Examples of the the word, delayed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( delayed ), is the 10775 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And Richard D'More),The transaction date was scheduled on 31 July 2011,but, delayed ,to 18 August. The new ownership immediately went into effect by making
  2. Post-operative cardiac arrhythmia. Prior to his diagnosis and operation, Warhol, delayed , having his recurring gallbladder problems checked, as he was afraid to enter
  3. Of Challenger was the more-or-less open-topped variant Avenger which was, delayed ,until post-war before entering service. The closest the British came to
  4. The invasion ended as a disaster for the Americans,Arnold's efforts in 1776, delayed , a full-scale British counteroffensive until the Saratoga campaign of 1777. The
  5. Days, depending on species, although the nine-banded armadillo also exhibits, delayed ,implantation, so the young are not typically born for eight months after mating
  6. Originally planned to begin service on April 4,2010. American Airlines then, delayed ,the launched for the Beijing flight to May 1,2010, due to rising fuel prices
  7. Was invented quite soon after the end of the war, but the transistor was either, delayed ,or never was developed. The result was a future that has a 1950s 'World of
  8. Aunt Thérèse. Rodin's eleven-year-old son August, possibly developmentally, delayed , was also in the ever-helpful Thérèse's care. Rodin had essentially abandoned
  9. But only getting a good secondary lead in case the ball is hit. In reality the, delayed ,stealer is closing the distance to second base. When the ball crosses the plate
  10. Magnetoencephalography studies have found evidence in autistic children of, delayed ,responses in the brain's processing of auditory signals. In the genetic area
  11. Of industrial strength and population. Confederate actions, they argue, only, delayed , defeat. Civil War historian Shelby Foot expressed this view succinctly:" I
  12. The period 1815-1820 there were some tensions with the administration over the, delayed ,appearance of infinitesimals in the syllabus. At any rate, Cauchy continued
  13. Latin medical. In critical areas where surgery presents a high risk, it may be, delayed ,or used as a last resort. The drainage of a lung abscess may be performed by
  14. From the set of the same title published as Opus 9. The printing was probably, delayed , forcing Vivaldi to gather an improvised collection for the emperor.
  15. Are fission products. Several of the heavier bromine isotopes from fission are, delayed ,neutron emitters. All the radioactive bromine isotopes are relatively short
  16. The letter of his appointment and Khalid's disposal during the siege, but he, delayed ,the announcement until the city was conquered. Death On 23 August 634,Abu Bakr
  17. And domestic connections linking Sofia, Plovdiv, and Burgas. Bulgaria has, delayed ,building some key highway connections since the 1990s,but European Union
  18. And patent applications were made in most major countries, but when Bell had, delayed ,the German patent application, the electrical firm of Siemens & False (S&H)
  19. Was defeated in Battle of Mara as Suffer on 19 August 634. These engagements, delayed ,Khalid’s advance and gave Thomas enough time to prepare for siege. Meanwhile
  20. Be dispensed with. The net result was that only the" D" mission had to be, delayed , Almost every senior manager at NASA agreed with this new mission, citing both
  21. Stadium, about 500 meters south-west of High bury. The project was initially, delayed ,by red tape and rising costs, and construction was completed in July 2006,in
  22. The exception to Fukushima, Iwate, and Miami prefectures, where conversion was, delayed ,one year due to complications from the 2011 Took earthquake and tsunami). In
  23. The region was joined to the Mississippi Territory. Individual statehood was, delayed , however, by the territory's lack of a coastline. Statehood, Civil War and
  24. Have been impossible even absent the Apollo 1 accident, as problems with the LM, delayed ,its first unmanned test flight until January 1968. NASA was able to use the
  25. The use of military force to enforce the tariff, but its passage was, delayed ,until protectionists led by Clay agreed to a reduced Compromise Tariff. The
  26. Cooperation between Azerbaijan and NATO. The Azerbaijani government has however, delayed ,implementing IPAP-recommended reforms, however,in part at least because no
  27. Out of his crouch and cannot throw to second until an infielder gets there. The, delayed ,steal is a deceptive technique that is sometimes executed by even slow runners
  28. In brain cells, by influencing" clock genes ". Other research suggests that, delayed ,onset of clinical effects from antidepressants indicates involvement of
  29. Pure steals of home are rare, although a player may steal home plate during a ", delayed ,double steal," in which a runner on first attempts to steal second, while the
  30. And we have a new vehicle up here, and I can tell you at this point TV will be, delayed ,without any further discussion until after the rendezvous. CAP COM (Jack
  31. Much of the humor in the initial Asterix books was French-specific, which, delayed , the translation of the books into other languages for fear of losing the jokes
  32. Were initially used against aircraft in World War II. Their ground use was, delayed ,for fear of the enemy recovering 'blinds' ( artillery shells which failed to
  33. End titles of the film, the release of the official soundtrack recording was, delayed ,for over a decade. There are two official releases of the music from Blade
  34. Date that Napoleon abdicates and is exiled to Elba. (Rule by the Bourbons is, delayed ,a few weeks, though allies held most key locales of France. ) *1830 – The
  35. Training with Andes as backup Command Module Pilot in case Apollo 11 was, delayed ,past its intended July launch (at which point Andes would be unavailable if
  36. In communication may be present from the first year of life, and may include, delayed ,onset of babbling, unusual gestures, diminished responsiveness, and vocal
  37. American-born Adam While Gawain stated that" victory in Kashmir has been, delayed ,for years; it is the liberation of the jihad there from this interference which
  38. Because" the victory was determined, not by those who fought, but by those who, delayed ,fighting until they were sure of being on the winning side. " Historians such
  39. We regret to inform you that Hot Sauce Committee Part 1 will continue to be, delayed ,indefinitely, Hot Sauce Committee Part 2 will be released on time as originally
  40. Disputes among the higher nobles went unsolved, and the march to Jerusalem was, delayed ,for months. However, the lower-class foot soldiers continued to think of
  41. To the unstable political situation in Egypt, the album, was pushed back and, delayed ,until further notice. In late August 2011,AMR Diab's official website
  42. This 20-bed facility opened in December 2001,and accommodates developmentally, delayed ,or handicapped children and children quarantined for infectious diseases. In
  43. CSM's lunar orbit, and nearly caused the Moon landing to be aborted. After a, delayed ,first landing attempt, it was determined that the malfunction presented
  44. Of a ground ball double play. A second and lesser-known technique is the ", delayed ," steal. This technique, famously practiced by Eddie Stinky of the Brooklyn
  45. That attached to mental illness in America. Most typical antidepressants have a, delayed ,onset of action (2–6 weeks) and are usually administered for anywhere from
  46. In 1992,Bachchan went into semi-retirement for five years. In 1994,one of his, delayed ,films Insanity was released but was also a box office failure. Producer and
  47. Technical failure in the launch sequencer during the countdown, the launch was, delayed ,two hours and forty minutes. This was the only launch delay in the Apollo
  48. Houses and the start of the Tudor dynasty. The royal matrimony, however,was, delayed ,until Henry was crowned king and had established his claim on the throne firmly
  49. Republic needs neither scientists nor chemists; the course of justice cannot be, delayed ,". ) Lavoisier's importance to science was expressed by Lagrange who lamented
  50. To finish his movie, but Universal was not willing to give him the money and, delayed ,its release because they were upset that De Laurentian would not give them the

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