canon.
  39. The vertex of the color curve must be placed in the position of the maximum, sensibility ,of the plates; this is generally supposed to be at G '; and to accomplish this
  40. Humanitarian efforts, such as the movement to abolish the slave trade. But, sensibility ,also paralyzed those who had too much of it; as scholar G. J. Barker-Benfield
  41. S revolutionary career in his personality. Undoubtedly,David's artistic, sensibility , mercurial temperament, volatile emotions, ardent enthusiasm, and fierce
  42. That women were more emotional than men. The emotional excess associated with, sensibility ,also theoretically produced an ethic of compassion: those with sensibility
  43. As Prince notes," Kurosawa’s is an essentially tragic vision of life, and this, sensibility ,... impedes his efforts to realize a socially committed mode of filmmaking. "
  44. Sexology, of women as secondary social beings in terms of intellect and, sensibility , " Occult scholar Tim Marina compared him to other figures and movements of
  45. Suspicion, calling drama a" corrupting influence" on the proletarian, sensibility ,(" On 'Kinopravda,'" 1924). By this time Vetrov had been using his newsreel
  46. Of Fortune, tailoring the lead role to accommodate Marina’s particular, sensibility , The Hollywood on the Tiber phenomenon of 1958 in which American studios
  47. Disagreed. He asserted that mere sense impressions, not objects, are given by, sensibility , According to Schopenhauer, objects are intuitively perceived by understanding
  48. Rational or abstract thought. Women, it was believed, were too susceptible to, sensibility ,and too fragile to be able to think clearly. Wollstonecraft, along with other
  49. Compositional drama and an emphasis on process, repetition,and an all over, sensibility ,., Hard-edge painting, minimalism,postminimalism, monochrome painting
  50. Romantic, fatalistic attitude and celebration of doomed heroes. The movement's, sensibility ,is mirrored in the Warner Bros. drama I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932

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